Silver Member Username: Ps1k0Post Number: 113 Registered: Aug-04 | for vehicle wiring diagrams, goto just take your time, read everything in the manual and double check all your wires, and you'll have your alarm in in no time. good luck. |
Unregistered guest | thanx but im looking for wire diagram for the alarm not the car (clifford intelliguard 8000) |
rogers Unregistered guest | I've read through all the past posts but haven't seen the problem I'm having yet ... My Clifford (Con.300) was going off randomly, say for 5-60 seconds with small gaps inbetween. It was doing this for about 10-20 minutes every few hours. The strange thing is the keyfob does not turn off the alarm, but still works fine. Also, the lights don't flash when it's going off. After a night of alarms, it seemed to stop, but then 2 days later it did the same thing (I haven't had time to go to a dealer yet). This time I disarmed the system and disabled the auto-arm, then locked it manually. About 6 hours later the same thing happened EXCEPT the alarm is not the normal alarm - now it's beeps (like a truck reversing) but very loud. Not quite as annoying as the alarm though ... I've checked the memory of the alarm (by looking at the flashing lights) and it's mostly proximity sensors but with one bonnet sensor in the middle. I'm a stuck for ideas now ... I can get to a Clifford dealer in a few days but if i can avoid waking the neighbours it would help! Any help is greatly appeciated (sorry for the long post!) |
Silver Member Username: JeremycKunsan AfbSouth Korea Post Number: 406 Registered: Jun-04 | Thanks Roger. Those of us that answer questions on here do it because we like to help. So it means alot to us when the person we are helping is willing to take the time to help themselfs. The reason I was joking about people not reading is we get the same questions about 20 times a week. Especially on the car audio threads. So it does get kinda old. Ok before I get into detail with your alarm I need to do some quick reaserch. |
Silver Member Username: JeremycKunsan AfbSouth Korea Post Number: 407 Registered: Jun-04 | Ok first off thanks for all the info. You have done your home work, and it shows. Ok the lights not flashing tells me your not getting enough power to the brain, or the brain is going out. I will bet that your fuse holder is corroded, or the terminal lead that hooks to the battery is corroded. Look on the positive side of your battery and you will see a set of wires comming off and going into 2 fuse holders. Pull out the fuses and see if you see any corsion. If you do replace or repair as required. I would check the fuses, and the conection to the battery while you are at it. If either looks corroded clean them with a wire brush, or replace if they look two bad. If that doesn't fix it I would disable the prox sensor and see if it stops then. (page 13 of the manual) If it stops once you disable the prox sensor, then that's what was most likely causing the problem. I would leave it disabled till you can go by the dealer and have them replace it. If you try both and it keeps happening then you brain is probably taking a dump. I would put it into vallet mode (page 11 of the manual) untill you get a chance to run by the dealer. Vallet mode will bypass all the alarm sencors, but still alow you to use the remote as a keyless entry, till you can get it fixed. I might have went into more detail than i needed with you, but I wanted to return the favor. It helps me trouble shoot when I have an idea of exactly what the alarm is doing. So thanks again for all the details in your post. |
Unregistered guest | I am looking for a wiring diagram for a clifford 700 IQ system.Clifford took the install guides off their site. |
Unregistered guest | if any one could help i need a wiring diagram for a arrow 3 clifford alarm the dealer i used to get it fitted to my previous car which is now scrap wants to charge me around 100 quids .. any help would be much appreiciated thanks |
New member Username: Big_ray_tLondonUK Post Number: 1 Registered: Jan-05 | can anyone please help with a clifford concept 650??? i have somehow disabled the proximity sensor and cant turn it back on. any info would be gratefully excepted |
New member Username: Big_ray_tLondonUK Post Number: 2 Registered: Jan-05 | can anyone please help with a clifford concept 650??? i have somehow disabled the proximity sensor and cant turn it back on. i would also like to know how to change the sensitivity. also, with my lack of knowledge i have inadvertantly disabled the black jax feature. any info would be gratefully excepted Thank you, Ray T |
Silver Member Username: Ps1k0Post Number: 115 Registered: Aug-04 | Clifford alarm wiring diagrams can be found here hope this helps |
New member Username: MingerPost Number: 1 Registered: Jan-05 | I have a clifford alarm system (about five years old) with an intellepage module on it. The pager company that I have been using for years went out of business. I called the store where I bought and installed the system to link the module to another number, but they did not know how to do it. I've been to three different shops and on the clifford website, as well as called Directed Electronics (now ownes Clifford), no help there. I have tried to get that number linked to a different pager, cannot be done. Will someone please help me! I need to know how to set a different pager number into the Intellepage module on my Clifford system. |
New member Username: KegrollerPost Number: 1 Registered: Jan-05 | It looks like you guys really know what you're talking about, so maybe you can help me out here. I just bought a '98 Civic with an old Clifford alarm in it. It is either a Bullet 2 or Bullet 4, as they both have the same remote, and I don't have the original owner's manual. Tuesday night my remote went on the blink - light in the remote goes on when I hit the button, but doesn't disarm the car and I need to remove the battery to have the light turn off in the remote. Here's the real kicker... I was able to unlock my car with the key, the alarm went off, I hit one of the two buttons (valet switch? is it? i don't know?) above the Clifford LED while the key was in the ignition, and was able to disarm/start the car. I drove it home, parked it, and haven't been able to duplicate that since. I'm located in the center of Boston, used Clifford's site to find dealers, and called around. Only ONE place within 15 miles even knew what a "Bullet" alarm was, and they won't be able to get me in to reconfigure a new remote till late next week. They did reccommend that I unplug the brain and see if that at least disconnects the alarm and allows me to drive the car until then. I need this car to get to work every day, so if anyone could help me out today, I'd really appriciate it. I don't NEED the alarm and can wait until the shop gets my new remote in to reactivate the system, so if unplugging the brain (or anything else I can do myself) will at least let me start the car, please let me know. |
