8V Line Driver w/ 5V Max Amp Input Sensitivity


Silver Member
Username: Tragedy

San Jose, CA

Post Number: 289
Registered: Feb-05
My EQ has a built in preamp of 8V max output. My amp has an input sensitivity of 250MV to 5V.

What would happen if an 8V singal was applied to the 5V amp? If bad... how would i ajdust the output to match the 5V amp? And if my headunit outputs 5v would there be any advtange using a line driver to ouput the same thing with a 5v amp (not including the EQ functions..the question is just referring to the voltage)

Silver Member
Username: Riebread77

Post Number: 287
Registered: Jun-05
I do know that if your headunit is 5V...you only will be putting out 5V when it is totally turned up...and it's never like that (at least it shouldn't be)...you will average between 2-3.75V most likely...so adding a line driver could still be beneficial...again your EQ is 8V max...that's when everything is turned all the way up...you will average much less...

New member
Username: Brynm

Prince Albert, SK Canada

Post Number: 8
Registered: Jul-05
Don't know much about EQ's but unless it has it's own power supply, if your HU only puts out 5v your EQ should only output 5v but not sure
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