my sisters feonce has a friend i was talking to a while back. he said he used to have a kickass stereo in his truck before it got stolen.. he said he had a girl in the front seat and a girl in the back sitting over the sub (located under the back seat.)he cranked the volume and a bit later the girl sitting in the back creamed herself. what do u all think of this?
Ok, we need to first assess this situation. Now, where there any unknown or unseen personages in the back seat with her? Are you sure this was really a woman? And most importantly, when will I receive my free dishwasher?
oh, by dishwasher did u mean mexican housecleaner woman, cause if that shown up at ur doorstep... well.. u shoulda been more specific when u said dishwasher
Lol... not likely, but I'd say its possable. I have some 12's under the seat of a boat... facing up, so you're practicly sitting on the sub. Get the right frequencies going, and the girls do say it feels good.
I don't get it. What's the point? If you're going to create something that makes girls feel "good", then what possible reason would they have to keep guys around? Maybe to take out the trash?
Lol... good point! I was just stating that I have actually had a girl sit on the seat, and she said it felt good... thats it "good." I wouldn't think she would say that she got off in frunt of people either though.