New member Username: KegrollerPost Number: 3 Registered: Jan-05 | Ok, checking other sites, it may just be the remote battery... but I already replaced it, hoping that was the only problem. What are the chances that the battery I bought was bad too? And is the constant Remote Light a symptom of a dead remote battery? |
Silver Member Username: JeremycKunsan AfbSouth Korea Post Number: 462 Registered: Jun-04 | Ray, its kind weird that clifford doesn't have the manual for that alarm on their site. Iwould talk to a local dealer and see if you can get a manual from them. You might want to try the 600UK manual. It might be the same alarm in all reality. Page 21 will tell you how to set all the menues like you want. Minger, this doen't happen much, but I don't know what to tell you. My only sugestion is for you to keep calling clifford dealers till you find the info you need. Dave, it sounds like your remote needs to be replaced. Kinda agrivates me that they are making you wait till next week for something that takes 15 min to do. As for unpluging the brain it probable not going to help. If you do the car shouldn't start. I would look into both of the manuals and put it into valet mode, (Bullet 2 page 11 and bullet 4 page 7) If the last owner changed the code I would play with the remote and see if you can put it into vallet mode that way. here are the links for both manuals. |
NM_Guy Unregistered guest | I am "car-sitting" my son's Jeep--he's in the Middle East....started the car this morning, but had to go back into the house; turned the motor off and when I shut the door, the alarm went off....after the alarm stopped sounding, the back (parking) lights are blinking and so is the LED inside the car....but, the remote has no effect; can't disarm. Any suggestions? All of the Clifford dealers in town are closed on Suindays. Thanks! |
Silver Member Username: JeremycKunsan AfbSouth Korea Post Number: 464 Registered: Jun-04 | NM thats kinda funny you say that. The lady that took care of my car when I went to saudi had all kinds of problems with my alarm. Well I really need some more info. What model ararm is it? Is the led flashing non stop like the alarm is armed, or is it blinking a couple of times then stoping, then blinking again? Is the car battery low? Does the led on the remote light up when you push the arm / disarm button? I would like to help you out but I really need some more info first. So let me know anything you can think of and I will see what I can do for you. |
Unregistered guest | we`ve just bought a car with a clifford alarm on we don`t know the model and have no manual for it or warranty, it was working fine, now all of a sudden when you press the remote to lock/unlock the doors it doesn`t make a sound anymore, it still locks but there is no sound, please help if you can |
Silver Member Username: JeremycKunsan AfbSouth Korea Post Number: 467 Registered: Jun-04 | It is probably in valet mode. If the red light is on constantly, (not flashing when you lock the car) then thats what it is. Let me know what your remote looks like and I should be able to tell you how to take it out. I sugest you take it to a clifford dealer and have them check out the system, and try to get the waranty honored in your name. It might save you if you ever have a more serious problem. If you chose not to, have your husband find the brain (under the dash) and find out what model it is. Once you have that it is easy to find the manual on the clifford web site. Trust me you need the manual for these alarms. The manual will save you lots of time and money, just like in this situation. |
PRO Unregistered guest | i have just bought a fiesta with a clifford matrix alarm installed but no manual. The problem i have is the alarm doesnt appear to work! On arming, the doors lock and the indicators flash twice! On dissarming the locks open and the indicators flash once! (surely this is the reverse of what it should do!)There is no audio chirp from the siren during these operations!(however the siren works as i got to go off with the * button on remote) I belive the alarm is in valet mode(the red led is on constant!)I have tryed to exit Valet mode but the only switch i can find is a toggle switch under the wheel which appears to do nothing! Can anyone help? |
Silver Member Username: JeremycKunsan AfbSouth Korea Post Number: 468 Registered: Jun-04 | Nope that is right. Clifford uses two chirps and flashes for arming, and one for disarming. Yes it is in valet mode, so it will be easy to fix. Look thru the manuals I sent you the link for, and find your remote. Once you do it will tell you how to take it out of valet mode. |
PRO Unregistered guest | located manual and have managed to take alarm out of valet mode. all working fine now! Thanks to jeremyC |
Unregistered guest | Help me! K number one I'm a girl, and I know a bit about alarms but not much. I was driving on the freeway and all of a sudden, my car quits, but i have steering and brakes. I managed to pull over thank god, and couldn't figure out what was wrong. I tried starting the engine, couldn't. A cop stopped to see if I was ok, my hazards were on. I told him i looked under the hood and everything looked and smelled ok. I explained how it cut off and he asked if I could turn off the car, arm it, and disarm it. This worked, I was able to start and drive again! But I am so scared of it happening again. The cop just said he heard it somewhere and thought he would try it. What happened first of all? I bought the car from someone else, and the alarm looks a little old, it's a Clifford though. No book came with it so I'm still trying to find the serial to look it up. Could there be some faulty wiring or brain problems? This is the first time it happened but i don't want to experience another time. I have an Acura Integra 1990. Help me! The alarm arms an disarms properly otherwise. |
turkish jade menthol Unregistered guest | The battery on my car dided the other day while i was at school, i lost the remote to make my car start (when the battery dies my alarm freaks out.) and now i cant start my car, i lost the remote, and id like to remove this alarm on my own so as i dont have to take it anywhere, i own a 1995 honda civic, and i was wondering if anyone can give me some help on what to disconnect, thanks, i have an OLD ALARM with the 1, 11 buttons on it |
