Just bought 2 12" alpine type r's, Alpine Mrd-m605 amp, and alpine cda 9855 head unit. Subs are pretty good, i have them in a vented box, not as loud as i expected. Stereo west will let me trade for something different within 30 days. Should i trade for some L5's and maybe add one for mrd-m605, and switch to a sealed box. Alpine setup cost me 900 dollars, i will have to pay the difference. what do you think. I love the head unit, subs just not that impressive. Will L5's be much better for the money? what if I add another mrd-m605 to the type r's. They say 500 watts rms per sub. my amp puts out 600 rms for both, but it seems like they are getting plenty of power. I can make them distort if i want, or do you think that may be the am clipping. Mainly want to know if i should switch to kicker L5's , and maybe add more power if necessary. or do you think my amp will powere the L5's. Thanks in advance for any help
if i was you i would go witht the kicker L7s they KnOcK and they are like 1500 watts i think
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what is your enclosure tuned to. 2 Type R's should get loud enough. And if you're gonna get L5's you might be better off listening to an elephant rap.e a lawyer.
werd, I don't know what my box is tuned to, I think maybe it is tuned to high. Do you know how to figure out what it is tuned to. I can give you the measurements if you could figure it out, i would really like to know, if all i need is a different box that would be great
yea two of the NEW alpine type R's should pound.. you have them powered correctly? underpowering COULD be it but most likely thats not the case. and as far as getting kicker L5's, they will hit hard but sound like crap, i would stick to the type r's
It is a box built by stereo west mad out of 3/4 inch MDF. It is vented. It is not built to Alpines specs. This may be the problem. I went back to stereo west today, and I ordered an mrd 1005. I am also going to get a custom box built for my truck that is the perfect size for the type r's, i really hope this helps. Between the bigger amp and the custom box it should really make a difference. I though the MRD-M605 was plenty, but i guess not, the guys at stereo west said an amp upgrade to the 1005 would help. I hope they are right, I'll let you know.
yea once you power them to their full potential and get a box built using alpines specs they should get just as loud as those L5s and theyll sound worlds better
i'm getting the amp this week, it has already been order just waiting for it to arrive. when i go in to pick it up i am scheduling an appointment to have my box built. I will let you know how it sounds. I also will have the inside of my truck covered with dynamat then as well. hopefully it makes a difference