Cuspid beats jl?! take a look...


scotty dont know
Unregistered guest
now, i know all subs have their advantages, and disadvantages. but i do not care. i just wanna know what you guys tend to believe is the best subwoofer OVERALL. dont base it off a different size woofer, it should all be based around the 12 inch model of each. here are the contestants:

brahma by adire

avalanche by ascendant audio

xxx by resonant audio

w7 by jl audio

3500 series by digital designs

9500 series by mtx

solo x by kicker audio

immortal by audiobahn

these are their flagship subs, so to speak. so let em rip, tell me which you guys think is THE BEST SUBWOOFER out of the twelve inch model. i know there are more, but i assure i can give a rats a$$ about that. post your comments now!!!

why wait?! post your two cents...NOW!

Gold Member
Username: Invain

Michigan United States

Post Number: 2966
Registered: Aug-04
"3500 series by digital designs "

Why would you use the 3500 series? That's by far their flagship sub. Get rid of the 3500 series, and add the 9900 to the list.

Silver Member
Username: Mikechec9


Post Number: 363
Registered: May-05
calm down, dude. lol


Gold Member
Username: Invain

Michigan United States

Post Number: 2967
Registered: Aug-04
"calm down, dude. lol "


I was just telling the guy he should change the list a little...

Silver Member
Username: Mikechec9


Post Number: 364
Registered: May-05
no, i was referring to him, not you.
"post your comments now!!!

why wait?! post your two cents...NOW!"
the whole "NOW!!" thing threw me for a we just posted at the same time is all.

Bronze Member
Username: Stylnul

Vicky ville, CA US

Post Number: 88
Registered: Jan-05
and just for your guys' info, this is a SURVEY pretty easy one too. so keep on comin.

Gold Member
Username: Jonathan_f


Post Number: 4207
Registered: May-04
Neither, I'd choose the Image Dynamics ID Max. But if I'm limited to the list, Brahma.

Gold Member
Username: Invain

Michigan United States

Post Number: 2969
Registered: Aug-04
From all that I've read, and heard from other people I would probably chose the Brahma from that list, but I haven't heard one, so I can't truthfully say. I highly highly doubt very many people have heard all the subs on that list either.

Bronze Member
Username: Tbolt

Collipark, GA

Post Number: 37
Registered: Dec-04
xxx, cause the w7 is way too expensive

Gold Member
Username: Invain

Michigan United States

Post Number: 2976
Registered: Aug-04
He said nothing about the price.

Silver Member
Username: 54danny54

Post Number: 502
Registered: Nov-04
lol i might buy a jl w3v2 for 25 bux., 2 15 inch

Silver Member
Username: Iowahawks19

Post Number: 129
Registered: Jun-05
why didn't you put the "MAX POWER" made by cuspid???, anywayy i would have to go for the Brahama or the w7

scotty dont know
Unregistered guest
ok here are some more, i wanted to go high end, but people want more:

type x by alpine

max power by cuspid

colossus by lanzar

kappa perfect DVQ by infinity

so far people choice by far is the brahma, why would that be?

Silver Member
Username: Mike_anthes

Canton, SD USA

Post Number: 108
Registered: Aug-04
dude it would be between the XxX, brahma, or the 9900 series by digital designs...don't even consider the audiobahn immortal, kicker solo x, colossus by lanzar...theses subs wont give u what u want...the w7 is alright...but if ya want to save $$$ go for the brahma, xXx, or digital max is good as well...try to hear the sub b4 you buy it though...may be hard...depending on where u live...

Bronze Member
Username: Mustang_guy

Post Number: 14
Registered: Jun-05

I have the DD3512's and I really want to meter the 1 I have in my ride at the moment. It hits pretty freakin hard on 400rms soon as I get another amp im gonna really let it rip! I would battle any of those subs. DD all the way!
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