I am just wondering about how to wire two amplifiers on to each subwoofer. I am confused about the 2 RCA cables and which sub outputs do i use. I have a pioneer premier DEHP730 with 3 preouts a front output, rear output and a non fade output. It confudes me where to hook up the 2 rca jacks into witch output. I want to use one amp per sub. I have 2 audiobahn awse12 subwoofers and 2 kole audio amps HK620*2. can anyone help
You can use either the rear RCAs or the 3rd non fade. Get a splitter for the 2 amps. Make sure you don't exceed the minimum ohm requirement on the amps.
I'm not Isaac, indeed! But you can find them on ebay mostly. Specifically they're called Y Adaptor cables and I believe the type you're looking for are female to two male. Type this ebay item number:5787086587 into the ebay search field and it will pull up some nice Monster Cable Y adaptors which I think is what you're looking for.
If you used the splitter near the HU, then you would have to run 2 sets of cables, where as if it's near the amp, you only need one. So it's better to have it near the amp.
The ones from Walmart is a decent one. Very cheap too. If you want better quality, try the eBay. Look for high strand count. However don't over pay either for it. 1000 strands vs 1500 strands is very marginal. You won't be able to hear any difference by ear. For RCAs, look for twisted pair. That should cost around $10. The ones that cost $50 or more are just waste of money.