jdt Unregistered guest | It seems that you all know alot about Clifford. I was wondering if you could help me? I bought a RSX III alarm/remote start a couple years ago and the transmitter died on me, so Clifford replaced it with a RSX 3.5 transmitter. The people that installed it can only get one (1) button to work, it locks/unlocks, but the other buttons don't do a thing, I can't even remote start the car. Is there something wrong with the transmitter. Clifford has my only reciept and I don't have duplicates so they will not replace my transmitter. |
Silver Member Username: JeremycKunsan AfbSouth Korea Post Number: 469 Registered: Jun-04 | Hay thanks PRO, glad I could help. B Miller, there isn't much I can do without knowing some more info. If you can find the model # on the brain (should be in big black raised letters) then there is alot more I can do. Your other option and the one I feel would be the best for you, is to take your car to a Clifford dealer, have them check the alarm, and get your name put on the waranty. If you don't want to spend the money, find the brain, let me know the model, and I should be able to help you more. If that keeps happening you need to know how to put the alarm in valet mode. If it is one of the alarm settings (black jack) then you need to put the alarm in valet mode, till you can turn the black jack function off. (again you need the manual to do this, so I need the model #) |
Silver Member Username: JeremycKunsan AfbSouth Korea Post Number: 470 Registered: Jun-04 | Turkish, I don't sugest taking the alarm out yourself, unless you have the proper tools. You will need a wire pliers, a soddering gun, sodder, and some shrink tube. If you have those tools, and don't mind taking your time you should be ok. Start at the brain and follow every wire to were it ties into the cars wiring. Carefully remove the alarms wire and reconect the factory wire using the soddering gun, sodder, and shrink tube. This is very very important, if you don't get every wire, or don't reconect all the wires, something in your car WILL NOT WORK. Considering the alarm ties into the ignition, this would be a bad thing and you will still be stuck with a car that won't start. JDT, I need to know the model of the alarm. I don't know of a RSX III by clifford. Nor could I find it on the web page. It sounds like they are only programing one of the buttons into the alarm. Some of the cliffords require you to program multiple channels of the remote in order to get all the functions to work. Since the remotes are interchangable I am guessing the alarm you have is one of those. Look under the dash and find the brain, it should have some big black raised letters (700 IQ, Arrow 3, or so on) Write down what you find, and then look up the manual on the clifford web site. Once you find the manual it will tell you how to program the rest of the buttons. |
Unregistered guest | Jeremy, thanks for your attempt. I didn't look at the brain before but it is a Clifford XL 500. I'm trying to find the wiring diagram online but can't seem to. I bought the car from someone else, so didn't get any necessary documentation. Maybe this will help you? Also does anyone have a wiring diagram for an xl 500 or at least know which wires are what, and color?Thanks so much. I can be emailed at if someone has some insight for me. ![]() |
Silver Member Username: JeremycKunsan AfbSouth Korea Post Number: 471 Registered: Jun-04 | That is the link for the owners manual, and from what I can tell it doesn't have the black jack feature. It does have a starter kill, and that might be casuing the problem. As for the wire diagram I don't deel with those, but I wish you the best of luck. I still feel your best bet would be to take your car to a Clifford dealer, have them check the alarm, and get your name put on the waranty. Problems like the one you are having can be a pain to find, even for someone like me who trouble shoots fighter jets for a living. |
Unregistered guest | Jeremy C. How much do you think it will cost to get my alarm taken out by a local, or a professional store? |
Silver Member Username: JeremycKunsan AfbSouth Korea Post Number: 474 Registered: Jun-04 | Taken out, your probably looking at 40 to 60 bucks. Thats figuring it at 40 an hour. It takes me about 1 hour to get one out, so any good installer should be the same, if not faster. If you get a chance call some of your local clifford dealers and ask them what they would charge you to completly disable the alarm (tell them its ok if they leave the wires and brain in the car. I would even tell them the problems you are having and see what they say. Hopefully one of them will make you a deal you can't refuse on a new alarm, or disable the old one for really cheap. |
Zion Unregistered guest | I recently purchased a used car with a clifford alarm in it. The car battery died and when i try to attach a new one the alarm goes off and i cant turn it off with the remote. I have no idea what model of alarm i have, i only know its clifford becuase that is what it says on the remote. someone suggested changing the battery to me but the red light comes on on the remote when i press buttons... |
SandBagger Unregistered guest | I have a 2000 Ford Explorer. I think the engine kill switch is made by Clifford. On my key ring, there is a tiny round magnet that I must touch to the dash board first, prior to starting the engine. Not sure of the model number of this "alarm" system, but after almost five years of no problems, the red dash light is no longer illuminated and my vehicle wont start. Can someone give me a few tips to help me get out of my garage? I am about as handy as hemmoroids. Thanks |
Silver Member Username: JeremycKunsan AfbSouth Korea Post Number: 478 Registered: Jun-04 | ZION, Try this. Disconect the battery. Leave it unhooked for a min and then reconect it. Right after you reconnect it press the lock/unlock button on your remote. You should here a few beeps after the alarm picks up the remote signal. If you have two remotes just press one, wait a sec and press the other. One more thing, find the brain and see what model it is. Then go to the clifford web site and downloads the manual. |
