I just orderd the bulk pack of dynamat extreme for my 2000 ford f-250. Has anyone ever used dynamat extreme. If so how noticeable was the difference. I just want to know what to expect. It should arrive in about 5 days. I got 36 sq. ft. for 147 dollars including shipping, which is a good deal becuase it retails for 250.
should of went with edead its cheaper and just as good as dynamat and they make a roll on application for hard to reach and hard to skin places or as a base for the regular edead
yeah i have heard edead is as good, but I just figure you get what you pay for and dynamat is supposedly the best, which is why i started this thread, so someone that has used it could let me know if i wasted my money or what
no way man you didn't waste your money the extreme dynamat is the best i have used it on both of my cars i have about 7 sheets in my trunk the stuff is great. You will definately notice a db increase as well as sound quality. just make sure when you put it on you roll out the bubbles and put it on the metal wherever you need it. It can only help you won't be sorry.
Sound deadener is marketed like wire, RCAs and capacitors. You are paying $4/sqft for nothing more than tar, or butyl, or whatever else used, with a bit of aluminum on top. Using words like viscoelastic and elastomeric compounds, somehow it makes the same crap better.
The entire purpose to mat and liquid deadeners is to add mass to a panel, reducing the panels tendency to vibrate. Vibration = bass loss. Any material is capable of this. Weight might be a minor issue to some people, this being the only difference between products. But the amount of sound deadener you'd have to put in to make a noticeable difference would come to about 250lbs. This means you'd have to have about 800sqft of deadener before any difference in performance would be felt.
The stuff I use personally, costs about $0.66/sqft (and it's in Canadian dollars). I've used B-Quiet and Dynamat before, and noticed barely any difference other than to my bank account. There is practically no difference among sound deadeners.
15-20 bucks just to deaden your license plate when you buy a kit from BB or CC or Futureshop? It's one of the biggest ripoffs in the industry.
well when i get it in 5 days and put it in. you can check back here and hopefully i will be able to inform you that you are wrong!
Posted on
It is true I have 1 car done in edead and 1 done in a material a friend in the roofing biz gave me and you cannot tell a difference at all. I coulda saved a $100 dollars just by using this stuff. Its 1/8 thick compared to that crap thats what 40mils thick I have garbage bags thicker then that. And it works like a charm and didnt cost me a dime. And it doesnt stink at all like some people prolly think.
say if i edead my whole trunk an make a custom trunk wit wood an i put the edead on the cars metal will it be betta than puttin it on the wood an will it keep my bass in the truck an go threw my back seat an rear deck in 2 the car
Dynamat extreme is good stuff, but as the others said def. other cheaper alternatives. I have 25sq ft of edead, rubberized undercoating,truck bed liner, foam pipe wrap, peal and seal, additional carpeting, polyfill squares and 40lbs of rubber sheets in mine and I paid the same amount as you. The edead costed about half of what I spent. Even got enough carpet to redo my entire place. I went with the edead only for the roof, just heard alot of people saying the peal and seal doesn't work too good on there and that it melts in hot climates.
You could have goten the same amount of the best edead and only 70 dollars including shipping. You got ripped off. Most people recommend edead for a reason, and dynamat is not brought up as beind the best all the time either.
dynamat xtreme is the best stuff out there...that's why it is also most expensive...its easy to apply and sticks forever (even upside down)...edeadv3 (the liquid), unless you take out everything in your car, its messy. Can sprays are also very messy and smell like sh!t. You can also find a bulk pack for $125 for 36^2 ft on ebay.
Just a little comparison...
Optima is the inventer of the quality deep cycle battery. All they do is batteries. So why would you go with something else when you want the best. Dynamat is the inventer of the quality sound dampener and all they do is come up with products to dampen. Dynamat xtreme is the best stuff to work with because it isn't messy and makes an extremely noticeable difference.
When you have the largest markups in the entire car audio industry and market it in Big Box stores to people who don't know of the alternatives, you don't need to carry or develop other products.