Hey, im sort of familiar with the whole car audio thing, but i need some help. Im looking for a good subwoofer, that i will get a very good sound out of, will be very loud, great bass and for a reasonable price. Can anyone help me out and tell me what kind of woofers would be the kind that i am looking for. If you could show me them or show me good places to look for them. Thanks.
I don't really know what my price range is. I don't really know how much its going to cost to get what i want...if I had to guess, I would say that my range would be for two subs, around $150-$200. Would that be enough to get two good subs?
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keep in mind yer gunna need to get a box too, and it sounds like yer gunna wanna go with a ported enclosure
he could get a pair of shivas for around that...that would be pretty decent...shivas have great sound quality...and can get pretty loud...and they only need like 300 watts a piece to get up to their full potential...
Actually I wont need to buy a box, My friend and I have built boxes before for his cars, and we will be able to build one for me. What kind subs other than shivas are going to fit my price rannge? Isn't 300w not that much...isnt the higher the wattage the louder and better the sub? If you have any good websites to look at subs please share them with me. thanks.
What kind of subs other than shivas are good subs, that will have good sound quality, will be loud but will also not be very expensive. Also what sites have good brand subs and are not very expensive? Thanks.
its fine and dandy to say that u want a good loud sub with great sq for not much money but the fact is that "good" subs cost alot of money.. shivas are a good sub in your price range..
So what I am looking for, you're saying that it is going to cost me a lot of money. What kind of subs are good reliable subs with good sound quality and all of that good stuff, that wont cost me an arm and a leg?