Alright...I got 3 Power Acoustik 12's with the dual 2-ohm voice coils. I do not mind having to buy 3 amps to run these, and I'd like to run them each in parallel making a 1 ohm load. The only problem is I can't find a freaking amp that will run these right. They are either too weak or too powerful...anyone know of some good amps that are 1 ohm stable and will put out a good 600-700 Rms at 1 ohm?
These are the Fubars that are 700 Watts RMS by the way...
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look on ebay for lanzar vibe 268 they are pretty cheap on there run the subs in series for a 4ohm load and these amps will put out a good 800-1000 watts rms dont worry about going over the maximum power by a bit
Chris, there is no need to purchase seperate amps to run those subs. Since each subs has two two ohm coils, wire the coils, two per sub, in series so that each sub is now a four ohm mono load and then wire each sub in parrallel, which is a one ohm mono load. Now look at the large ohm stable monoblocks, such as the Autotek 1500.1, 3000.1 or 1600.1 X=Class Mean Machines and Stealth, and run all three off that. Also look at the larger JBL's, and JL also makes a large monoblock. This way you can purchase one good amplifier instead of spending money one three seperate amps.