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Archive through July 07, 2005 | JeremyC | 100 | ||
Archive through March 15, 2005 | Brandon Hernandez | 100 | ||
Archive through January 12, 2005 | Anonymous | 100 |
New member Username: DangFrederick, Md Frederick Post Number: 4 Registered: Jul-05 | JeremyC, so all I have to do is enter my valet code using the switch and then turn on the autoarming program column 3,row 1&2 and column 4, row 1&2 right. is that all I have to do.Please tell me which ones I need to programs. Thanks a lots |
New member Username: DangFrederick, Md Frederick Post Number: 5 Registered: Jul-05 | Jeremy, is it true that every time you replace car battery the valet code goes back to the factory which is 2 right. So whatever I did wrong I can just remove the battery terminal right. thank you |
Silver Member Username: JeremycGermany Post Number: 754 Registered: Jun-04 | Ok first, not it doesn't reset the valet code to factory if you unhook the power. It stays at what you set it to untill you change it yourself. auto arming, tells the alarm to arm if you forget to arm it with the remote auto arm and lock, does the same but it locks the doors too auto lock, locks the door once you drive off and the motor reaches a certain rpm auto unlock, unlocks the doors when you shut off the key You need to be using column 2 rows 1 thru 4. I would clear out any remotes you have programed using column 2 row 5 first, and then program the remotes in from there using column 2 rows 1 thru 4 and the notes found below. |
Silver Member Username: JeremycGermany Post Number: 755 Registered: Jun-04 | Ok first, not it doesn't reset the valet code to factory if you unhook the power. It stays at what you set it to untill you change it yourself. auto arming, tells the alarm to arm if you forget to arm it with the remote auto arm and lock, does the same but it locks the doors too auto lock, locks the door once you drive off and the motor reaches a certain rpm auto unlock, unlocks the doors when you shut off the key You need to be using column 2 rows 1 thru 4. I would clear out any remotes you have programed using column 2 row 5 first, and then program the remotes in from there using column 2 rows 1 thru 4 and the notes found below. |
New member Username: DangFrederick, Md Frederick Post Number: 6 Registered: Jul-05 | it is confusing because i read on page 24 column 2 row 5 (erase all chanels info 0n p22 note 5) but if i go to p22 they tell me to use column 2,row6. Would you please write an example how to erase all the memory on my remote To add a new remote,how do you do it? what do I need to program first the remote or the brain. |
New member Username: DangFrederick, Md Frederick Post Number: 7 Registered: Jul-05 | Would you please tell me the sequence what I need to do first and what next. this is the first i try to learn how to do it so bare with me. Thank you for your understanding |
New member Username: DangFrederick, Md Frederick Post Number: 8 Registered: Jul-05 | You told me that if I unhook the power the valet code should go back to factory which is 2, however, i try to put the factory code in the siren still can not be turn off. |
Unregistered guest | Hi... I was wondering if anyone has ever heard of the Clifford Security system causing their car to stall all the time. In the middle of driving, we stall out (and it takes time to get it started up again). We took it to a mechanic thinking it was the ignition switch, fuel pump or something else. He told us that the 1st thing he would do would be to remove Clifford. The car is 7 years old and has had Clifford in it for most that time, so maybe it's gone bad or something?? Does this make sense to anyone?? Could removing Clifford possibly solve our "stalling" problem?? I appreciate any help you can give me!! Thanks!! |
red light reid Unregistered guest | 94 honda civic with clifford immobilizer car stalls off and on somedays more than others car is hard to start after it stalls car can also be started sometimes without using the clifford key just regular ignition key |
Silver Member Username: JeremycGermany Post Number: 756 Registered: Jun-04 | dang, you don't program the remote. YOU PROGRAM THE BRAIN TO LOOK FOR THE REMOTE. I never said the valet code will reset. I did say the remotes will reset. Why would cliford use the coded valet switch if every time you unhook power it goes back to factory? Don't worry about the note. If the table says collum 2 row 5 then use that. Julie, that doesn't sound right. If your really worried, have a clifford dealer discoect the starter kill, and see if it stopes your problem. That would be about the only place that the clifford could start the problem. If you have the fuel cut off also, have them disconect that too. If it keeps doing it, find a new machanic. Julie, if the alarm goes off when the car dies, then you turned the black jack program on. Go into the programing menue, and turn it back off. If the alarm doesn't go off when the cart dies, then don't worry and go with my first idea. Red, sounds like your cliford is on its last leg. I would talk to a clifford dealer, and (if you bought the alarm, or have a warannty) they should replace or fix it for free. |
New member Username: DangFrederick, Md Frederick Post Number: 9 Registered: Jul-05 | Jeremy, for example, the factory valet code is 2. i change it to my secret valet code number for 4 and then for some reason i forget my valet code. what should i do. then if i remove the power then the valet code should go back to 2. is it correct? |
Silver Member Username: JeremycGermany Post Number: 757 Registered: Jun-04 | You can not reset the valet code. The ONLY way is to take it to the dealer and have them replace the brain, or IF!!! they can, reset it with the computer. Look at it this way, if you change the code, and a theif tries to steal your car. The only way he can get it to start is enter the valet code that you changed it to. If it automatically changes back to the defualt when power is removed all he would have to do is unhook the battery, hook it back up enter 2 and off he goes with your car. Kinda defeats the purpose of a coded valet switch don't it. |
Unregistered guest | Hi, i just installed a clifford 3.5 on my truck,.. but the installation book doesnt say where exactly the 5 wire harness for the door locks connect to,..if someone could help me out that would be great |
New member Username: PksynPost Number: 1 Registered: Jul-05 | I too am having problems with a clifford. I have a clifford 7000. I am unable to enter the programming mode and my last remote just ran out of batteries. In fact the car is stranded at walmart. Is there a way to reset the alarm to factory defualts with out entering the programable mode? I am not sure if I forgot the code, the switch is bad, or if the brain is bad. oh yea, for a long time now, when disarming the alarm (silent or not) the alarm would chirp a deep chirp instead of a high pitched chirp, but was normal when arming. Thanks in advance. |
Unregistered guest | We've recently bought a used Jeep, which has both the original factory alarm, as well as the Clifford. The doors were accidentally locked manually, which we were told would set off the Jeep alarm and possibly mess up the Clifford. Now, even though both alarms seem to go on and off fine, the ignition has cut off and we can't get it started. Any suggestions? |
Silver Member Username: JeremycGermany Post Number: 761 Registered: Jun-04 | I don't see how that would (mess up) the clifford. Yes I can see it causing the factory alarm to go off. Since the clifford send an arm disarm siginal to the factory alarm. Other than it going off for a sec till you disarm it, you shouldn't really have any other problems. I would check the fuses if I was you, and if they are all fine, put the clifford in valet mode, and see if it will start then. Let me know what happens after you try that, and I will try to help you out some more. |
New member Username: Nilu_gWolverhampton, West Midlands England Post Number: 1 Registered: Jul-05 | I have a honda civic coupe, \with a concept 600 alarm. The engine was cutting out at idle but always able to restart (but not always straight away) Also whist driving there was a judder before all this. Tried fuel additive and wotked ok for a while.When it actually cut out whislt driving it felt there was nothing there on the gas. When stopped could not restart for a LONG time.garage had it and replaced dizzy. Cut out 10 mins after collecting car on mrs bday. ( NOT HAPPY) garage reckon maybe something to do with the alarm. I've been told that it could be the wireless fuuelguard. Said they are not totally 100% so clifford don't use them on later generations of alarm. Anyone help please??? |
Silver Member Username: JeremycGermany Post Number: 765 Registered: Jun-04 | Nilesh, I really really REALLY don't think your alarm is your problem. Sounds like a problem somewhere else. Good luck. |
homer90 Unregistered guest | I've had a Clifford Concept 300, fitted to my car ( Subaru Impreza ) From then on I have had numerous problems with the alarm, these mainly being : the alarm being activated for no apparent reason, alarm not responding to key fob, and once being stranded because the system could not be dis-armed. Just to give an example, I returned to the car which was parked (Today) in an empty car park with nothing either side of car only to find the alarm had been activated ! I have, been to their workshop concerning the above problems and the alarm sensitivity had been lowered which I believe to be at the minimum settings allowed by the system at this moment in time, but the problems still persist ! I have had Clifford systems installed on previous cars and needless to say had never any problems with them, and was one of the reasons why I chose to have another one installed on the above car. As it stands Im not using the alarm at the moment due to the above factors and by doing this defeats the purpose of having a "good" system installed into that type of car. it has gone beyond annoying.!!!!!!!!!!! What to do ? Supplier seems to be ' Not Concerned' !!!!! |
o kane Unregistered guest | Woke up this morning, and the car was dead. No power anywhere except for the alarm. But it won't turn off. It has been going hard for the past hour and some change. If anyone has some advice,it would be greatly appreciated. |
New member Username: Alex_civic00Henderson Post Number: 1 Registered: Jul-05 | I hope Someone Can help me with my problem. I bought a Clifford Matrix RS 3.5 a year ago. The LCD Remote is not getting back a signal but it is sending signals to the car. when I push the arm button the car will lock but the arm indicator on the remote will say it is unlocked. The Antenna on the top left of the remote has stopped blinking. The remote will send signals to the car but not recieve them back knowing what it did. Im not sure if it is the alarm antenna in the car or if i need a new remote? |