Silver Member Username: JeremycKunsan AfbSouth Korea Post Number: 479 Registered: Jun-04 | Sand, Without some more info, it is hard for me to help, but I will see if I can get you on the right track. Find the coil, and follow the power wire back away from it. A few feet back you will see were someone has spliced two wires in. (basicaly they took the factory wire, cut it in half, and conected a relay in between it). Once you find that spot, remove the wires that were added in and reconect the factory wires. That should give you power to start your explorer. (make sure you have the wires sodered and shrink tubed, do not just twist the wires together and tape) I hope this helps. Its kinda hard for me to narrow it down, since I don't know what system you are running. So I just gave you a brief overview on how most cliffords run their ignition kill switch. |
SandBagger Unregistered guest | JeremyC, I have found a small black box under my dash that says "Clifford TouchPoint 3-Point Auto Immobilizer". It has many circuits in it that appear to be fine. I can't help but think that a fuse somewhere needs to be replaced. I am going back out to check BOTH the fuse box on side of the dash, and the fuse box under the hood. Do you happen to know where the fuse would be located? I would think for security reasons it would not be in a box that is so accessible. More than likely hidden in-line somewhere. Thanks again for taking the time to reply. |
SandBagger Unregistered guest | o.k. I did not find any 20 amp fuse under the dash by following the wires from the circuit box. The fuse must be in-line under the hood. Further investigation into this immobilizer, I have learned that the ignition system, the fuel pump, and the starter motor are ALL controlled by this "Clifford Immobilizer". So simply by-passing this security system by MYSELF is not an option, as I feel other steps must be taken after bypassing. Such as reconnecting the original systems. Anyway, I think the next step is call the wrecker truck for a tow to the REAL GARAGE. |
New member Username: Bernie_h2001Billings, MT USA Post Number: 2 Registered: Feb-05 | have an old Clifford Arrow 2 and need a wiring diagram to know what to hook up where. Please e-mail me the wiring configuration at Thanks |
Silver Member Username: JeremycKunsan AfbSouth Korea Post Number: 480 Registered: Jun-04 | Sand, yeah that will probably be your best bet. If you have the right tools you can do it yourself. Just be carefull, and be sure to follow every wire reconecting the wires it tied into. Something else to check is the power wire that comes off of your battery. There should be a power wire conecting to the positive side of your battery. Look about 6 to 12 inches down from it and you will see an in line fuse holder. Pull the fuse out and make sure it isn't blown, and that the conections aren't coroded. |
Zion Unregistered guest | What exactly does this 'brain' look like? I cant attach the battery without the alarm going off. The remote is essentially useless... |
Zion Unregistered guest | I just checked and i didnt find any brain under the dash...the closest thing was some black box with 'lectron roches' on it... |
SandBagger Unregistered guest | Update: Vehicle is now running. Mechanic had to completely remove the Clifford Immobilizer. It was no longer working. He found the blown fuse (under the dash) and replaced it with no results. He then by-passed the fuse and ran 12 volt current directly to said product ... still no results. Thanks for all your help JeremyC, it was greatly appreciated! |
Zion Unregistered guest | nm the last post, i found the only has one wire coming out of it and 3, pinned ports (one long 2 short) and there is nothing in them. there is also no model number anywhere on either side, just "Clifford, the science of security"... im lost. |
laichzeit Unregistered guest | Im in exactley same situation as Zion, tried connecting battery and using alarm, no go, alarm still goes off. |
Silver Member Username: JeremycKunsan AfbSouth Korea Post Number: 482 Registered: Jun-04 | Hay zion thats not the brain, that sounds like the prox sensor. Use that wire to track back to the brain. The brain is about 3 inches by 4.5 inches, its black and has raised black letters. Hay did you try what I told you even if it is going off. Hook up the battery, and disconect the power wire for the alarm from the positive side of the battery. Then once you reconect the power wire press and hold the arm / disarm button on your remote. If that still doesn't work move on to the next paragraph. What it sounds like is your alarm was armed when the battery died. So when you reconect it the alarm start going off again. You really need to find the brain, so you can see how to put it into valet mode using the switch inside the car. Once you have it in valet mode you will be able to work with it and it not go off every 30 seconds. I still think you will have to program in the remotes like I said earlier, but if you know the model you cal look in the manual and know exactly how to do it. |
Zion Unregistered guest | well i disconected the brain from the wiring harness and was able to start the car... the power for the alarm is hooked directly to the battery? i found a small black nob on the box, it looks like you can turn it, i didnt try. without my model number i cant get the manual to learn how to program. so their is 2 black boxes? one brain and one sensor? i only found one box with clifford written on it. |
Silver Member Username: JeremycKunsan AfbSouth Korea Post Number: 483 Registered: Jun-04 | yes the power for the alarm comes directly from the battery yes there is more than one box, the brain will have close to 50 wires comming out of it. I still think you found the prox sensor. That nob is to adjust the sencitivity. As I said, follow the wires from the box you did find, and it should lead you to the brain. |
McScriven Unregistered guest | I have recently bought a car with a Clifford alarm - no idea which model. I was replacing the fuse box in the car yesterday so needed to disconnect the battery. On reconnecting the alarm (it's an immobliser as well) it seems to have knocked out the ignition. A security feature I guess but I now can't start the car. Looking on the siren there seems to be some sort of lock for a key (I have a key which fits it) however when I turn it nothing happens either way it just keeps turning. Does anyone have any ideas how to reset it so I can get the car going? |
Silver Member Username: JeremycKunsan AfbSouth Korea Post Number: 486 Registered: Jun-04 | Mc, do me a huge favor next time. Take a few min to look for the same problem you are having. I have answered thas question numerous times all ready. On that note, I am all ready here so try this and we will go from there. Disconect the battery. Leave it unhooked for a min and then reconect it. Right after you reconnect it press the lock/unlock button on your remote. You should here a few beeps after the alarm picks up the remote signal. If you have two remotes just press one, wait a sec and press the other. One more thing, find the brain and see what model it is. Then go to the clifford web site and downloads the manual. |
