I recently came across a good deal on a jl w3 and I decided to use it in my system rather than the kicker solo barics. I was going to buy another one and go ported but I have decided that I want to stick with one and see how well I can make it perform. The box will be downfiring in my s10. I would like to find some fibreglass resin and coat the box and paint it. I also want to use pvc and round all of the internal edges off on the box, I am not sure if I want 3/4" plexi or not? Although it sure would be nice to see the sub and the inside of the custom box. I was thinking the first chamber could be 25-30hz and the second could be anywhere from 40-50 or wherever you suggest. If you would help me design this box I would appreciate it very much. Sorry for anything I forgot.
ok ive been examining this abc box and I think ive found a patern that predicts how strong the low end will be. The pattern seems to hold true on my tangband abc box which makes me believe the your box will do the same at 5 cf youll loose about 7 db at 31 hz and more the lower you go 17 db less at 25 hz but the box should be strong from 36 hz and up. Let me know if you wanna go this big and if you want a box strong from these points. I really do believe ive found a solid prediction here.
wow -7db @31 hz is quite a bit. I mean 30hz is my favorite hz is my favorite lol. But how much do I gain at 36 and up? Would I have better overall results just going ported?
wow -7db @31 hz is quite a bit. I want it to slam at least most of 30hz tones. I mean 30hz is my favorite lol. But how much do I gain at 36 and up? Would I have better overall results just going ported tuned to around 28?
I could possibly do 5 cubes, 4 for sure but 5 may be possible. I will have to take some more accurate measurements today. And approzimatley how much did your box cost you build all materials included? including the plexi and without the plexi, thank you
Lou, maybe a bi-chambered aperiodic enclosure isn't what you rally want.. The idea seems to be the in fad at the moment, but honestly, the response curve doesn't seem to fit your tastes. Consider going with a strong ported enclosure, tuned to about 28Hz. I think that'd give you what you seem to be after, and it'd take less space.
lou from what I know your box will have its biggest gain in spl at 40 hz to 50 hz...I didnt use plexi I used wood for all of it including slot ports and box it was a little over half a sheet of .75 mdf the mdf was like 22 bucks a sheet plus screws plus sealer and carpet if you want to carpet the box and box terminals. Since you want yours pvc it wont take as much wood as if it was slot ports.
I would go with the abc but I listen to all rap so I deffinatley need response below 40hz. I now think that I am going to buy another 12 and go ported off of a 225g4. Im not sure if I should tune the box to 28 or jl's recomended 30.8, what do you think?
3.5 cf! PER SUB? damn I cant do 7 cubes in the back of my s10 without making a wall. Do you think that the subs would perform tuned as low as 26 hz? thats quite a bit lower than the reccomended.
If I tune it to 25hz at what frequency will my port become inactive? And is it true that from then on up the woofer acts as if its in a sealed enclosure? As far as spl? 25 hz sounds good to me, I was hoping maybe 4 cubes total?
if you tune your port for 25 hz you will be ok from there up but below that is what the speaker becomes unstable. I believe a ports effects become absent an octave from tuning (25 hz tune an octave would be 50 hz) from that point on the box functions like a sealed enclosure. Ill check on the box size for 25 hz.
do 4 cf net ported to 22 hz i tuned low to boost the low end more and flatten things out on the other frequencies dont play anything below 25 hz in this box
Thats below the fs tho, I would rather do 24 or 25 but your the designer so whatever you think is best! Also what are the 2 of the w3's capable of hitting? Is 140 out of the question?
my cousins jl 12 w 3 v 2 hit about 130 to 131 on 300 rms so add 3 db to that because your ported and your at 133 to 134 db if your vehicle gives the same results plus the second 12 is another 3 db so 136 to 137 but my cousins was firing off a hatchback window
Yes I noticed that downfire sounds the cleanest in my truck. Right now in the sealed box it doesnt hit well at all above 45 hz. I should be pleased after I get the other 12 and go ported. +6db so it should be twice as loud.