I live in Sacramento and its been over 100 degrees with 30-40% humidity, for a week so far. It looks like its not gonna stop soon either. We have a few more days in the forecast with tripple digits.
I checked Phoenix's weather and it looks like its gonna be 118 degrees tommorow. At least its 10-15% humidity.
I don't know where you live, but if you live in one of the humid mid-west or eastern states, I feel sorry for you right now. Its on its way.
Yeah, here in Minnesota we have had a week in the 90's, yesterday was like 96. And from the forecast it only looks like the hottness is stayin around for a while. Supposed to be in the hundreds tommorow!
We've had around 80-90% humidity with temps in the high 90s at times. A little cooler right now due to weather from the hurricane, but we'll get our 100+ degree days once everything clears up. It was pretty clear today and in the 90s.
well i live out here in phoenix and man does it suck i was outside putting water in my car and i started sweating before i even put the water in. It was 115 today. sometimes when im outside for long periods of time i feel like passing out. lol you guys are lucky your in the 90's.
I don't see wat everyone's complaining about? It's not that bad. No hurricane weather yet, but we'll prob get some in the middle of this week... just some rain and stuff. Don't know what its like this morning, but heer lately we've had temps like 110, and humidity around 60 and higher. Personally, I like the hot weather. Girls, around heer they where almost nothing in the summer.:-) Oh, and I spend most of my weekends at the lake... hard to do that when its 27 degrees out.:-) lol