Unregistered guest | Hello im hoping you can help me here ! i have a clfford concept 50x recently i went to the car wash , when in the car wash the engine was running and my alarm just for no reason pipped twice , i know in other postes people have had similar problems (i know ive read the lot) everything works the lights flash the doors lock unlock but the churps are now silent and the siren and wondered what this could be could you point me in other directions ? i will check the fuses and holders for corrosion now ive read above posts as i have all my mannuals and could be my battery backup flat as charging of the back up might be the case but like i say any other help would be great ! |
Zion Unregistered guest | the other box didnt appear to have clifford written anywhere on it.. oh well, i was able to connect the battery and start the car after i pulled the harness out of the other box. Ill get a best buy or a&b sound guy to fix the rest... thanks for the help Jermey! |
Unregistered guest | HI. I have recently bought a civic with a clifford concept 300 fitted. It has worked fine up until the last few days. Now when I disarm and enter the car I am unable to start it. If I leave the car for a few hours it will usually start first time when I return. I also noticed that when the car will not start, the alarm does not chirp when armed/disarmed but lights still flash - I assume this is connected to the fault. Also would you know the default valet code for this alarm so that I can add another key fob. thanks for any help you can give. KF |
McScriven Unregistered guest | Jeremy, I did read through all of them just couldn't find anything that sounded like what i need - I'm a complete novice. Anyway tried what you said and still no luck - I've ended up calling a mobile auto electrician for tomorrow to fix the alarm and the light problem. McScriven |
Silver Member Username: JeremycKunsan AfbSouth Korea Post Number: 487 Registered: Jun-04 | Kieren, is the red led on constantly (the one in the dash), it sounds like went into valet mode for some reason. If not check the wires and if they are ok then you got some water in the siren, it might start working again itself (once it dries out) if not you will have to get it replaced. King, it sounds like the brain is about to die, or you have a wire comming loose. Check the fuse holders for corosion (a few inches from the battery). If they look fine, look at the wires conecting to the coil, and find were the alarm ties in. The wires might be coimming loose there. If both look fine I would take it to a clifford dealer. Here is a link to help you find the defualt valet code. Mc, I just reread your post and I didn't see anything about a light problem. So what else is going on with your car? |
Unregistered guest | Thanks for the quick reply. Will need to wait for the weekend to take a look in daylight. If the brain dies is there any easy way to permanantly disable the alarm without having to remove it? |
Silver Member Username: JeremycKunsan AfbSouth Korea Post Number: 489 Registered: Jun-04 | No not really, either way you have to go thru and remove wires while reconecting the factory wires. It is actually easer to just remove it wire by wire, that way you know you reconected everything. |
Unregistered guest | i bought a g4 range clifford 600 2 years ago with everything standard, proximity sense, window closure, black jax, etc, which cost a lot of money £900 fitted through an aproved dealer called gap security in uk which were advertised in max power, fast car as good companies. i had it approx 1 year and experienced my first problem. my car kept cutting itself out after starting. i asked the company and they said that if they had come out and it was a mechanical fault then they would charge me. they asked me to check siren was not wet and also wireless immobilser was working after having it checked by mechanic. luckily i know a mechanic and he checked that there was no fault with the car. whilst checking the car backfired and smoke sucked back through my pipercross air filter and then causing a spark and setting it alight. we quickly got water and put it out, but it destroyed the filter and plastsic hosing which cost me £80 to replace but could have lost my car in the process. we then realised that it must be the wireless fuel immobilser as they told me that they have had problems. someone came out removed the faulty immobilser and said that he did not have one to fit in place and recommended not to have one as they were new from clifford. i asked if it would invalidate warranty and he said no. despite paying £80 for new filter and having part removed, there was no offer of reimbursting what i had paid. he even gave me the faulty immobilser which i still have today. my next problem to follow. |
Unregistered guest | following my problem last year, this year last month i started experiencing more problems. my car g4 concept 600 now started doing opposite things. if i changing my prox sensors they would sound low and then high and then, etc even when you are going in a low or high option. also my alarm works and sensors bleep in prox or when you enter the menu through valet mode to change features. but when i now arm and disarm there are no chirps. i tried making sure that it had not changed to off in the menu but even on low or loud chirp it still does not chirp. the other thing is that my remote started flashing constantly and i had to remove battery. i called the company and they said that i had never had a service on the alarm for the 2 years i owned it and i explained that i was never informed about a service at time of purchase , fitting or even when i had the problem last year. he said that he could do a call out but recommended a service. when i asked what this included, he replied a complete check of system and they would reprogram the syem via laptop to make sure everything is a1. i asked the price ans he said £149.99. he was eager for me to pay and i asked him to ring back in afternoon. he did and when i said that is the full price, he said no. vat on top makes £176. i had no choice as the alarm needed sorting. i then received a call 2 days later and the guy said he was in my area and had a job cancelled and could come to me. he did but all he did was check all doors bonnet, etc, were working when open and warning bleeps sounding. he