Silver Member Username: JeremycGermany Post Number: 768 Registered: Jun-04 | homer90 look and see how many times the led flashes after you disarm and see what the manual says. It sounds like a trunk or hood pin is dirty ot out of adjustment to me. Second thing I would check is the fuses and make sure the conectors are clean. I have seen that cause problems like this before too. If neither of those seem to be the problem, go to a diffrent dealer, tell them what is going on, and ask them to check it out. They might figure out that the brain is on the frits, but that is the least likely of the three if you ask me. Kane, need more info. Honestly most cliffords won't continue going off for an hour plus. Either way, I need more info on what is going on, and what alarm you have to be able to help. Alex, have the clifford dealer try a new remote. If that fixes it, then their is your problem. If not the transmitter on your car that sends siginals to the remote probably went bad. I would have them try that second, and you should be good to go. Either way, this is stuff a dealer needs to play with. Not much you can do at home. |
jane Unregistered guest | i have a Clifford Concept 300 i have tryed to put the bleeps back on and cant i have read the manual and am doing what it says but still nothing |
chevyman Unregistered guest | i just bought a 1994 chevy silverado and it has a clifford alarm on it i dont know the model nor do i have the manual i just need to know what the turn off button thingy looks like the thing that u press when the alarm goes off people have told me that it is under the dash some where but i cant find it and the only way i can get in is by using the remote alarm thing but whenever i open the door with the key the alarm goes off and i dont know how to turn it off |
Silver Member Username: JeremycGermany Post Number: 770 Registered: Jun-04 | Chevy it should be out and the open and look like a simple 2 way toggle switch. One side will have a * on it and the other side will be flat. The problem is that it is coded, and unless the old owner left it at the factory code, your kina stuck. There is hope though, Tell me what your remote looks like (in detail, or a pic) and I will tell you how to put it in valet mode using the remote. Untill then, if the buttons make a square hit the top right. If they make a diamond, hit the top center (it will be a large round button). That will get you going with the normal arm disarm stuff. Jane, What beeps are you talking about, and is the LED red all the time, or does it flash when you press the arm button? |
jane Unregistered guest | the beeps to turn it on and off the led flashs all the time |
Silver Member Username: JeremycGermany Post Number: 771 Registered: Jun-04 | Try something for me, press and hold the arm disarm button on your remote, and the lights will start flashing, and the alarm will sound. If it does then its just a simple programing thing that I will get to in a sec. If the lights do flash and the alarm doesn't sound your siren probably went bad and you need to have it replaced. Ok on to the programing stuff. 1 Turn the ignition on 2 Enter your valet code 3 then press and hold the * button of the PlainView 2 switch for about 3 seconds until you hear a siren chirp. (this is why I had you check to see if the siren is working) 4 press the flat (unmarked button) twice (wait till you hear 2 chirps) 5 Press and release the * button once (you will hear one chirp) 6 it will now chirp 1, 2, or 3 times. 7 repeat steps 4 and 5 till you hear 2 chirps (that is the loud (regular chirp) setting, if you want the chirps to be quiet but still on repeat steps 4 and 5 till you hear 3 chirps. Hope that helps. |
jane Unregistered guest | thank you so much for your help am guessing it the siren as no sound but thank you so much for your help. |
jane Unregistered guest | sorry i must just add that the siren goes off when i try to start it after the timer has gone. one problem with the valet code i dont have it as the alarm was on it when i got the car and i only have the down loaded manual. |
Silver Member Username: JeremycGermany Post Number: 772 Registered: Jun-04 | Yeah if you don't have it your kinda stuck. You can try the defualt, ** flat, and hope the old owner didn't change it. Or you can take it in and see if the clifford dealer can reset it. My only other sugestion till you have a chance to really work it, is put it into valet mode using the remote. It will tell you how in the manual. |
Tuan41 Unregistered guest | I bought a Matrix RX 3.5 a year ago and it never had any problems until now. My antenna won't read the signal from the remote. The antenna is placed on top of my back mirror. The only time that I can unlock/lock my car is if I put the remote right on the antenna. Could it be heat damage to the antenna or could it be the brain? Please help. |
AexB Unregistered guest | bazzle try this link or directly |
Unregistered guest | Hi I need some HELP! I have a 1990 Honda Prelude SI with a clifford alarm (I'm not sure which model). I drove it yesterday, didn't touch or adjust anything in it I swear, got home and parked it as usual. A half hour later I went to open my car door as usual and the alarm (which is incredibly obnoxious!) started going off. I finally got it to stop, started to pull out of my parking space, and 10 seconds later it went off again as I was driving! The car used to belong to my dad who is in Whister this week and I can't reach by phone to find out how to turn off the alarm. I don't know what to do, I can't touch the car, even when I open the trunk it gives out warning beeps so I just back away and leave it alone. I live in a 65 unit apartment building, it's the middle of summer and everyone has their windows open...they're pretty pissed. I don't have a remote keyless thing to disarm it, I don't even have automatic locks on my doors, they're manual. When it went off all I could do was sit there and wait for it to stop. Please help!!! I don't even want the stupid alarm on anymore but I don't know how to turn it off (other than ripping out random wires like car theives do on TV). If you have any ideas please please please help me! (I might also add that I don't have a manual for anything, and I don't even know what the "valet code" is). AAAAGGHHHHHHHH!!!! |
Silver Member Username: JeremycGermany Post Number: 777 Registered: Jun-04 | Kathy you need the remote. Somehow the alarm got armed, and not it doesn't like you. Please don't just yank out the wires. That would be really bad, and would mess alot of things up. I do have a sugestion for you. When a clifford alarm auto arms, it gives you 30 seconds to get in and start the car before it goes off. So next time make sure you start the car within 30 seconds, and it may help. Other than that find out the valet code from your dad, or find a remote. |
Unregistered guest | Hi there, I need some help with my Clifford Concept 300. The alarm remote fob has stopped working as of yesterday and I only have one remote. I have tried a different battery but it still won't work. I now have to lock the doors with the key and enter a valet code every time I wish to start the vehicle. I don't need the alarm, it was on when I bought the car, but it's just causing me problems. Is there an easy way that I can disable it or get the fob to start working again without taking it to a dealer? There is only one Clifford dealer near me and it's 10 miles away. Also, prior to the alarm remote breaking, the alarm seemed to be permanently stuck in silent mode. It's been like this since I bought the car and I've followed the instructions in the manual many times but can't get the thing to chirp. I can hear a very very silent siren sounding under the bonnet when I set the alarm off and the hazards flash as normal but I am unable to get the volume to increase. Any help you can give me will be greatly appreciated. Thanks |
Silver Member Username: JeremycGermany Post Number: 783 Registered: Jun-04 | Sounds like the sire is bad. You can replace it yourself, or have the dealer do it. As for the remote, your kinda stuck. You can enter the valet code and leave it in valet mode (red light on at all time)(no flashing), or you can take it to the dealer. I would put it in valet mode, and take it in later. Heck the remote might not be totally bad. There was a model of clifford remotes that were bad about the sodder point on the battery comming loose, and it causing the remote to act up. It only took about 30 sec to fix once you had the soddering gun good and hot. So I doub't they will charge you much if that is it. As for a new remote, about 45 bucks cash, so you can expect about 25 pounds, or 30 euro. |
Unregistered guest | I have a clifford 850, and when i try to remote start it in the morning it run for about 8 seconds then it turn off and I have to try this a couple of times before it runs properly. |
New member Username: IlikemyftoUK Post Number: 1 Registered: Aug-05 | I have a Clifford 300, it was professionaly installed 5 years ago and has worked well ever since until last month. Now it refuses to chirp when I arm and disarm it. I have tried reprogramming via the vallet code entry but without the confirmation chirps it's impossible. I then managed to get Clifford Wizard for my laptop and a cable. Everthing looks ok on the user page, the chirp is set to loud. (Still no chirps). On the Diag page I can test the alarms etc but notice there is a button for single chirp, press and it does nothing. Anyone got an idea on where the fault is? |
Silver Member Username: JeremycGermany Post Number: 786 Registered: Jun-04 | Roy press and hold the arm / disarm button till the alarm goes into panic mode. If the alarm still doesn't sound, check the fuse holders for curosion, and make sure the wires to the siren itself haven't been cut. If both look good the siren is probably bad. If you can, slave in a new one and see if that fixes it. |
New member Username: IlikemyftoUK Post Number: 2 Registered: Aug-05 | Hi Jeremy - Yes the siren does work in panic mode. It also works fine if I arm and then open the door with a key. When I stop the siren, it gives 4 chirps for door entry. In vallet mode if I wait too long before pressing the vallet switch I get 3 clhirps. BUT- It won`t chirp 2 lock & 1 unlock. Is there a rechargeable battery in the siren that may be dead? As it was a certified install do you think I could get a replacement under warranty? Kind Regards |
