right now i am driving a van, but it is on its last legs. my uncle gave me an 86 grand prix, but it is uninsured and it is illegal to drive w/o insureance here. i have been looking in it and i have nooo idea how i am going to get the power wire from the battery to the trunk it looks nearly impossilbe. in the van everything was as easy as could be. the grand prix is kinda like an old cadilac, same style basically. any common ways to get the power back there?
LOL, I have one of those OLD caddilacs! I found a spot, every vehicle has a plug for wiring to go through, some are hard to find (MINE) but got 0 gauge back there!
The only thing is if you drill a hole, you better seal it up after you've run your wires so no moisture can get in there. Either use a rubber gromet or you can just silicone it after its run