| Audio setup | thomas drants | 1 | |
| Tweeter shutting off please help | Dung | 6 | |
| Starting small... REALLY small... | Justin | 6 | |
| Bose, Tweeters, Sounds, ect. | Jonathan | 3 | |
| Hey Jonathan, or anyone else, question about crossovers! | Jonathan | 4 | |
| Is the DLS UP6 a good buy at $400, and vs. Dynaudio 240 | Jonathan | 12 | |
| John your wizdom plz | Mark S | 1 | |
| ROCKFORD FOSGATES?!?! | xdrummer03 | 4 | |
| Polk Momo's vs. Boston Accoustic SL's | michael dunn | 8 | |
| Anyone familiar with MMATS Pro 6.5 comps? | Perk | 1 | |
| True or False??? | mikechec9 | 7 | |
| Help Building A System For A Focus | Stevie doo | 5 | |
| Audiobahn | mikechec9 | 3 | |
| Pretty good deal on Crutchfield... | mhs20000 | 2 | |
| Midbass Help | ron | 1 | |
| Kick panels | shanmag | 1 | |
| Rear fill | David Brunner | 2 | |
| Earthquake 6x9 problem | fatpinfield | 3 | |
| 2001 Mustang Door and Rear Deck Speaker Install (help) | Knacko | 7 | |
| Loudest and Clearest????? | mikechec9 | 2 | |
| The Best SUB for the Money | mikechec9 | 3 | |
| No sound | mixneffect | 2 | |
| Attn: Johnathan | Jonathan | 2 | |
| Need help with speakers | dave perepechko | 3 | |
| Why speakers sound distorted at high volume | mixneffect | 9 | |
| Polk MOMO mm6 versus Infinity Kappa Perfect 6.1 | Kyle Allen | 4 | |
| Recommendations on speakers plz | Simon J Casey | 3 | |
| 6.5 over powering 6 by 9's? | Stevie doo | 12 | |
| Speakers Need Help!!! | Yukon | 1 | |
| Eclipse Sub!!! | Martelle Pitts | 3 | |
| Help me Understand Box Tuning | Mario Sargeant | 1 | |
| ¤... Sensitivity? | Lspade | 4 | |
| Kappa perfect 6.1 | shanmag | 7 | |
| Focal K2P vs. Adire Kodas | David Brunner | 2 | |
| Will this push to much power to the sub? | Donald Byrum jr | 4 | |
| Box Tuning vs. Subwoofer Frequency Range | xxx | 2 | |
| How would i wire this? | capww8 | 4 | |
| Trouble shooting.... | S. Singh | 5 | |
| Model #? | Stevie doo | 17 | |
| Polk Audio db Series | vsvas | 2 | |
| What speakers to buy | Zak | 1 | |
| Installed my new speakers!Attn: Jon,Justin,Isaac etc. | Aaron Hobbs | 8 | |
| Using a single 8 ohm speaker for a car audio system | Mr. Bud | 5 | |
| Bigger Diameter = Bigger Sound.....right? | JeremyC | 5 | |
| Are JL's component speaks good? | JeremyC | 5 | |
| Polk Audio db Series | kklagge | 2 | |
| Amp for Infinity Kappa Components | shanmag | 16 | |
| Kicker KS | Mike Loudon | 2 | |
| Jl audio Speakers? | Jonathan | 3 | |
| A Lil Help Plz!?! | kyle | 1 | |
| I could use some advice | justin baker | 1 | |
| Infinty 6000cs load | Stagger Lee | 1 | |
| What do you guys think of these? | Jexxen Trivic | 2 | |
| MAKE MY 6x9's WORK. PLEASE HELP | Jexxen Trivic | 2 | |
| 1999 Corolla VE Rear Speaker Set Up | Saul Pivaral | 1 | |
| Some Bump/bass | Justin Bailey | 8 | |
| Componet speaker confusion | kklagge | 2 | |
| Silly/easy question | kklagge | 3 | |
| What channel amp to power 2 sets of speakers? | P.J. Schenkel | 2 | |
| Carwin Vega??? vs. Perfects | Stevie doo | 9 | |
| Jon or Glass, passive or active x-over for Rainbow?? | JeremyC | 5 | |
| 2003 Civic Rear Speaker Install | markosmith111 | 3 | |
| Speaker question? | ryan agnew | 1 | |
| Question about GM factory impedance | Joel_F | 4 | |
| 6.5" Component Sets!!!!!!! | TB | 7 | |
| Speaker imaging | steve r | 8 | |
| Adding tweeters, but which brand??? | Jexxen Trivic | 2 | |
| Should I cut holes in my car? | matthew | 7 | |
| Do my 6x9's need an amp or is it my HU, my new 6x9's and 4x6's dist... | Dillon J. | 1 | |
| Hey Jon, got another quick question for you! | Justin Bailey | 3 | |
| Upgrading system...need advice | Perk | 9 | |
| 6x9 Speaker ? | Jexxen Trivic | 4 | |
| Reference 6000cs vs. Kappa Perfect 6.1 | matthew | 10 | |
| Speaker system question | mixneffect | 2 | |
| No bass out of speakers | mixneffect | 2 | |
| Anyone have boston pros 6.53 passive xovers they would like to sell? | Eric Reed | 1 | |
| Punkrock | David Brunner | 5 | |
| Infinity Reference 1011t | John Dispo | 4 | |
| Help me pick the right speakers please | Jexxen Trivic | 2 | |
| Speakers: Phoenix gold Octane-R 6.5 vs. old pair of Vega 6002s | JeremyC | 2 | |
| Why arnt my subs hitting? | allende5 | 6 | |
| 6.5" component sets | MO | 10 | |
| HELP - wiring 6x9 to amp with sub | john doe | 1 | |
| Speaker question | David Brunner | 3 | |
| Clipping Question. | David Brunner | 26 | |
| Can 2002 Silverado speaker hang with more power? | Stevie doo | 2 | |
| CDT HD63's , will 100 RMS enough for these? | vsvas | 6 | |
| infinity KAPPA50.7CS | Jon Kelly | 1 | |
| Can 2002 Silverado speaker hang with more power? | JeremyC | 3 | |
| Cdt | Justin Bailey | 5 | |
| Hey Jonathan, need some help with the ID Max!! | Justin Bailey | 5 | |
| Help sealing speaker connections! | Isaac | 2 | |
| Problem with my Pioneer 6X9's???? | Jexxen Trivic | 3 | |
| Comp.s for 250-300$ | Jon Kelly | 1 | |
| CDT HD 63DT or CDT ES630? | Jonathan | 5 | |
| More then one speaker per channel? | Mido El Deeb | 4 | |
| U decide! | sonu | 7 | |
| Good amp to run infinity kappa perfects | matthew | 14 | |
| Niche Components Any Thoughts??? Ebay #5776241912 | David Brunner | 4 | |