Unregistered guest | Hello you guys, im having a BAD problem with my car. I got an Intelliguard 8000 and Intellistart 4 on it.. well what happened is that When i left my car parked it was all normal. Later on that day, i tried opening it with the controller as usual and it seemed as if the alarm was dead. The LED light wasnt flashing, it wasnt recognizing the controller when i pressed to unlock. I had to open the car manually (with the Key), i tried to turn the car on and i coulnt turn it on.. Lights were working but the car just wouldnt turn on. I left the car, closed it and came back 2 hours. when i came back it was all working perfectly, i was able to turn it on, alarm was working, everything was good. I took the car to my mechanic, to see if this problem was related to the car, i was told that the problem would most likely come from the alarm system/Remote Start. The fuses were working properly and all. I hope one of you who knows more about this can help me out or if youve heard of something simliar like this... Please let me know by replying back on here, it would be of great help. Thanks Pedro |
Silver Member Username: JeremycGermany Post Number: 791 Registered: Jun-04 | Roy, No thats not a problem with the siren, thats just the way the setings are. I would give it another try using the programing menue, and then take it by a delaer and ask them to do it for you real quick. Pedro, you have a bad conection some where. Go thru with the alarm in valet mode, and shake the power wires till the light shuts off. It may be easer to do with a test light, but you get the picture. Once you find the area that causes the light to go out when you move the wire, you can take it in and get them to fix the wire for you. |
discodave Unregistered guest | Hello, Not sure if anyone can help, but here goes. I 've recently bought back my old car off the person I sold it to, only to find that he has lost one of the remotes for the alarm. The alarm is a Cliford Concept 50 (UK) fitted in 1996. I would like to erase the remote that has been lost and program in another remote that I have spare. I have the manual for the alarm, but it does not tell me how to carry this out. It only goes as far as telling me how to turn features 'on' or 'off' and that I need to go to a dealer to have any new remotes added. I don't really want to go to the dealer as I'm sure they will charge a handsome fee (original dealer has since gone out of business and the other has a bad reputation). I have seen the manuals on the Clifford web site, but it is exactly the same as the one I have. It seems to be that it is possible to program the Concept 50x but not the Concept 50 (I did try those instructions), but why? I can even add remotes on the lesser Arrow II on my other car, but not on the Concept 50. ???? I think I have covered everything, thanks for reading. |
Silver Member Username: JeremycGermany Post Number: 793 Registered: Jun-04 | Dave, Yep man your right, its a conspiracy. You will have to let clifford install the remote. Honestly its probably just a software diffrence between the 50 and the x50 that let you add remotes yourself. But either way your kinda stuck. They shouldn't charge you that much to remove the second remote. I would guess about 20 to 25 Pounds. If you don't want to spend that much just to have the remote removed. I would call around and see how much they will charge you to add another remote. I don't know if they can still get remotes for that model, but it would be worth a try, and will probably cost you about the same. (they should add it and remove the other for free with the purchase of a new remote) |
discodave Unregistered guest | JeremyC, Thanks for the reply. Looks like I'll be phoning around some places. Remotes are not a problem as I have 3 spare, I just wish I could have programmed them in myself. |
Daveman8000 Unregistered guest | Hi, I have a Clifford ACE300 that seems to be somewhat fried. The remote works, and the doors lock, but the alarm never arms (the dash light blinks as though it's armed, but the horn makes no noises, and "tripping" the alarm causes nothing to happen). The parking lights and horn give no indication of arm/disarm, but I can hear a relay under the dash clicking the appropriate number of times. The light on the dash blinks when "armed", and the unit doesn't seem to be in valet mode, not to mention that the valet switch does not get any reaction. Also, the optional proximity display has no lights whatsoever (used to show levels of sensitivity). Does anybody have any quick ideas for what I should be looking for? Thanks! |
Silver Member Username: JeremycGermany Post Number: 794 Registered: Jun-04 | check the fuses, and make sure they aren't coroded. (fuse hoders too) Other than that, sounds like the brain is gone. |
New member Username: MpakPost Number: 1 Registered: Aug-05 | Hi, I bought a Clifford 100 concept around 4 months ago with a hood/trunk pin and a back up battery. Recently my alarm has been going off lately for no apparent reason. After my alarm goes off, I will dis-arm my car and I would check my "LED light status" indicating 5 flashes,meaning the hood is being tampered with, but I've witnessed my alarm going off when no body is around my vehicle. I have taken my car back to the place I purchesed it over 4 times. They did install a new hood pin and it seemed to have worked for the 1st week but now again my alarm is going off tonight. Can somebody please help. This is too frustrating. I have tried everything, even turning down the sensitivity for any shock absorbent. I have read the some of the previous problems and I will ask the Car shop that I bought the alarm from to "check the trunk and hood pins for proper adjustment, and make sure there not coroded. After that look at the fuse holder a few inches down line from the battery terminal. If it looks coroded, or dirty, replace or clean it as required" but can anybody recomend any other recomendations. Thanks |
Silver Member Username: JeremycGermany Post Number: 795 Registered: Jun-04 | Nope man, you did good. I would raise the hood pin up a little, and see if that helps. You can also look and see if the conector on the bottom is rubbing against anything metal, when the hood is down. Or if itis wet when it gives you this problem. Other than that, not much else to check. Bye the way, thanks for reading up, before you asked the question. It makes my job easer. |
Silver Member Username: JeremycGermany Post Number: 796 Registered: Jun-04 | One more thing, folow the wire, and make sure it doesn't have any cuts or nicks in it. If it does, and it touches metal, that will cause the same problem. |
New member Username: HhhPost Number: 1 Registered: Aug-05 | HI people, jus woundering if anyone can help me with finding the correct remote for my clifford concept 50x i have tried to programme in a one but it does not seem to be the right model or i am not doing it right. the remote i am tryin is part no: 904005 is this the correct remote for my alarm? |
Unregistered guest | Hi, I just bought a used '91 with a Clifford XL1000 in it. It seemed to be working fine until recently, when I didn't start the car for several weeks and the battery died. I got a jump and the car is running, but the alarm LED stays lit all the time now, and the remote seems to have no effect on it. I don't think it's valet mode, as I've tried flicking the switch once with the key in the ignition at "ON" without any change. More troublingly, the car now shows "door ajar" even when the doors are all firmly closed. This means that the lights stay on and the battery drains. I am guessing this relates to the alarm (since I know it is tied into the door lock system -- incidentally, the automatic door lock button inside the car isn't working now either). Does anyone have any advice on this? Thanks so much for your help, Davis |
douce Unregistered guest | I have a 700-IQ, the car battery went dead, i jumped it and now the alarm won't go into valet or programming mode. How do you recode the brain? |
Silver Member Username: JeremycGermany Post Number: 805 Registered: Jun-04 | Harry, talk to a local clifford dealer or call DEI direct, that will be your best bet. Davis, if the light is on, it is in valet mode. If its a coded valet switch, then flicking it once will do nothing. You have to enter the code to get it out of valet mode. Honestly man, it sounds like the problem lies in your car, and not the alarm. Yes the alarm ties into the door locks, but it won't cause the dome light to stay on all the time, and it won't cause the door locks to completly stop working. If they don't work period, not just when you are or disarm them the problem isn't in the alarm. Douce, there is no way to recode the brain. zif it is dead it is dead. But try this first, try putting it into valet mode using the remote. If it works, you forgot the code, or the switch went bad. Either way, I don't see how the battery going dead will cause this problem. Just in case you all need it, here is the link to the manuals for your alarms. |
jaggy Unregistered guest | hi: anyone now were i can get a wireing diagram for a cobra 7918 car alarm plz |
Unregistered guest | If anyone could help me, I'd be very happy! I just bought a 98 Honda Accord, that had a Clifford alarm on it. I've had it for 3 months, and other than the remote battery dying, it's worked fine...until now. HOWEVER, while at work, my car battery died (I left the radio on too long)...and since then my remote key entry won't work...and the little red security light in my car isn't on either. This seems related to the security system...but I have no clue what to do...especially since I bought the car with security system unarmed, and left it that way. I went through all the papers I have, and couldn't find anything for my Clifford Alarm...and I don't know how else to figure it out. Does anyone know what I can do? Please post back or email me. Thanks! |
Unregistered guest | If anyone could help me, I'd be very happy! I just bought a 98 Honda Accord, that had a Clifford alarm on it. I've had it for 3 months, and other than the remote battery dying, it's worked fine...until now. HOWEVER, while at work, my car battery died (I left the radio on too long)...and since then my remote key entry won't work...and the little red security light in my car isn't on either. This seems related to the security system...but I have no clue what to do...especially since I bought the car with security system unarmed, and left it that way. I went through all the papers I have, and couldn't find anything for my Clifford Alarm...and I don't know how else to figure it out. Does anyone know what I can do? Please post back or email me at Thanks! |
Silver Member Username: JeremycGermany Post Number: 807 Registered: Jun-04 | Jen check the fuses, they should be in a black fuse holder a few inches down from the battery. Second thing, did you replace the battery. If you did they might have not hooked the alarm back up. Check and see if there are a few wires dangelling a few inches away from the battery. Other than that, not much can do to help you. So if those don't fix it try to give me some moe info, or take it to a locale clifford dealer. |