then said he doid not have a laptop with him to check but said he knows the problems. he said my master remote is water damaged and would cost £50 for new and the reason my arm disarm is not chirping is because the battery backup is dead and i need a new complete siren which is about £60. i was confussed as i said why is it that the alarm and chirps through proximity work fine but the arm disarm won't. surely they use the same source as your main battery and not your battery backup as this would obviously drain it and would not make sense. he said that this is the way it works and that i need to get a new siren. it took him about 15mins without talking to me to do what he did and did, cost me £176 and he did not even reprogram as no laptop. does anyone know number or email for clifford in uk for complaints or help as i do not beleive the things i am being told. if not has anyone had the same happen and know how to correct. i have paid and still need help before i pay more money for the parts which he says i need. please help, i am beginning to feel like it was a big mistake buying the alarm in the first place. |
Unregistered guest | JC, I tried the link you gave me for default valet code but there is an empty box in the manual where the code should be. Is there anywhere else I might find this info? |
Silver Member Username: JeremycKunsan AfbSouth Korea Post Number: 490 Registered: Jun-04 | thats the spot they give you to put the new code if you change it, the defualt is in there I promise. |
Silver Member Username: JeremycKunsan AfbSouth Korea Post Number: 491 Registered: Jun-04 | Neil, sorry about the bad luck. I would go to ther clifford web site and click on the UK link on the home page and go from there. Something else you can look into is the G4 cliffnet wizzard. It is the laptop program he was talking about. You can purchass it from any clifford dealer with wires and everything for about $40 US. That will alow you to set everything VIA laptop, and see what sensors are going bad. Definatly worth the money in the long run. KingFU, disregard my last post, clifford decided to be smart and not put the defualt were everyone can find it. Most clifford use a defualt of star, star, flat (make sure to hold the flat down once you press it). If that doesn't work call a local dealer and ask them what they normally use as the defualt for your model alarm |
Unregistered guest | I have read through the whole manual and it does not state a valet code, it actually reads "factory set valet code is on back page" which is the empty box. I also took time off work today to see if I could trace the immobilizer fault but found nothing when I traced the wires back. There is no coil as such - I think the electronics are built in with the distributor and the wires that come from that are crazy hectic - impossible to follow. Damn Japanese cars. I did find a dodgy wire which was worn well through to the metal - looks messy.I was about to cut and splice the wire back together when I realised it was the main wire to the siren and if I cut it I would probably set off the alarm... looks like I will have to put up with misery or splash out to a clifford agent. Gutted as the car is for sale and it is money wasted. |
Unregistered guest | jeremyc, thanks for help. i noticed someone was selling a brand new g4 cliffnet wizzard with everything for about £20 on ebay last week. i may try again, if not buy new from cliiford dealer. will it tell me of any errors with this software.a friend has the same system so could offer to go half each on price and share. everyones a winner that way, considerring he has had his fare share of faults too. cheers once again. |
Silver Member Username: JeremycKunsan AfbSouth Korea Post Number: 492 Registered: Jun-04 | KingFU, I put this on my last post, but I guess you didn't see it. disregard my last post, clifford decided to be smart and not put the defualt were everyone can find it. Most clifford use a defualt of star, star, flat (make sure to hold the flat down once you press it). If that doesn't work call a local dealer and ask them what they normally use as the defualt for your model alarm |
Silver Member Username: JeremycKunsan AfbSouth Korea Post Number: 493 Registered: Jun-04 | No problem neil, let me know how things turn out. |
Unregistered guest | I have a solaris 5 with all the features but i have bought a new car exactly the same as the old one but i want the alarm transfered from one to another... the dealer who i purchased this from are quoting a hell of alot of money for this option!!! any idea where i can get this done cheap??? or i'll pay someone if they know what there doing lol!!! i live in aylesbury willing to pick up the person who is willing!! pleeeease help. thanks -mob- 07931216691 |
Silver Member Username: JeremycKunsan AfbSouth Korea Post Number: 494 Registered: Jun-04 | Keep in mind most of the cost in an alarm is in the install. You aren't just paying for an hour or so of work, your ralking about 1 to 1.5 hours to remove the old one and 3 to 4 for the install in the new car. At $40 an hour you looking at $200 right there. You also have to keep in mind your paying to keep that life time warranty. If someone else installs it and it breaks then your out of luck. |
CliffordToronto Unregistered guest | Did anybody ever figure out how to locate a Clifford Dealer in Canada. I bought a car with a clifford and lost one of the remotes. I wanted to reprogram the brain and the other remote I have. Anyone know how I can do do this? |
Unregistered guest | Hello I have a 1997 Ford Expedition I have a Clifford Auto Immobilizer, The LED light will not go off. I have tried inserting both my computer keys, I have tried the rest the ALRAM from the steps in the manual that doesn't work the LED remains on, I have checked fuses. I can't start the vehicle to take to the Clifford dealer, in need of immediate help. |
turkish jade menthol Unregistered guest | okay... my alarm i THINK is fixed not sure.... i went outside today and tried to turn on my... and i got some noise from the engine, its the starting noise before the car kicks on, got a new battery... still not actually turnging on i was wonding if this is alarm related or somthing went out. i have a 5 spd and when my alarm freaked out and wouldnt let me start my car, my dad and i were able to push it and jump it in 2nd gear while moving, this does not work anymore i need to know what wrong, if there are any suggestions please post them up. |
Silver Member Username: Ps1k0Post Number: 151 Registered: Aug-04 | sounds like you have car problems. might want to have that serviced. |
