hey i got a 1000 watt explode amp, a bazooka and a 12 inch jl and a 10 inch jl and an explode stereo ...ground, power, remote, rca, and speaker wires, what goes to what and where..oh yeah the bazooka has a built in amp...too..ground and power i think i got the rest help?
power gos from battery 2 power on amp rcas go from hu 2 rca input on amp remote from hu 2 rem on amp speaker wires from amp 2 sub ground from amp 2 a solid ground on car make sure ur ohms r right an set amp
Jennifer I hope you're not going to install them by yourself. It's not as easy as it looks and at the same time it's not that hard either. You just need time and lot of labour hour. The amp should've come with instruction. If not, feel free to post your questoins.