Unregistered guest | hi, can any one help me with my problem.i have a clifford concept 300 fitted to my car. The alarm doesn't respond to the fob? sometimes it does then at other times it doesn't. any ideas? |
Unregistered guest | Philip, Open the fob up and check the circuit board for cold or broken solder joints. These usually occur when you drop the remote control. This might explain why it works some of the time and not others. |
rommel Unregistered guest | hi. I need help about my concept 200. there is a problem with the lock/unlock wiring,it continously gives a negative pulse,so when connected to the car's central locking system,the door will just lock and cannot be unlocked. we thought that the lock/unlock wire from the module is shorted but its not. what shall i do? thanks. |
Unregistered guest | PLEASE HELP!!! Clifford Concept 300 Problem: about a month ago alarm started to go off randomly every 1/2mins for a while and only stopped when i kept arming/disarming until i finally got the 4 lower chirps to sound. then the alarm stopped chirping altogether on arming/diarming although doors locked. next, we jumped leads with a car as i broke down and the alarm started to fire again. after full charge of batt, the alarm seemed to work but after about a week has started to go off again once/twice a day. now (just this hour) the alarm has locked the doors but the light is constantly on and this was after the car armed/disarmed with chirps but with the alarm still going off. please suggest help thank you in advance |
almond13 Unregistered guest | I sent my Intelli7000 for service and it was replaced with the Concept450. Other than not having the Blackjax system, is this close to the same or better? Thanks! @rmand |
fofofofofofofoffo Unregistered guest | Hi all, this might help some people out. Check out this russain site it has loads of diagrams for clifford. Later |
New member Username: Colemanc78LeedsUnited Kingdom Post Number: 1 Registered: Oct-05 | can anyone tell me where ican find a installation instructions/ diagrams for a concept 500 please |
superpov Unregistered guest | I just had a clifford matrix rsx 3.5 remote start/alarm put in my truck. I purchased another remote so that my wife and I both have one, but I'm not sure how to program it to my alarm. I would appreciate any help I could get. I read somewhere about using the valet switch to do it, but it didn't go into any detail about what exactly to do. thanks. |
Silver Member Username: JeremycGermany Post Number: 824 Registered: Jun-04 | Super, the place you purchased the remote from should install it for free. If not look in your manual, it will tell you how. |
CupidsAngel Unregistered guest | HI! I need help!!!??!!! I just got my acura integra...and it came with the Clifford Matrix RSX 3.2 2-Way Security and Remote Start System. For some reason...the remote was playing music and it was not working properly. The remote wouldn't unlock my car or turn off my car.It constantly keep playing a music I thought maybe it was out of I replaced the remote with new AAA batteries.Unfortunately, the remote is still not working? It will not unlock my car or turn off the alarm....what should I do? I called Best Buy (the store the previous own bought the alarm from) and they advised me to get my car tolled and bring it up there. Before I pay extra $ to get it tolled...I was wondering if there's a way I can fix it myself?please help. Thanks! |
New member Username: QddevelopmentsPost Number: 1 Registered: Oct-05 | HI i have a clifford XL 10? on a car i am working on the alarm is playing up though alarm goes off whilst driving? lock car only passenger window goes up. (drivers does not) remote start does not work the guy informs me it is an XL10 though i can only find info on the XL1000, maybe this is it. has any one got or know were i can get wiring diagram cheers |
Silver Member Username: JeremycGermany Post Number: 825 Registered: Jun-04 | cupid, I hate to say it, but thats one for a dealer. qd I don't do wire diagrams sorry |
Anonymous | Hi Jeremy! You are the man I'm looking for.. I bought a Clifford 600 with remote start and and all the extras....but the guy that sold it to me forgot to tell me the vallet code. Now I went to a dealer to get it fitted and he asked for the vallet code, I said I didn't have one and he told me that I had to buy a new alarm?!!? I do think he's trying to sell me one.....isn't there a way to reset the vallet code or even for him to read the old one? Many thanks! JP |
New member Username: RashiffMerida, Yucatan Mexico Post Number: 1 Registered: Oct-05 | Hi... I need a wiring diagramm and Owner Guides for a clifford ACE and Intelliguard 600 alarm systems... can you help me Please. Thanks. |
New member Username: JessebonePost Number: 1 Registered: Oct-05 | ****Hi. I am NEW and hope someone can help me. I bought a car with a Clifford Alarm System. I have been using the remote and have never had a problem. Today, I went to set the alarm on (as I do on a daily basis) and the remote wouldn't work. You would think it is just a dead battery in the remote but my fears are its something else because the red led light on the remote is a a bright red when I push the button. The light on the car is a solid led red as always. I am going to go on the weekend and purchase a battery for the remote but am wondering if I am wasting my money if I do. Isn't the red led light on the remote supposed to dim or not even come on once the battery is dead? PLEASE HELP!!*** |
Unregistered guest | I own the Matrix RS 3.2 in my Honda Civic. I left my headlights on today and my battery died completely. I got it jumped and ran the car so that the battery is charged up, but now my system won't work. My remote cannot connect with the car at all. I know my system works because I messed with the valet button and it chirps and my remote does all of its features fine, they just no longer work together. Should I reprogram it? If so, how do I do that? |
superpov Unregistered guest | Thanks Jeremy. I'll take another look at my owners manual and see if I can figure it out. I was reading through it before and didn't understand what it meant by programing each button to do certain things. I just want it to do what the other one does. If I can't figure it out, I'm sure I'll be back here asking. Or if you can explain it pretty easily I'd appreciate that too. Thanks again. |
Unregistered guest | hello please help i have just bought an escort cosworth which is fitted with a clifford concept 600. the car spends most of the time in the garage. the other day i went to take car for a drive but noticed the dash warning lights were on . the button on the remote which controls this is either button 4 on main remote or the snow flake button on the conpanion remote. netheir button seems to do anything any more apart from i can hear a relay click behind the dash each time the button is pushed .according to my fitting manual the wireless fuelguard appears to be fitted in the area where i can hear the noise . the car seems to be immobilized it turns over but will not start and i have no fuel pump noise . i can put it in valet mode with the remote but dont know how to enter code with the remote and i dont know where the plain view switch is in the car . i live in the channel islands where we have no clifford dealer please help because i cant use the car i have now disconnected the battery to turn the lights out please help. |
Unregistered guest | Hi, I recently installed a concept 300 in my car. All the functions work correctly e.g. Indicator flash/unlock/lock/alrm go off but it wond turn the starter motor over? It gives the ignition power but will not send the power for the starter back from the brain. There is starter power going to it as i have tested it when i turned over. Any help would be much appreciated. |
Unregistered guest | i currently bought a used 1998 cavalier z24 and theres is electric doors locks but i can't use the 'clifford' remote i got with it to unlock them.. can anyone help me program it? or is it not programable? |
Unregistered guest | Jeremy, I've got one quick question for you. I found the intallation guide for my rsx 3.5. But I don't quite understand how to use the "auto learn standard configuration" I understand all the steps up to which button I push to transmit the remote info to the alarm. I was trying to program my new remote and now the original remote arms/disarms and starts, but it won't lock or unlock my doors. So I think I pretty much need to start from scratch. If you could help me out, I would really appreciate it. Thanks |
Josh Edrington Unregistered guest | I have a problem with my Clifford Concept 50 alarm. I bought my 1996 Tahoe two years ago and it came with this alarm. The individual who I bought the vehicle from said if I ever had any problems with the alarm I could take it to a local dealer in town where it was installed. The problem is this dealer has closed his business and all of the other local Clifford Dealers told me that the Clifford 50 alarm is too old of a system and that they could not help me because their reference materials do not date that far back. The alarm has been in valet mode for the last 6 months, so basically I haven't used it the alarm for awhile. Yesterday my wife ran into a situation where the alarm caused the vehicle to die which I'm assuming was the automatic kill switch. I got the vehicle back into valet mode and started it up but so that this will not happen again I want to disconnect the alarm completely. When I started disconnecting the alarm I ran into the problem of not knowing how the wires are hooked up. In order to do this correctly I need a diagarm of the wiring. Can anybody provide this for me or point me in the right direction? Any help would be great. |