Unregistered guest | to turkish jade. i had a similar problem last year, and it turned out to be a faulty wireless fuelguard immobilser on my clifford 600 g4 alarm. once removed it worked fine. however i do not know what alarm system you have. i would check for any immobilser problems as i also had my cars original immobilser in my vauxhall key play up. i removed the casing made sure the chip was free from dust and then put together and nether happened again. these would be worth checking first and then failing that, get service. thats the best i can offer as both worked for me. |
Unregistered guest | to turkish jade. i had a similar problem last year. i have a clifford 600 g4 alarm and it turned out that the wireless fuelguard immobiliser was faulty. as soon as they removed it, there was no problem. another option which i had happen also was the original factory immobilser in my vauxhall key. i took the casing off the key and made sure it was free from dust, put together and it started fine and nether happened again. this is the best i can offer as they both worked for me. i would get any of your immobilsers checked and then get serviced if all else fails. |
not_a_nice_guy Unregistered guest | I understand that Clifford is a brand backed by a good name (DEI). But they don't seem like a good brand. I always see people looking for help with them. Actually, they seem like they suck. I don't see why people don't just go with the Viper brand. All I see people asking for help with is install diagrams. |
Anonymous | Hi. I have a Bullet II that went on the fritz. The dealer determined the problem is the brain. I'm returning it to DE because of the alarm's lifetime warranty. The phone rep said it's very likely I'll be given a replacement alarm that's not compatabile with the current wiring, meaning I'll have to pay for a new installation. Does anyone know of any systems I can just pop in there, or perhaps with just minor rewiring? Thanks for any advice or suggestions. |
Silver Member Username: JeremycKunsan AfbSouth Korea Post Number: 500 Registered: Jun-04 | Your dealler should install the new alarm for free. Thats what the good ones I know would do, it part of honoring the warranty. |
New member Username: Mar8793Post Number: 1 Registered: Feb-05 | I have a Matrix 2 installed in my Ford Mustang and I'm having randomly occurring issues with it. I've taken it in to be checked, but of course it either works for them, or they think they've "fixed" it--but it's only for the moment. I'm not sure if I'm explaining this wrong, or just not being heard b/c I'm a girl! You be the judge: About 75% of the time the alarm works great, but the other 25% it drives me nuts! Instead of the doors locking within 3 seconds of starting the ignition, the trigger doesn't function and my dome light stays on the entire time I'm driving. Then the next day, all is well again. I've tried to associate any common activity with the problem like frequent restarting due to quick trips, using the power door/window lock buttons, etc., but gave up and started researching the possible problem. I've narrowed it down to a problem with the domelight supervision relay--and the fact Ford seems enjoy complicating anything after-market. Anyway, does any of this make sense, and am I on the right track? Oh, yeah! How do I fix it? Thanks!!!! |
Unregistered guest | Have a g4 5 button remote.... when to replace the batt and not when I put the batt in, it starts blinking... after about 5 secs the alarm sounds. ( like a stuck button but it does the same thing with the ckt card out of the plastic. ). It looks like it's in some kind of programming mode. Any ideas on how to program a remote? ( the 4 button remote works fine ). |
Unregistered guest | hi folks. I have an Intelliguard 8000 installed on my 99' Z71 pickup. Worked fine for about 8 months then all of a sudden there were times where I could not get the alarm to arm using the remote. I changed the battery out too and still it did not work. I would just lock it because it would set the alarm anyway if you don't arm it manually after a certain time. Then there are times where the alarm is on, and i can't disarm it using the remote (good batteries too). So I have to open the door with the key, thus setting off the alarm and use my pass code on the button dash to get it to shut off. Any idea what it could be? Also one time that damn alarm was going off all night and I did not know till I went to work the next day and my neighbor mentioned it to me. I could not get it to shut off so I had to disconnect the battery, called the installer, and he sent someone out to by pass it. I took it to him the next day but I'm not sure what they did with it and it worked okay for a while, now it's doing the same thing. The problem is that it's intermittent, I would say 70% of the time I have this same problem. I can't get it to arm, and then I can't get it to disarm using the remote. What's up with that? |
Colin Raines Unregistered guest | any body got a install guide for a clifford 650uk if so could u please email me a copy to Many Thanks Colin |
Silver Member Username: JeremycKunsan AfbSouth Korea Post Number: 507 Registered: Jun-04 | M Nokes, if you beleive the relay is the problem, shake the wires as you start the car and see if you can duplicate the problem (sounds like a short). If you can, take it back in and show them, they should be able to fix it. A1, sounds like you have a button thats stuck, or a short somewhere. Double check your buttons and see if you can get it to stop. If you can't take it back, the remotes are covered by the warranty. Mike, your alarm has a short were the battery conects to the board, pull it apart and gently move the metal peice. You should see what I am talking about. Have someone resodder it and you will be good to go. |
Silver Member Username: JeremycKunsan AfbSouth Korea Post Number: 509 Registered: Jun-04 | M Nokes, if you beleive the relay is the problem, shake the wires as you start the car and see if you can duplicate the problem (sounds like a short). If you can, take it back in and show them, they should be able to fix it. A1, sounds like you have a button thats stuck, or a short somewhere. Double check your buttons and see if you can get it to stop. If you can't take it back, the remotes are covered by the warranty. Mike, your remote has a short were the battery conects to the board, pull it apart and gently move the metal peice. You should see what I am talking about. Have someone resodder it and you will be good to go. |
