I've been reading everyone on here talking about tuning their box for their subs to a specific frequency. What does this mean, and how do you do it? I just ordered 2 IDQ10D4 V.2's, I have a Fockford 501S amp, and a sealed box. My box is one that I had 10" JL W0's in, about .65 ft^2/sub. Was wondering if I should adjust the box somehow to make the volume a little less, since the IDQ's recommend .3 to .7, so I'm kind of on the high end. And after this, what should I tune the frequency to, and how I would go about doing it.
Tuning the box has to do with how big/deep the port is. Ported boxes usually need to be bigger than sealed boxes. Thats about all I know about ported boxes, I'm sure Sean, or someone who knows more about building boxes will help.