Silver Member Username: JeremycGermany Post Number: 827 Registered: Jun-04 | Sorry bout the delay guys, but I am back for a while. Anonymous try * * flat. That is the normal defualt code. If that doesn't work, then they might be able to reset it with the computer. If it is a compadable model. I would call around some other clifford shops and see if they think your is. I would also check the manual that came with the alarm. He might have written it in and forgot to tell you, or like some of the old models it might be on one of the factory pages. Karina, scroll up some and I know there is a link to the clifford manuals. That will help you with the user manual. The installer maunal will be pretty hard to find. Jessy, the alarm is in valet mode. Look at the manual and it will tell you how to take it out. As for the remote battery, and the light. The red light in the remote is a LED. To say the least it doesn't take much to cause it to light up. So it might still be low. The best way to tell, is you have to get closer to the car to arm and disarm the alarm. You will also notice a change in pitch wien you disarm the alarm. (you would have to be deaf not to notice it) Thats the clifford alarm itself telling you the battery is getting low. (normally a while after your range starts getting less and less) Herbito Check out the owner manual and see if it states anything about programing the remote. I don't think it does, but its still best to check yourself. That being the case, you will need a clifford dealer to program the remote back in for you. (do't tell them what happened, just say it quit working.) Just incase when you jumped it, you fried something in the brain. Mark, there isn't a code for the remote, only for the plain view switch. With the main remote, (4 buttons on top with the shift key on the side) press shift twice, and then button one. Its the big one on top center. Once you finish that go to the clifford site, and download the manual. it will help you out alot. William, I need some more info, like what model is the alarm. Super, I would need the same manual your looking at. Since I am not a dealer I only have a few installer manuals, and the 3.5 is one of the MANY I don't have. Other than that, I say start all over and go from there. If you still need help, (I know its been a while since I had a chance to get one here) Shoot me an email with a copy of your manual. I will see what I can do from there. Josh you don't need the manual. As long as your carefull. The main thing to watch out for is where the clifford is tied in between a factroy wire. An example of this is the ignition cut off. There will be two wires running to the clifford brain from your ignition wire (12 vdc power supply for the coil)One of the wires is a supply line tht is routed to the clifford for a cut off. The other is a return line from the clifford to supply the coil with 12 vdc. As long as you tie the factory wires back together and remove the clifford wires you will be good to go. Just take your time, and double check everything before you remove something. |
Unregistered guest | Hello, I have a Clifford Matrix RS3.5 installed on my 1997 Honda Accord. I have had it for a little over a year with no problems. Just last night my battery ran out, so i replaced it with a new one. In the middle of the night, my car started, I didnt push any buttons or anything, so I turned it off. A little later the car unlocked and re-locked itself. I locked it and I took the battery out of the remote so it would stop doing things. A few hours later, the car started itself again! The battery was not in the remote. I have no idea what is going on. The place I got it installed at is not longer in business and I don't know where to turn. I've looked through the manual and there are no trouble shooting options, and the help 1800# only gave me a list of dealers in my area. The manual says it has a lifetime waranty. Where do I start to get this problem fixed? any help would be appriciated, thanks! |
Silver Member Username: JeremycGermany Post Number: 833 Registered: Jun-04 | Zoe, I would see if another one of your locale dealers can help you. As for the problem, I would say you pushed one of the buttons down when you replaced the battery, but since it did it with the battery out, then I dont know. |
NeoGeo Unregistered guest | Got a clifford G4 on my geo storm I live in wa while on a trip back from cali my alarm would not arm so I changed the fuse the alarm was fix but now when i start the car and then try to set the alarm same thing burn out fuse what shoul I look for loose wires or ???? |
Unregistered guest | im tony i have a 93 honda prelude...i reecently bought it and it came with a clifford alarm system i dont know what model it is but i think its a supernova its black with 5 buttons 4 on the front and one on the side. Since i unplugged my battery it hasnt worked since. Does anyone know how to reprogram the car or alarm if so please email me at |
Unregistered guest | im tony i have a 93 honda prelude...i reecently bought it and it came with a clifford alarm system i dont know what model it is but i think its a supernova its black with 5 buttons 4 on the front and one on the side. Since i unplugged my battery it hasnt worked since. Does anyone know how to reprogram the car or alarm if so please email me at |
Bronze Member Username: CatalinSurrey, BC Canada Post Number: 28 Registered: Nov-05 | It's actually a concept series selecta. The Supernova was available before the Concepts. Is the LED lit up all the time?? If it isn't check to see if the fuses are blown on the alarm. Look for a brown five amp and a yellow twenty amp fuse by the battery positive. These fuses may also be under the dash but from what I remember when I installed them we were required to wire them up straight form the battery. If both of those suggestions fail then you can try re-setting it. Remove the negative battery terminal for about 10 seconds or so and then re-connect it. Cliffords did not drop remote codes.. Once they were programmed they did not need to be coded again. |
OakParkBob Unregistered guest | I have a Clifford alarm on my wife's 2000 Chevy Malibu. I stepped on the fob in the house and the alarm went off. She shut it off by pressing the lock/unlock tab (it is a 3 tab fob - unlock/lock symbols at top and below it the trunk unlock on the left and the star sign on the right.). Now the light is on all the time and it does not automatically lock. I believe that the valet is on. I can't find the manual. How do I turn the valet off and is there a website for the manual? Thanks. |
Silver Member Username: JeremycGermany Post Number: 839 Registered: Jun-04 | hay oak, try this link If you don't know what model it is, just try a couple of the manuals. I am sure you will get it. |
oakparkbob Unregistered guest | Thanks, Jer. OPB |
bartmcsimpson Unregistered guest | Hi, have a clifford concept 50 installed, problem is car won't start, even in valet mode. (starts fine within 5 mins of switching engine off) ignition light comes on, so could it be the power to starter interupted. I've checked most wiring, but suspect starter relay, however this has been removed, likely from alarm installation. Any idea if a relay is fitted with this alarm - car is a 1996 honda prelude. thanks |
M. MacGregor Unregistered guest | Just to let everyone know out there! Ive bought a 1997 Ford Ranger with a Concept 20 Clifford Alarm with immobiliser. Truck began stalling at various times.(at stop lights and while driving down the highway)Went to Ford and replaced in order,- Spark plugs,Leads,Coil.Still stalling!Running rough too.Then replaced Fuel filter,Fuel pump. Still stalling!! Flushed fuel lines + injectors AND the tank!$1100.00 into it now.Finally figured out that the immobiliser was sporatically sending power to the fuel pump.So they bypassed the immobiliser and the truck started right up. It ran great for a day, then it fried my ignition.MORE MONEY!!!! Immobiliser is now gone and truck runs great. WHAT FUN!!! So....if anyone ever says your immobiliser can't kill your vehicle once it's started. WRONG!!!!!! Hope this helps somebody! Cheers. |
Bronze Member Username: CatalinSurrey, BC Canada Post Number: 41 Registered: Nov-05 | True that, but 90% of the time it isn't an immobilizer or alarm. Chances are that the ignition tumbler was faulty and you never knew it since the mechanics didn't troubleshoot that part of it. No offense to mechanics in general but they're wire friendly at all. |
Bronze Member Username: CatalinSurrey, BC Canada Post Number: 42 Registered: Nov-05 | True that, but 90% of the time it isn't an immobilizer or alarm. Chances are that the ignition tumbler was faulty and you never knew it since the mechanics didn't troubleshoot that part of it. No offense to mechanics in general but they're not wire friendly at all. |
Bronze Member Username: CatalinSurrey, BC Canada Post Number: 43 Registered: Nov-05 | I have no idea how to delete posts or edit them, so please disregard my second last post. ![]() |
and @ n.ireland Unregistered guest | hi all..........need install / setup guide for concept 300. have all of the owners manuals..... trying to setup proximity sensor 3 with arrow 3 using duplex piezo sensor on the additional sensor input and the prox where the original piezo was... problem is when both are connected....piezo light stays on.......when i remove the prox sensor...piezo works as it should? conecpt 300 install guid would help manual didnt ![]() thx |
New member Username: DjjgPost Number: 1 Registered: Nov-05 | hello all i have just change over my cenecpt 300 from car to car but i can't get the Immobilize to work i have change the wires arould but still no joy i have downloaded a wiring digram but it is different to what the 6 pin connectons are any idears email |
New member Username: DmitriyPost Number: 2 Registered: Dec-05 | Just got Matrix RSX 3.5 and there were no Antena/CU cable. Is it possible to make it at somehow ? Is there straight/cross connections ? Is it shielded cable ? Thanks in advance. |
Unregistered guest | I have just had an Arrow 5 fitted to a 96 BMW 318i SE auto two days ago. The alarm seems to chirp from the middle of the night for no apparent reason. Needless to say that the neighbours aren't happy. What could be causing the problem? If i bypass the sensors, should that cure the problem? |
Alan H Unregistered guest | Hello I've spent the last couple of hours looking through all the posts here, trying to find a solution to my problem with no avail. I have a concept 300 installed in my mazda mx-3, the problem is it's stopped locking/unlocking with the key fob and when I start the car it no longer auto locks. Apart from that the alarm is fine, arms and disarms, can be put in valet mode from the key fob with no problems. I did think it could be the central locking screwing up but that works fine with the key just not with the alarm, any ideas? Thanks |
Unregistered guest | Hello, I have 92 CIVIC, and on a cold day last week with lots of snow, i pressed the remote on my alarm to disarm it, and it would work. I looked inside and the LED(which is usually blinking) if the alarm is armed, was on and is still on. The LED will not turn off. When I unlocked my door with my key, I heard a faint noise, it was the alarm going off, yet I could hardly hear it. My car could not start at all, so I got a boast. And immeadiatly the car started. But now my alarm does not arm or disarm, my power lock button on the driver side door does not work. My rough light stays on if i dont turn it completely off. And i dont have a manuel, nor any information as to what the codes maybe. I tried replacing the remote battery...but nothing changed. Can you help |
Unregistered guest | Hi, I have a 98 Dodge Ram 2500 4x4 I purchased used with a Clifford Alarm. I have no manual or even a model number, and I only have one remote. I use it daily, but I'm afraid of losing my remote or something worse.....malfunction???!! Is there anywhere I can get some info??? Thanks. |