Unregistered guest | hello. this site is great since DEI tech will not help directly. I have a Clifford Cyber 5 alarm system with remote start. MY QUESTION IS: if in programming mode i erased all previous codes, is my remote transmitter(CZ57RRTX12R) no longer programmable with my system since i may have erased previous working codes? I disconnected my battery to clean the terminals, and when i hooked it all back up, my alarm no longer read transmissions from my remote. I see thru the past posts that that is common problem and to disconnect the battery for a moment and retry. But if i did erase all codes, is my remote no longer any good for my alarm and do i have to get a new remote? or should my remote still be REPROGRAMMABLE AGAIN? i mistakedly used 19 chirps in program mode and it confirmed with two chirps. any help would be appreciated. thanks. |
Silver Member Username: JeremycKunsan AfbSouth Korea Post Number: 510 Registered: Jun-04 | Yes it is reprogramable, (its the same concept as replacing the remote) All you have to do is train the alarm to look for that remote. So look up the manual and figre out what you need to do to program the new remote in and you will be good to go. |
Anonymous | i have a clifford auto immobilizer which hase two security keys my battery went dead and now the led blinks constantly and my pickup will not start have the manuual and tried every thing it says but the led blinks consantly |
New member Username: BiffleVictoria, British Colu... Canada Post Number: 1 Registered: Mar-05 | I recently purchased a 1995 Pontiac transport, It came with a Cliffird Alarm system. The only item working is the automatic door locking feature. I do not know how to program the rest of the wonderfull features as the manuel I recieved with the viechle is not very clear. Can someone help me program my alarm system? |
Silver Member Username: JeremycKunsan AfbSouth Korea Post Number: 513 Registered: Jun-04 | Bruce, it sounds like it is in valet mode. If the red light in on all the time, then you need to take it out. Look in the manual for turning on and off valet mode, and that will get you started. As for the rest, I need to know what model alarm you have. |
New member Username: HutchautoPost Number: 1 Registered: Mar-05 | Hello, as I have noticed above, DEI is not much help these days. I used to be an sub installer for Tweeter Etc and have 6 cars that I own with Clifford alarms but for the life of me can not find an 'installation' manual for a Arrow 2. If anyone has one can they please email to me ( as I need to move the system to another car and most of my alarms are IPS 3 and Polaris 2 systems and wireing is different. Thanks!! |
Unregistered guest | Would it be safe to assume that none of you have any idea whatsoever as to where you can find installation guides / wiring digrams (NOT user guides) for these alarms? I have a Concept 50x that's playing up but would need a wiring diagram/pinout/crystal ball to figure the thing out. Some really sound advice from this forum so far but have we drawn a blank on wiring?? |
Unregistered guest | Never mind, found wiring diagrams for most alarms here: Doesn't have the 50x but the 20 seems to have the same harness. You need to register on their forum for access to the download section but who cares! right? |
Anonymous | I dont know how to reprogram a new RS3.5 clifford remote. my initail remote broke and i cant get the new one to respond to programing. what are the programing instructions? |
Unregistered guest | hi, ive got a clifford g5 650p alarm on my mr2, having problems with the tilt/motion sensor, it keeps setting alarm off for no reason. sensor has been changed once.if i disconnect sensor, alarm doesnt set off. doesnt matter where i park same problem,anyone gat any ideas, thanks |
Silver Member Username: JeremycKunsan AfbSouth Korea Post Number: 517 Registered: Jun-04 | hutch and Anonymous Luke, in your manual it tells how to turn the sencitivity down. I would turn it down a little and see if it helps, if not turn it down some more. keep doing it till you find a sencitivity that doesn't set off alot of false alarms but still protects your car. |
New member Username: Machu12Post Number: 1 Registered: Mar-05 | i need to get a hold of the wiring picture for a clifford arrow 2 system. If any one has a copy send it to |
New member Username: RawmeatPost Number: 1 Registered: Mar-05 | I need programing instructions for a Clifford Matrix 3. I installed the alarm in my mothers car 2 yrs. ago and the car was recently stolen when she forgot to set the alarm. The manuals were in the glove box and wern't recovered with the vehicle. I never changed the default code on the valet switch. I just want to program it to auto activate the alarm so this doesn't happen again. |
Silver Member Username: JeremycKunsan AfbSouth Korea Post Number: 519 Registered: Jun-04 | Raymond its on the same page as every other manual. |
New member Username: RawmeatPost Number: 2 Registered: Mar-05 | JeremyC No where in the matrix manual does it say how to program the auto arm. It decribes the function but not how to turn it on |
Unregistered guest | I have a Clifford Super Nova II that came with A Command Start 2400/2500. I took it to a local alarm installer and he just started chopping up wires and then admitted that he didn't know how to hook up this alarm and he ended up putting in some other alarm cause he convinced me it was better. But now I want this in another car and I'm gonna do it. I have the manaul for the alarm but I need the wiring diagrams. Anyone able to help me out? |
Unregistered guest | Hey guys, I have a Clifford Matrix RSX 3.5 ... The anti-grind feature doesn't seem to work anymore.I assume that means my starter-kill doesn't work either. I'm hoping its just a fuse or something... also front parking lights dont blink anymore when arming/disarming... its too cold to go poking around under there right now, but any ideas? |
Silver Member Username: JeremycKunsan AfbSouth Korea Post Number: 520 Registered: Jun-04 | Ray, if there isn't a user programing menu then only the dealer has the software to set up the alarm . Low the starter kill should be a seprate system, try setting in the car, arming it wait a few min and then try to start it. I bet it won't start. As for the anti grind, you will have to take it to the dealer and have them look at it. |
New member Username: Bhernandez84San Francisco, Ca USA Post Number: 1 Registered: Mar-05 | my vehicle recently broke down in san francisco, and as a result to deto one of the anti-theft programs that have been programmed to my alarm, however i need to know the default code so i can unlock this feature and start my car. What is the default code???? |