Gold Member Username: InsearchofbassPost Number: 3267 Registered: Jun-04 | IS there a way to measure it while playing to no how much excursion your getting |
Silver Member Username: MixneffectOrangevale, Ca. USA Post Number: 224 Registered: Apr-05 | Not to rain on your parade Sean, but, speakers work best when theyre operating well below their Xmax. When the cone is extended all the way out, it looses time. Speakers vibrate in and out to create sound. When a speaker cone moves outward really far compared to other times, it doesnt mean that it requires to extend out that far to create a certain note, compared to another note. Excursion is caused by extreme amounts of pressure (volume), not frequency. So, say your speaker hits really hard and the cone is fully extended. Now,lets just say that the recording has multiple extreme volumes of bass notes back to back spaced very close to each other. This space is so close that the woofer doesnt have enough time to react and recharge (go all the way back in real deep, so it will thrust outwards again, repeating the same process). When this happens your woofer will distort and may even cause damage. I have tested stuff before. This kind of stuff only happens at extreme volumes and Xmax. I have come to the conclusion that a speakers Xmax should be a warning, not a goal. Just a thought............ |
Bronze Member Username: BelieveIllinois Post Number: 29 Registered: Jun-05 | the second thing ive learned about parameters. good thought |
Gold Member Username: InsearchofbassPost Number: 3272 Registered: Jun-04 | Actually I thought about what your pointing out before mixneffect. It makes total sense to me so your not raining on my parade but I was thinking of this for all out spl purposes. |
Gold Member Username: InsearchofbassPost Number: 3273 Registered: Jun-04 | watching powered for sounds boxes work proved the theory were talking about to me....your also confirming another thought I had for ultimate sq now I know im right |
Gold Member Username: InsearchofbassPost Number: 3274 Registered: Jun-04 | Excursion is caused by extreme amounts of pressure (volume), not frequency. How bout even amounts of pressure volume???? food for thought. |
Gold Member Username: InsearchofbassPost Number: 3275 Registered: Jun-04 | or should i say controlled amounts of pressure volume think about how a port works well and doesnt work well |
Silver Member Username: MixneffectOrangevale, Ca. USA Post Number: 227 Registered: Apr-05 | Sean, You just hit the bell! Thats the ultimate prize. "To create even amounts of pressure" A.K.A. flat response. Controlled amounts of pressure. Yes that too. Engineers have spent years, and lotsa money trying to figure out how to create a more controlled speaker. The latest and greatest is Aurasounds dual spider design. |
Gold Member Username: InsearchofbassPost Number: 3276 Registered: Jun-04 | So whats your point is this a poke of fun at me? |
Gold Member Username: InsearchofbassPost Number: 3277 Registered: Jun-04 | theres a reason ports only have a narrow range of benefit in my opinion |
Silver Member Username: MixneffectOrangevale, Ca. USA Post Number: 228 Registered: Apr-05 | No, I m not pokin fun at you Sean. I am congradulating you for having the desire to search for the the ultimate sound. "Flat Response" A.K.A. having a speaker reproduce exactly the same sound as it was during the recording session. Many speakers come close, but the fact that no one has reached that goal is challenging and worth it all (lol). The ports have a limited range because you tune them by length. Just like a trombone. The more you slide the slide out (making the pipe longer), the lower the note. Same with ports. The longer, the lower you tune it. Note: trombones have a length limit. So do ports. |
Silver Member Username: Eclipse2005Vicenza, Vicenza Italy Post Number: 133 Registered: Dec-04 | Sorry if im involving in this convo, but i got a question. What if Fs of a sub is high (ex. 45Hz), am i supposed to tune the box around that? To avoid big excursion at low frequencies? |
Gold Member Username: InsearchofbassPost Number: 3278 Registered: Jun-04 | no im talking about the reaction within the port theres a reason a standard port offers a limited range of benefit to the speaker in the enclosure oh and thank you for not poking fun no offense was meant in asking you your intent |
Gold Member Username: InsearchofbassPost Number: 3279 Registered: Jun-04 | i think I have an idea how to improve them is what im saying |
Silver Member Username: AlpineuserWinchester, TN Post Number: 664 Registered: Mar-05 | yes there is a way to measure it... ![]() |
Gold Member Username: InsearchofbassPost Number: 3280 Registered: Jun-04 | i read about that avalanch thanks...heres another way I found and the site that talked about using this method |