andys-celica Unregistered guest | hi,i have a 95 celica fitted with a concept 300 alarm but for some reason it just single chirps randomly it seems too sensitive or can i disarm the chirps atall ? |
Unregistered guest | Hi, I have a 1994 Jimmy. It would run fine and then just die. It is getting fire and fuel so it should run. The problem is that my mechanic pulled he wires out of the back of the clifford autoimmobilizer where it mounts under my dash. It seems like it wants to crank over but wont. I am the 3rd owner and there was no paperwork that came with this. We pulled out ignition and replaced that as well. When you completely unhook the brain of the clifford system it completely will not do anything. I am just wondering if by pulling the wires out of the back of the underdash system it is causing this problem. I dont know what series this is but it comes with only the key that plugs into the unit under dash with led light. Any help? |
New member Username: PjaggPost Number: 1 Registered: Jan-06 | Hi, I have a 1991 Dodge Stealth RT Twin Turbo with a Clifford Alarm. I don't know what model it is, only that it has an IntelliGuard 800-IQ brain? It was on the car when I purchased it. Anyway, I just replaced the battery and the remote no longer works and I can't start my car. If I unlock the doors, the alarm goes off until I disconnect the neg. side of the battery. I don't have a clue how to reset this and if anyone does, I would greatly appreciate your help. |
Verbatim68 Unregistered guest | Wondering if anyone else has run into this problem. I bought my '92 accord in '94 and put a Clifford Concept 50 alarm in it. About a month after I bought it, while the car was parked, the alarm went off. Even after the alarm finished going off, the park and dash lights kept flashing forever. I couldn't use the remote (it would just beep, but nothing would happen) and the rocker code wouldn't work. The alarm went off whenever the door was opened. I had to get a service guy to come, he jumpered the alarm so I could drive it to their shop and they had to replace the brain under warranty. Well, 12 years later, yesterday the exact same thing happened. While I was driving with the tunes loud, I missed the warning beeps for entering the code and the alarm went off and the car stopped. Exact same thing as before though, no disarming it with either the remote or the code now. Had to have it towed to the same place I bought it and they are going to look at it on Monday. Anyone else experience this or am I the only unlucky soul...twice? |
Unregistered guest | H E L P Clifford rsx 3.5 installed on a '02 dodge ram... professional install, worked great until... my remote is not communicating with the truck at all... no remote start, no arm/disarm, nothing... tried to relearn, nothing - after research it sounds like a bad remote or bad antenna?? i can still get into programming mode, just nothing with the remote... advice or at least a direction to try?? |
Unregistered guest | I just bought a car that came with a Clifford Avant Guard 4. The only time it chirps is when I unlock it and it only chirps once. I wish to have it chirp both when I lock it and unlock it. I tried going into programming mode like the manual says, but I have no luck. I am supposed to turn the key to the on position and hold down star on the plainview until it chirps, but it dosnt chirp after holding down the star button.. What do I do? |
VonCali Unregistered guest | I have a truck with shaved door handles.... it's nice until your remote breaks... I have a RSX 3.5 and now have a replacement remote but i can't get into auto-learn mode with my valet switch. I don't think I do anyways because apparently I am supposed to hear a confirmation chirp and I don't get that after entering that mode. Any ideas? I have to climb through my back slider window to let myself in so any help would be great thanks! |
New member Username: KwhombrePost Number: 1 Registered: Feb-06 | Purchased a new remote for a Clifford Concept 100 but there were no programming instructions sent with the remote. Anyone have the instructions? Thanks, Gary |
Silver Member Username: VinnyqhPortland, OR Post Number: 169 Registered: Nov-05 | for voncali, what you if you are going into programming and it's not accepting it, then check your antenna wire, somehow they always pinch. |
Unregistered guest | Hi there guys, really hope some one can help me, i installed a new cd head unit into my escort rs turbo which i have a clifford alarm fitted to not sure what model, after i had installed it and tried to start the engine there slight smoking from under the bonnet (my mate said only a little bit) but i have checked all of the fuses in the car and they are fine and an auto electrician said to check the the alarm because if it has an imobiliser or something of that sort on it it could stop the car from starting. i have checked the battery and that's fine but the car goes off a bump start, when i turn the key there is nothing there at all. the starter isn't engaging at all no clicks or anthing, the fuel injectors fire up but thats it no engine fire up. if you could email me aswell that would be great. my address is SARAHB_INTHEMIX@YAHOO.CO.UK |
Unregistered guest | Hi there guys, really hope some one can help me, i installed a new cd head unit into my escort rs turbo which i have a clifford alarm fitted to not sure what model, after i had installed it and tried to start the engine there slight smoking from under the bonnet (my mate said only a little bit) but i have checked all of the fuses in the car and they are fine and an auto electrician said to check the the alarm because if it has an imobiliser or something of that sort on it it could stop the car from starting. i have checked the battery and that's fine but the car goes off a bump start, when i turn the key there is nothing there at all. the starter isn't engaging at all no clicks or anthing, the fuel injectors fire up but thats it no engine fire up. if you could email me aswell that would be great. my address is SARAHB_INTHEMIX@YAHOO.CO.UK |
Stevie b Unregistered guest | Hi. Another concept 300 problem i'm afraid. Last few days car has been stalling occasionally whilst driviing & now neither main remote (or spare) have any affect & car currently armed & immobilized. Do i just ignore alarm going off & jump in to try to enter valet code (if so you may have to clarify how)which i think we got from previous owner when car bought last year. Or is there something much easier that this novice is missing?? |
Unregistered guest | hi i have a clifford alarm that had been installed about 9 years ago i have no clue on what the model # is But the remote has 4 buttons and a red switch on the side my ? is how do i program my other transmiter my old one is going faulty |
Unregistered guest | do anyone know how to remove the clifford auto immobilizer alarm system? i hate it and want to get a new alarm, but dont know how to remove it. |
New member Username: XsouljahxPost Number: 1 Registered: Mar-06 | I have a clifford matrix rs 3.5. the alarm was already installed when i bought the car. The lcd light on the remote itself was working but now its not. Can someone give me instructions on how to turn the light back on. also, i dont know much about this alarm but if anyone knows what does the valet mode actually do and how to access this feature. I understand that you need a code, but i do not have it since the alarm was already installed when i bought the car. and didnt know i needed a code. thanks. |
New member Username: SweepdoggyPost Number: 1 Registered: Mar-06 | Hi there is a guy on ebay that sells the intructions he has most clifford alarms, they are like £2.50 i think, hope this helps dude |
New member Username: RedeyedPost Number: 1 Registered: Apr-06 | hi, hope someone can help me,ive been trying to add a new key fob to a concept 50x. Ive read the manual on how to put the valet code in and seem to be doing something wrong.I have a rocker switch on the dash aswell as a two button switch,one having a star and the other plain,as far as i can tell i put the valet code in via the rocker switch(which i think i am doing right),but any action after this (what ever it may be and ive tried a few)nothing seems to happen,no chirps,no flashes.The original fob i have still works fine after all my efforts but cant seem to add any others |
New member Username: EricnorsPost Number: 1 Registered: Apr-06 | I have a matrix rsx 3.5 and the key fob will no longer "see" the brain. I get that antenna blinking in the top left corner, like I am too far away or something. The problem is the alarm is currently armed. So whenever I unlock my doors, the alarm sounds. I do not know the valet code either, my installation manual said the default is 1 press, or it can be 2 press, 3 press, 4 press, 5 presses. Can I try all of them? I wasn't sure and didn't want to try since its sort of late and I don't want the alarm sounding the entire time. Any help would be appreciated. |
New member Username: OvashinPost Number: 1 Registered: Apr-06 | Few days ago I changed my valet code. Unfortunately when I try it not, it won't work. So my only chance is to try all 3 digits combinations (maybe I changed it wrong). Does anybody know if I have to turn ingnition on/off for testing each possibility or is enough to start the engine and then try one after another all possibilities? Thanks |
New member Username: Mjs3350Post Number: 1 Registered: Apr-06 | anybody, i buoght a used car with a clifford matrix 1 alarm installed. it didn't come with a remote, so i bought a new one, and am having trouble programming the brain to recognize it. i'm following the instructions that it came with, however the alarm is not reacting as it should. i don't know if the pin is default still (which i was told is [**blank*], but thats not a huge deal because theres only 14 combinations that it could be and i've tried them all. when i get to step 3, the step after i enter the pin number on the 2 button valet switch, i'm supposed to hold the * button till the system chirps once. however, when i do this it chirps either 3 or 4 times, depending on the pin i enter. i don't know what tthis means, nor do i have anywhere to go for help. all of the dealers near me are closed or aren't clifford dealers anymore, and DEI won't talk to me becaus ei'm not a dealer. the only option i have besides forums is to drive 2 huors away to (maybe) get some help. any help is greatly appreciated. thank you, matt |
New member Username: N9805928Post Number: 1 Registered: Apr-06 | Hi, I have a Concept 50 which was installed by the previous owner. I only have one key fob and i've lost the Valet code the alarm was set to. So here are the questions: 1) I wanted to get a new fob but do i have to have the Valet code to programme it? If so, is there any way to get the Valet code other than speaking to the rpevious owner who emigrated to Australia? 2) If i change the battery in my current fob, will i have to reprogramme it to the car - hence will i need the Valet code? 3) Is there any way to reset or get the valet code reset, i've got all the paperwork including the Clifford installers installation receipts and DVLA registration docs to prove i'm not trying to steal my own car. Thanks for any help you can give. |
