i was checkin around on ebay, and saw that i could get a 10 inch jl audio W7, with a JL 500/1 amp for under 1,000 bucks. Would that be a pretty good setup, or are there better JL options for around 1,000 dollars? Like would i be better off with 2 W3v2 or would 1 10W7 be better? also, what kind of box would i need for 1 10w7? thanks for your help
they are in mint condition EXCEPT right next to where it says 1000/1 on the amp there is a small scratch, i have pics if you would like to seem them, and i live in cincincatti
yeah, if JL is what you want, that's a relatively good deal. of course you could get TWO comparable rl-p-TWELVES with a high quality amp for equal or less loot. but if JL is what you want..
well only one guy so far has said he got something and I know of two that havnt and the one that did no one even knows who he was so who knows if it was real or not! if you wanna give him your money go for it dude but I wouldnt touch that with a h00kers hand!
He pretty much lives on cheap tranny h00kers... you gotta get your thrills somwhere.
"they are in mint condition EXCEPT right next to where it says 1000/1 on the amp there is a small scratch, i have pics if you would like to seem them, and i live in cincincatti"
Then how come you've been telling people for the past few months that you live in Kentucky? It even says it on your profile.
joe, i do live in kentucky, walton to be exact, but its less than 15 mins from cincinatti, so i say it so people understand where i live, casue i dont live in the like boonies of ky i live in the civilized part