Can someone help me pls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I need help about my connection lol any help will b cool.I have send 2 massages no help. pls somebody help me. 1 magnat amp(the rock 800)and 300rms fli sub. on my HU i've L&R sub preout i've hooked the front spks onto the magnat amp i've spilt the R subout with "Y" rca for another amp& a sub I've also split the L subout with"Y" for the magnat to power the fli sub on bridge mode. the mag amp is on 4 channel mode they both work perfect. is it the right connection.Thanks

Bronze Member
Username: Winn

Santa Ana, California US

Post Number: 50
Registered: Jun-05
hey you have to be clear that how many preout channel on your HU ??

Front ? Rear ? Sub ?.. There is no such thing your HU only have "L&R sub preout".
or you can provide your HU brand and model#.

Silver Member
Username: Illuminator

Post Number: 901
Registered: Apr-05
It sounds like he's talking about the single sub-out RCA cable...and from the blurry image he's made, it seems like he did it right...

New member
Username: Addisty


Post Number: 3
Registered: Jul-05
I've got 3 preouts. ie 2 preouts+ a seperate left&right sub-out RCA cable. what i mean lol is i've got 2 subs and 2 amps to power 4/3/2 channel magnat amp(THE ROCK 800) and vibe blackboxII.I've split the left sub-out from HU with"Y"rca spliter going into the mag amp i've hooked the front spks and 300rms fli sub on to it, the amp is bridged for the sub and set to 4 channel. the right sub-out is also split for the vibe and a sub in bridge mode set to L&R sum mono.Is this right??? Thanks Winn &Jexxen

Bronze Member
Username: Winn

Santa Ana, California US

Post Number: 57
Registered: Jun-05
Seth, it doesn't sound right to me. you have 2 sub and 2 amps (a 4/3/2 channel and a 2 channel) this can power all of your system without using "Y" RCA connector. Since your HU have 3 preout, it should be "2 Front, 2 Rear and 2 Sub".
Connect 2 Front and 2 rear to your Magnet (4channel amp) to power your front and Rear speaker.

Connect 2 sub preout to vibe (2channel) to power your sub. If you want to parallel you 2 sub and run it at mono, that's fine, just connect your mono sub on the Brigde.
By the way: what is the RMS wattage on each of your Sub ??? impedence (ohm) and it's SVC or DVC ?

New member
Username: Addisty


Post Number: 4
Registered: Jul-05
I've got 500rms @ 4ohms impedence 12" Vibe Black airII that comes with the BB2 amp so I've got it connected and set to left and right sum mono and 300rms Fli sub that I've hooked onto the magnet amp to give it more power on bridge mode my 6x9's are hooked onto a legacy 240w max amp. The legacy can't give the Fli sub enough juice that's why I've got it on the magnet, I want to know if I have to set the magnet to 3 or 4 channel at the moment it's on 4 channel and they sound ok. What is SVC and DVC? Thanks for your help.

Bronze Member
Username: Winn

Santa Ana, California US

Post Number: 67
Registered: Jun-05
yes, you can do that. hookup the 2 channel sub from HU to channel 3 and 4 on Magnet amp. Set the amp as 4 channel input. If you run mono on your sub, just connect the MONO bridge output on the channel 3 and 4.

SVC = Single Voice Coil
DVC = Dual Voice Coil

using "Y" RCA connector is not recommended.

New member
Username: Addisty


Post Number: 5
Registered: Jul-05
Sorry for been a pain but i have a problem. i'v got 2v sub output from my HU as i said earlier i,ve split it up with "Y" into 4(L sub-out= L&R sub-out,R sub-out=L&R sub-out)for 2 amps and two of the amp is 4v and the other 5v. Does it mean i'v increase the voltage of the HU output?
The other problem is, one of the amps comes with a remote gain control but because the output is running two amps from HU, i don't know how to hook the remote gain onto the amp can someone pls help me lol. appreciate it

Bronze Member
Username: Winn

Santa Ana, California US

Post Number: 70
Registered: Jun-05
No, you don't increase the voltage of the HU output. Eventhough you amp can input 4v and other at 5v, but you only feed them at 2v. To increase the voltage to feed your amp, just look for "Line Driver", but it's not neccessary.

About remote gain. It's only one way to connect it which is directly to that amp. Of course, you only control the gain on that particular amp. instead using a srewdrive to adjust the gain on that amp, now you can do it at your front seat.

New member
Username: Addisty


Post Number: 6
Registered: Jul-05
Thanks Winn.
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