New member Username: CcorsairElk Grove , CA USA Post Number: 1 Registered: Apr-06 | Hi I just got a 1990 subaru legacy L wagon with a cliffalert 3 alarm system installed but there is no remote and the past owner didn't even know the alarm was there. I found the box one as it fell out from under the dash while my wife was driving. I unplug the box to get the info off it and set the alarm off but I fliped the switch I found and turn the car on and it stoped. I need a manual and an idea where to find a remote to replace the lost one and if I can change the old code if I do find a remote. If some knows the answer please email or post. Thank you CC |
New member Username: DigiPost Number: 1 Registered: Jun-06 | hi fitted clifford matrix rsx 3.5 but when i remote start the car using the alarm the control module keeps clicling anyone got any ideas. thanks |
New member Username: JustafirePost Number: 1 Registered: Aug-06 | i have a 97 acura 3.2tl with a clifford arrow 3 alarm already installed.the problem is that the alarm arms/disarms but the alarm wont sound plus the car dont start or come out of park.any ideas. |
New member Username: DeadlyforcePost Number: 2 Registered: Aug-06 | Hi Wondered if someone could help IE: JeremyC :-) i have a clifford matrix 1 alarm i carnt get in to the fob program menu (long churp) would you know if i have to use bitprogrammer or could i use clifnet wizzard is it compatable? or any other way to unlock this menu i can access the other menus #1 #2 but not this fob programming menu. |
New member Username: Simonc99Post Number: 1 Registered: Sep-06 | Hi I have a Clifford Concept 300 on my VW Golf. Recently it has developed a problem. They keyfob will not lock the car and arm the alarm. It unlocks the car and disarms it fine (although it gives the low battery sound). I changed the battery in the keyfob but still get the same result. When i try to go into programme mode i don't get any of the chirps described in the manual. When i am in programme mode i can't seem to do anything i just get the 3 chirps signalling a return to feature select. Can you help? |
New member Username: JkellarPost Number: 1 Registered: Sep-06 | I have a clifford supernovaII in my 90 integra, i was wondering if there is a way to reset the valet code? i have no manual or instructions for it and have only one key pad, its the 3 botton model. Any know of anywhere in ontario canada to get the alarm checked out and working right, or any advice on how to trouble shoot it? When i put power to the alarm it just blares off for a few minutes than stops, its like the alarm is always activated but my keypad wont do anything |
New member Username: JkellarPost Number: 2 Registered: Sep-06 | I have a clifford supernovaII in my 90 integra, i was wondering if there is a way to reset the valet code? i have no manual or instructions for it and have only one key pad, its the 3 botton model. Any know of anywhere in ontario canada to get the alarm checked out and working right, or any advice on how to trouble shoot it? When i put power to the alarm it just blares off for a few minutes than stops, its like the alarm is always activated but my keypad wont do anything. any info would be greatly appreciated regards Jay |
New member Username: XxodisxxTracy, Ca U.s Post Number: 2 Registered: Sep-06 | recently i got a 1994 firebird formula with a clifford 900 alarm, the thing worked great once i got used to working it but a while ago the siren stopped making sound and the led light goes off after a while even with the code on and drain my battery very fast. i went under the hood last night and heard the alarm (barely) and didnt know what to do. i turn it off but the led just starts flashing after a while and i can slightly hear the alarm (like barely) and its not the settings. what the hell is it doin it for? my battery is dead all day and need it jumped anytime i want to go somewhere... ps. can any1 tell me how to use these please? ![]() |
New member Username: SoxPost Number: 1 Registered: Oct-06 | hi guys im hoping someone can help i've had my clifford concept 650 alarm fitted. the problem is every now and again i arm the car with the key fob but when i return its dissarmed itself for no reason??? the first couple of times i thought i may have pressed the button by mistake or even forgot to arm it but the last few times i've maid sure checking all doors and windows are locked even waiting for the light to come on and the dual proximity sensor to make a chirp before walking away but its still doing it at least twice a week??? in differnt parking senarios. any help is appreciated. |
New member Username: IlikemyftoUK Post Number: 3 Registered: Aug-05 | I have a Clifford 300 that failed to Chirp on arm and disarm. See post Posted on Friday, August 05, 2005 - 07:10 pm. Finally discovered that there is a battery in the siren and in the small print in the manaul it says chirps will be muted if the internal battery is dead. Swopped the siren this morning and now it's fixed. |
New member Username: Mccaas1Saint paul, MN Usa Post Number: 1 Registered: Dec-06 | clifford MAtrix 3.2, works fine in warm weather, if temp drops below 30, cannot disarm or remote start car, I have to unlock with key, disarm with valet switch, once I let car run for about 5 minutes with heat on, remote starts working again, is this a bad brain or antenna. |
New member Username: BlackshadowvtrBury st edmundsEngland Post Number: 1 Registered: Dec-06 | hello, could someone plz send me the instalation guide to the clifford concept 300 alarm plz, my email is plz, many thanx |
New member Username: MustseeflopCalgary, Canada Canada Post Number: 1 Registered: Dec-06 | 1988 Lotus Esprit Turbo. Got some kind of Clifford alarm by PO. The alarm is cutting fuel and spark.. ie car won't start after new battery installed. If I disconnect the darn thing (the whole alarm system), would the car run as normal? or I need to reconnect other wires (fuel pump, coil, etc) I am very mechancially inclined (fixed my onw Lotus & Ferrari) but these alarm thing is such a pain, why can't they make it simple and easy to use? Please Post Reply. |
New member Username: Jjm09Post Number: 1 Registered: Feb-07 | ![]() Can you help me? Thank you very very much. |
New member Username: JorsnorePost Number: 1 Registered: Mar-07 | hello, i have a 95 integra with a Clifford Arrow alarm in it, a couple days ago the alarm stopped working normally, i no longer have keyless entry and the fob seems fairly useless at this point all i (think i)know: -it is in valet mode (red LED in my car is on) -fob still has power (LED flashes when the buttons are pressed but does nothing) -when looking at the alarm's brain, the switch/key hole thing on the top of it is seemingly switched to "off", however, i did not do this, do not know where the key for it is, and do not know how it could have changed like this, as i know (almost) every inch of my car and i don't think it has been tampered with thanks in advance for any suggestions! |
New member Username: MasterpritulPost Number: 1 Registered: Mar-07 | hello. my clifford alarm fob decided to stop working today. i have no other fob i cant start my car without diarming the immobiliser. i cant get the fob to work. how do i get around this problem? if i was to buy a fob i cant program it without starting the car. could i recieve some advice on wot to do. |
New member Username: Saff911London, Non United Kingdom Post Number: 1 Registered: Apr-07 | hello, i recently repaired my car and after replacing the battery my car wouldnt start, as soon as i opened my door the car would start. i have a clifford concept 300 alarm with push button engine start. the next day the car wouldnt start and i dont have the valet code to reset the alarm. could someone please advise me on what to do ? thank you |
New member Username: KevkevPost Number: 1 Registered: Mar-07 | hi everyone i have a clifford 750,im trying to change the pin code but with no success when i try to change by going into manual programming mode,it reverts to the old pin.when i put in the new pin (in programming mode)the alarm is supposed to chirp twice to confirm the new pin but this does not happen.could someone please help me |
New member Username: KevkevPost Number: 3 Registered: Mar-07 | my email address is |
New member Username: PeaceofjakePost Number: 1 Registered: Apr-07 | I have a problem with my clifford g4. When I press the arm/disarm, my door lock and unlock but the siren doesn't beep. The LED light always on (arm/disarm), even when i'm driving. It used to blink when arm and off when disarm. I tried to press and hold the arm/disarm button, and the siren works. My remote has only 3 buttons (arm/disarm, trunk, and *). I also tried unhooking the battery and hooked it back, but still the same. The only thing works now is lock/unlock and the trunk. I don't think the alarm is armed when it is lock. please help |
New member Username: Ryusou64Post Number: 1 Registered: Jun-07 | hello I hope someone can help me with my MATRIX RSX3.5 transmitter remote. Usually the beep is loud but recently I noticed it has become very low in volume to the point where I cannot hear it anymore. Before it usually would wake me up when Im sleeping. Any help? I checked the PDF owners manual for this product and it mentions now option or progammable option to lower the volume of the beep. Only option is beep or vibrate. |
New member Username: Jay26Glasgow, Uk Scotland Post Number: 2 Registered: Jun-07 | hi i bought a clio a while ago with a cliford alarm in it....the problem is i lost the keys and i never had the valet code and the old owner doesnt either....any suggestions??? |
New member Username: SteelwheelsPost Number: 1 Registered: Jun-07 | Hello, I have a Subaru Impreza fitted with a Clifford Concept 300 by the previous owner back in 2001. The system has always been reliable but recently has started to do something unusual. Firstly let me tell you what is OK - The Siren sounds when I open a door after the system has set, when I hold down the arm button and it also gives 3 or 4 chirps when the door is left open on arming or if the system is being reset after leaving the door open. What is not OK is that the 1 or 2 chirps to say the system has been armed or unarmed only work intermittantly and there doesn't seem to be any logical reason for this. I can go for a few days without the chirps and then all of a sudden they will work again for a few days. The car gets plenty of runs so it shouldn't be a problem with charging. Could it be the sequence in which I am removing key, shutting door and arming, I'm pretty sure this did not used to make a difference. Any help or checks I could do would be gratefully accepted. Steve |
