I've had my Soundstream Rubicon 1000-2 amp for almost 2 years now and aftr much faithfull service it has developed an undesireble trait of going into auto protect mode-(amp cuts out) when jolted, tapped, hit, vibrated bassically any bumps in the road and certain tones of bass. I've isolated the problem to be in the amplifer..... all wirring is correct and ground is strong - just installed in new vehicle rca's have good signal and amp will go into auto protect even if tapped while not connected to RCA's - Setting amp on a blanket for cushioning prevents the problem but is not practical for everyday use. i have dissasembled the amp and found no iregularities... however i did not know what i was looking for..... subs have been checked for impedance the problem is defintely in the amp. In the wintertime the problem also appeared that it may be affected by temperature but not sure..... please any advice would be appreciated hate to see expensive amp junked.
there's a short or bad solder point inside the amp causing it to apparently ground itself out inside the casing. you need to get it serviced or replaced. could get worse and cause a fire depending on the severity
Thats a sweet amp! I'd also go with bad/broken solder joint. That one amp thats worth fixing. You could try to mount the amp on a piece of wood or a floor matt to keep the case from ground.
thanks for the advice could you guys maybe more specific on what circut this short might likely be occuring or how i might be able go about finding something like that... tried some diff mounting solutions nothing works to great though.. was thinking of replacing amp with something like Orion 2500D but would like to have it as spare or at least get a good dollar from it... amp still tests at full power when working, if theres any articles on this sort of repair you might be able to direct me to that would also be appreciated
take it to someone who knows what they're doing and is authorized to repair that brand of amplifier you're not going to fix it without schematics for the amplifier PCB.