is it realy true? that you will get soooo much more spl from a ported box? as aposed to a sealed? This is the thing i have a few cars and well it like this in one 2 ported 15 l5 kickers - in another 2-12 com vr sealed and in my other 1 jl w7 13 the kickers by far are the loudest should i go and get another jl and if i do should i port it?? will i lose the sq frome the jl by porting it? i want to be louder then the kickers but sound as good as jl??? can it be done yousing the subs i have???
Lol... sorry, I forgot you're the box wizzard... j/k Sean is the one who knows boxes. What happens when the sub goes below the boxes tuned frequency, I'd think it wouldn't sound that good?
Below tuning frequency, the subwoofer starts to lose backpressure from the port. It quickly changes to almost a free-air enviroment, causing overexursion.