New member Username: SapphiredevilPost Number: 1 Registered: Jun-07 | I have a '91 BMW 318 iS. I just replaced the spark plugs and wires. Now the car won't hold a charge. After I jump start it, the engine seems to run at a very low RPM and once the engine is shut off it will not restart on it's own. I'm going to check the gap on the plugs again today to be sure its the correct gap. Otherwise the alternator was recently replaced so I'm pretty sure that's not the problem. Also, I'm sure the spark plug wires are connected in the correct order. I ran it for a more than reasonable amount of time to charge the battery and it still won't work. What's going on? |
New member Username: Crx168Post Number: 1 Registered: Jul-07 | I have a question on my clifford alarm. I'm not sure what model it is. But when I press my remote to lock or unlock, it does not give that beep tone, but instead, it gives the siren tone for that 1 second. The worst is when i unlock, it give 2 siren tone. Does anybody know how to change it to the beep tone? |
New member Username: CcorsairElk Grove , CA USA Post Number: 2 Registered: Apr-06 | Has anyone ever got and answer from this board? I need tech info on a cliffalert 3 alarm system as the dash was taken a part to fix a heater core and i need to fix some of the alarm wiring . ANYONE? CC |
New member Username: Johndiane4564West midlands, Uk Uk Post Number: 1 Registered: Aug-07 | i brought a shogun 89 model but there was only one fob with the alarm it says clifford sabra or something like that but it had no instructions with it my prob is that i brought a second fob but don't now how to programme it can anyone help please this is a pic of the fob![]() |
New member Username: OlinonoPost Number: 1 Registered: Aug-07 | Hello, I have a Clifford remote and not sure which model it is but it keeps playing this music tone over and over again. The remote works fine, I can turn my alarm off/on but the music tone keeps going off randomly throughout the day. It is driving me nuts! Does someone know why this is happening? I tried changing the batteries but the music just got louder! Any help is GREATLY appreciated. Thanks. |
New member Username: RoglukeDudley, Westmidlands United Kingdom Post Number: 1 Registered: Jan-08 | i have a clifford matrix 1 and the vrs has been activated accidently how do you disarm it as it is in the triggered mode and i cant disarm with key fob |
New member Username: GizmostuPost Number: 1 Registered: Feb-08 | Please help. This alarm is driving us all nuts. We just want it to arm on locking and not auto arming but the instructions for the Concept 300 don't seem to work right. I enter valet mode ok and then hold the * button but we don't hear a chirp so the user selectable options aren't available. Many Thanks Stu |
New member Username: Dil4nPost Number: 1 Registered: Feb-08 | Hi i just installed a clifford arrow 5 alarm in my car and i wanted to make the alarm louder. i have heard that you just have to cut one of the two loops that is connected to the siren (514C neo-siren) i just don't know which wire to cut. please can someone help me. many thanks. dilan |
New member Username: Dil4nPost Number: 2 Registered: Feb-08 | answer for stuart tyrrell after you put the clifford alarm in valet mode the LED should stay on constant. That means you are in valet mode. once you have done this you have the press the button (smoothed button) the number of times you want it to go across the column. THEN AFTER THIS wait until you will hear the chirp (the number of columns. EXAMPLE:-if you wanted to go to the 3rd column you will heard the chirp 3 times. THEN AFTER THIS you press the button (star button) as many times you want to go down the rows. (you will also heard more chirps...5th row...5 chirps) then you have to press the ARM/DISARM button on you remote. if you want to turn the AUTO ARM off then press the ARM/DISARM button until you hear ONE (1) chirp. this means the AUTO ARM is disabled. Hope that helped regards dil |
New member Username: GizmostuPost Number: 2 Registered: Feb-08 | Hi Dilan. Thanks for the advice. I'll give it a go later today and let you know how I get on. Cheers Stu |
New member Username: Vijaykerai12Post Number: 1 Registered: Feb-08 | Hi i have a question in regards to smart windows on cliford arlam, my smart windows now do not work after i reset the arlam back to factory settings after haveing few pobs with it, can someone please tell me how i can reprograme them to work when i arm the arlam |
New member Username: Dil4nPost Number: 3 Registered: Feb-08 | answer for Vijay K you have to program the smart windows using your pad. refer to the manual for the alarm and the manual for the smart windows module on how to install it. dil |
New member Username: Dil4nPost Number: 4 Registered: Feb-08 | i know you have to check the pulse time. this is the time it stays on negative so that the windows have time to roll up. |
New member Username: Dil4nPost Number: 7 Registered: Feb-08 | answer for Vijay K i know its something to do with the pulse time. this is the time the alarm stays on negative so that it has enough time for the windows to roll up dil |
New member Username: MbitangaSouth San Francisco, CA USA Post Number: 1 Registered: Mar-08 | Someone Please Help Here's my problem: I have a Clifford Intelliguard 7000 alarm on my 94 Acura Integra, which was installed 5-10 years ago by a authorized clifford dealer. Unfortunately this company went out of business a few years ago, the new owners won't help me at all. about 3-6 months ago I noticed my car would stall every once in a while, then about 1 month ago, it would stall all the time, even when I was driving on the freeway, (going 75mph), the only thing I noticed is that the ignition & dash instrument lights would go dead, like there was no power or the ignition was being killed. After days of trial and error, i changed the starter, the fuel pump, the ignition switch, etc. and the car still does the same thing. This lead me to think it was the alarm, so I figured out that there was a 2 wire loop from the alarm going to the ignition switch. I bypassed that and now my car is running fine with no problems. What can I do to fix this? I would really like to be able to use my alarm to it's full potential. Right not I have to manually enter the valet mode (via remote) everytime I drive. The plain/view valet switch is not working anymore for some reason. Please help me. Thanks, Michael |
New member Username: Dil4nPost Number: 9 Registered: Feb-08 | answer for michael cliffords tend to do this after a long period of time. thats why it is reliable but after a number of years people do get problems. I suggest that you change the imobilisor cable and also the valet switch. just order the spare parts off the internet. let me know how it goes. dil |
New member Username: RoncAventura, FL Post Number: 1 Registered: Oct-08 | Hi, I have a Clifford 700 IQ and the remote start stopped working. I press the button and the ACC/On ignition will go on but, then when it is supposed to start it just turns off? My second question is how do I program 2 other remotes from an older 700IQ this newer one. I go into programing and was able to program boths remotes belonging to the newer 700 IQ but, not the old ones. Thanks in advance for your help! regards |
Bronze Member Username: CatalinSurrey, BC Canada Post Number: 88 Registered: Nov-05 | For Michael as well; It could also be the solder joints inside the alarm module at the internal relays. Resoldering them might fix the problem. |
New member Username: JomsPost Number: 1 Registered: Dec-08 | My Alarm : Avantguard 5 Vehicle : Ford Escape 2004 2.3L Alarm Installed : 2004 (4 years now) Hi, My car remote suddenly stopped working and i had to manually put the car to valet mode. I think the car's siren/auto arming is still functioning but what doesnt work is the remote to activate/deactivate the alarm. I have a spare remote which also doesn't work (which made me conclude that it isn't the remote that is the problem. I dont know what happened why it just didn't work all of a sudden. Is there a reset button i can press or do something to reset the remote and sync it with the main box? What i do now is i have set the car to valet mode via the toggle switch buttons but doing so, it means that I dont have an alarm (as well as i cant use the remote to open/close my doors). Please help. |
New member Username: Dirtrider08Lillooet, B.c Canada Post Number: 1 Registered: Dec-08 | need help installing clifford r/s model 1.3x or instrution manual thanks |
New member Username: SwingPost Number: 1 Registered: Dec-08 | HELP!!!!!!! I've got a clifford concept 650mk2 with all the whistles and bells, but i'm having trouble. nearly a year ago i bought the cliffnet kit(with usb leads) from precision alarms in kent. plugged it all in and nothing happened. spoke to precision alarms and basically got told thier stuff works and my laptop/vista is shite!!!!!! Anyway, after spending loads on leads and accessories i've ended up with a PCIMIA-rsr card in my laptop to plug into the clifford alarm. STILL NO JOY!!! when i run the cliffnet program it never detects the leads.It only checks COM 1-4, so i changed the COM settings on my leads to read 1-4 and then the program misses those ports out. when i trouble shoot cliffnet it says "error code 2" (no drivers). I have the cliffnet 2.2 disc and i have re-formatted my laptop.................. WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH IT?????? Any advise would be greatly recieved....... PLEASE.......} |
New member Username: JlssecurityManchester, Uk Lancashire Post Number: 1 Registered: Jan-09 | Lee. With regards to your post on Dec2008. Cliffnet Wizard will NOT work with Windows Vista. That is your only problem. No matter how many settings you try or leads etc. The dealer who sold you the kit should of known this. |
New member Username: SwingPost Number: 3 Registered: Dec-08 | Thanx Ian. you would of thought the dealer, (Precision alarms in kent), would know this. I emailed them before buying to make sure. They assured me they have a vista laptop and it works like a charm. "works straight away" paul from precision told me.......liar! but anyway... they have my money now and I have the knowledge to know not to trust the lying southern twats. I'm still looking for and old laptop with a serial port on it so I can put my xp on it..... |
New member Username: JlssecurityManchester, Uk Lancashire Post Number: 4 Registered: Jan-09 | I have a laptop (quite a good spec one) running Vista and it does NOT run Cliffnet Wizard. My second machine running XP runs Cliffnet with no problems. I spoke at the time to Directed Electronics regarding the problem. They told me Cliffnet Wizard is not compatable with Vista. So yeah, you have been told porkies. |