Kicker L7 15 vs RE MT 15


vs master
Unregistered guest
for spl who would win
in a ported box with the rite power and alt

Silver Member
Username: Loudon

Post Number: 250
Registered: Jun-04
haha ... r u serious man ... i own L7s and im gonna have to say ur nuts for even comparing them .. lol

vs master
Unregistered guest
that tells me nothing
i want 4 15 L7 or 2 15 MT

Silver Member
Username: Dominirica012

Charlotte, North Carolina US

Post Number: 311
Registered: May-05
the MT is built for SPL competitions it would probably destroy those L7s and ive heard that for competition subs thye dont sound too bad

Gold Member
Username: Glasswolf

Wisteria, Lane USA

Post Number: 8109
Registered: Dec-03
head to head the MT will decimate the L7.
the MT with quad coils and a 1500 watt amp on each coil, compared to an L7 with an RMS rating of what, 750 watts or so?
the Solo X wouldn't really even be much of a comparison to be honest.. not with the tendancy the Solo X has for blowing apart.


intensive care
Unregistered guest
fine then i am getting 2 15 inc MT and powering them with 2 1600 watt ppi and ported

Gold Member
Username: Glasswolf

Wisteria, Lane USA

Post Number: 8133
Registered: Dec-03
hope ya got the electrical system to back that up

intensive care
Unregistered guest
the best i have is a 210 alt and these 2 1600 watt ppi pcx the old long ones is that good or will i need more power? what would you recomend?

Bronze Member
Username: Lowdose

St. Louis, Mo

Post Number: 82
Registered: Apr-05
They dont match for the MT's you would need quad 4ohm coils to pull that off. Those amps are rated at 2ohm stereo and 4ohm mono.

Silver Member
Username: Audiobass10

Cape Coral, FL United States

Post Number: 151
Registered: Jul-05

with the 210 alt you have, it's probably best to go with a single 15" MT off 2kw RMS. Perhaps you could even do a coulple Kicker KX 1200.1's strapped. It's gunna be plenty loud for ya, I promise.

Silver Member
Username: Audiobass10

Cape Coral, FL United States

Post Number: 152
Registered: Jul-05
woops, forgot that you already have a couple amps. Are they strappable? Any link by chance to your amps?

Silver Member
Username: Mike_anthes

Canton, SD USA

Post Number: 148
Registered: Aug-04
or if yur unsure if itl be loud enough go with one 18" 30 bucks more...and yull get a lot of output...

Silver Member
Username: Araknid


Post Number: 830
Registered: Nov-04
all MT's come in dual or quad, 0.7 or 1.4 coils

Bronze Member
Username: Lowdose

St. Louis, Mo

Post Number: 90
Registered: Apr-05
I guess you could do it in series but wouldnt it be at a 6.8 ohm load with the 1.7ohm quads? And thats just 1 sub. Or a 1/4 ohm load in parallel? Or with the .7 quads it would be a 2.8ohm load in series per sub? You could do that run 1 on each channel giving them 800 a piece. If thats right and all.

" They dont match for the MT's you would need quad 4ohm coils to pull that off."

I dont know what I was thinkin earlier duh!
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