Archive through June 11, 2005

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Audio setupthomas drants1
Tweeter shutting off please helpDung6
Starting small... REALLY small...Justin6
Bose, Tweeters, Sounds, ect.Jonathan3
Hey Jonathan, or anyone else, question about crossovers!Jonathan4
Is the DLS UP6 a good buy at $400, and vs. Dynaudio 240 Jonathan12
John your wizdom plzMark S1
ROCKFORD FOSGATES?!?!xdrummer034
Polk Momo's vs. Boston Accoustic SL'smichael dunn8
Anyone familiar with MMATS Pro 6.5 comps?Perk1
True or False???mikechec97
Help Building A System For A FocusStevie doo5
Pretty good deal on Crutchfield...mhs200002
Midbass Helpron1
Kick panelsshanmag1
Rear fillDavid Brunner2
Earthquake 6x9 problemfatpinfield3
2001 Mustang Door and Rear Deck Speaker Install (help)Knacko7
Loudest and Clearest?????mikechec92
The Best SUB for the Moneymikechec93
No soundmixneffect2
Attn: JohnathanJonathan2
Need help with speakersdave perepechko3
Why speakers sound distorted at high volumemixneffect9
Polk MOMO mm6 versus Infinity Kappa Perfect 6.1Kyle Allen4
Recommendations on speakers plzSimon J Casey3
6.5 over powering 6 by 9's?Stevie doo12
Speakers Need Help!!!Yukon1
Eclipse Sub!!!Martelle Pitts3
Help me Understand Box TuningMario Sargeant1
¤... Sensitivity?Lspade4
Kappa perfect 6.1shanmag7
Focal K2P vs. Adire KodasDavid Brunner2
Will this push to much power to the sub? Donald Byrum jr4
Box Tuning vs. Subwoofer Frequency Rangexxx2
How would i wire this?capww84
Trouble shooting....S. Singh5
Model #?Stevie doo17
Polk Audio db Seriesvsvas2
What speakers to buyZak1
Installed my new speakers!Attn: Jon,Justin,Isaac etc.Aaron Hobbs8
Using a single 8 ohm speaker for a car audio systemMr. Bud5
Bigger Diameter = Bigger Sound.....right?JeremyC5
Are JL's component speaks good?JeremyC5
Polk Audio db Serieskklagge2
Amp for Infinity Kappa Componentsshanmag16
Kicker KSMike Loudon2
Jl audio Speakers?Jonathan3
A Lil Help Plz!?!kyle1
I could use some advicejustin baker1
Infinty 6000cs loadStagger Lee1
What do you guys think of these?Jexxen Trivic2
MAKE MY 6x9's WORK. PLEASE HELPJexxen Trivic2
1999 Corolla VE Rear Speaker Set UpSaul Pivaral1
Some Bump/bassJustin Bailey8
Componet speaker confusionkklagge2
Silly/easy questionkklagge3
What channel amp to power 2 sets of speakers?P.J. Schenkel2
Carwin Vega??? vs. PerfectsStevie doo9
Jon or Glass, passive or active x-over for Rainbow??JeremyC5
2003 Civic Rear Speaker Installmarkosmith1113
Speaker question?ryan agnew1
Question about GM factory impedanceJoel_F4
6.5" Component Sets!!!!!!!TB7
Speaker imagingsteve r8
Adding tweeters, but which brand???Jexxen Trivic2
Should I cut holes in my car?matthew7
Do my 6x9's need an amp or is it my HU, my new 6x9's and 4x6's dist...Dillon J.1
Hey Jon, got another quick question for you!Justin Bailey3
Upgrading system...need advicePerk9
6x9 Speaker ?Jexxen Trivic4
Reference 6000cs vs. Kappa Perfect 6.1matthew10
Speaker system questionmixneffect2
No bass out of speakersmixneffect2
Anyone have boston pros 6.53 passive xovers they would like to sell?Eric Reed1
PunkrockDavid Brunner5
Infinity Reference 1011t John Dispo4
Help me pick the right speakers pleaseJexxen Trivic2
Speakers: Phoenix gold Octane-R 6.5 vs. old pair of Vega 6002s JeremyC2
Why arnt my subs hitting?allende56
6.5" component setsMO10
HELP - wiring 6x9 to amp with subjohn doe1
Speaker questionDavid Brunner3
Clipping Question.David Brunner26
Can 2002 Silverado speaker hang with more power?Stevie doo2
CDT HD63's , will 100 RMS enough for these?vsvas6
infinity KAPPA50.7CS Jon Kelly1
Can 2002 Silverado speaker hang with more power?JeremyC3
CdtJustin Bailey5
Hey Jonathan, need some help with the ID Max!!Justin Bailey5
Help sealing speaker connections!Isaac2
Problem with my Pioneer 6X9's????Jexxen Trivic3
Comp.s for 250-300$Jon Kelly1
CDT HD 63DT or CDT ES630?Jonathan5
More then one speaker per channel?Mido El Deeb4
U decide!sonu7
Good amp to run infinity kappa perfectsmatthew14
Niche Components Any Thoughts??? Ebay #5776241912David Brunner4
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