What Amp for 2 15" Avlanches????


Silver Member
Username: Ffxdevilarms

Dubuque, Iowa United States

Post Number: 365
Registered: Jul-04
I got an enclosure that gives 2.25 to each one of my soon to be arriving avalanches, what amp would you suggest to run 1 of them or possibly 2 that is not too expensive???

I am thinking about just going with 1 amp for one of the subs and possibly just add another one later on because i have not upgraded any of my electrical system.

Gold Member
Username: Insearchofbass

Post Number: 2884
Registered: Jun-04
well buying one amp may be cheaper in the long run just get one that can handle the ohm load of one but plan for two

Silver Member
Username: Ffxdevilarms

Dubuque, Iowa United States

Post Number: 367
Registered: Jul-04
I was think about getting a hifonics BX2005D, which would give the subs 650 apeice or just one 650 watts, then i thought about getting just one BX605 which would give one sub 600 and then maybe add another one later after i get my electrical upgraded down the road. Then i thought that 600 might not be enough so i though about getting an NX750D which would give one of them 750 watts. I DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO!!!

Gold Member
Username: James1115

Wilton, Ct

Post Number: 3478
Registered: Dec-04
well first of all syat away from Hifonics it is unreliable junk! the mtx 1501 will run them nicely and it wont break your bank.

Silver Member
Username: Ffxdevilarms

Dubuque, Iowa United States

Post Number: 371
Registered: Jul-04
Wont it only put 500 watts to each sub though??? Wont that be underpowering them??? I would love to just upgrade from my Zapco Ref 500.1 to the 1100.1 but at the moment i cant afford to do it.

Gold Member
Username: Insearchofbass

Post Number: 2890
Registered: Jun-04
i have the 81000d the older model before the 1501d it puts out 500 rms at like 12.5 volts and 750 rms at 14.4 not a light weight at all

Gold Member
Username: Insearchofbass

Post Number: 2891
Registered: Jun-04
that was in 4 ohm and at 2 ohm 1000 rms at 12.5 and 1500 at 14.4

Silver Member
Username: Ffxdevilarms

Dubuque, Iowa United States

Post Number: 372
Registered: Jul-04
I dont know though, is there anything that would work even better and be possibly cheaper or around the same price. What are the Zapco Reference 1100.1 going for these days??

Gold Member
Username: Insearchofbass

Post Number: 2892
Registered: Jun-04
i got my 81000d for 320 shipped but that was a while back

Gold Member
Username: James1115

Wilton, Ct

Post Number: 3480
Registered: Dec-04
how much do you have to spend lets start there.

Silver Member
Username: Ffxdevilarms

Dubuque, Iowa United States

Post Number: 373
Registered: Jul-04
I just dont know about MTX, maybe i should just keep the 500.1 for a lil while until i get more money saved up. I would like to have ALL HIGH QUALITY components in my car. I currently have DLS Iridium 6.1's powered by a Zapco Ref amp and the Ref 500.1 was powering TDX's (Way underpowering) Do you think that 500.1 would sound pretty good with the AVA's???

Silver Member
Username: Ffxdevilarms

Dubuque, Iowa United States

Post Number: 374
Registered: Jul-04
It is not really how much i have to spend, it is how much i wanna spend at the moment. I would like to pay off alot of my credit card before anotehr big purchase, i just built a 1400 dollar comp.

Silver Member
Username: Ffxdevilarms

Dubuque, Iowa United States

Post Number: 375
Registered: Jul-04
I could probobally get a Zapco reference from anywhere between 500-600 dollars, but i havent checked with "my guy" yet. If i put that much wattage i will have to upgrade the big 3 and a HO alt so that owuld be like 200 more?? Do you know of any really efficient amps that would work good for my situation and still pound and have good SQ.

Gold Member
Username: James1115

Wilton, Ct

Post Number: 3481
Registered: Dec-04
then do this, run one of the ava's off of the 500.1 and wait till you get the money to get something bigger. that zapco will prob run about 500 watts at 4ohms since it is rated at 12 and you will most likely be giving it 13.5-14.0 depending on your charging system.

Silver Member
Username: Ffxdevilarms

Dubuque, Iowa United States

Post Number: 376
Registered: Jul-04
I think it was tested at possibly 543 at 4 ohms, i dont know if that was peak or rms though.

New member
Username: Iowahawks19

Post Number: 7
Registered: Jun-05
well around how much are you willing to spend at the moment for the amp?

New member
Username: Iowahawks19

Post Number: 8
Registered: Jun-05
companies like zapco rarely even use "peak" wattage im bettin thats 543 rms. go with james' idea it sounds like a winner

Silver Member
Username: Ffxdevilarms

Dubuque, Iowa United States

Post Number: 377
Registered: Jul-04
I know this is a bad answer, but i guess it would depend on the situation. I dont wanna buy an OK amp right now and waste my money. I kind of decided to change my train of thought from the beginning of the thread. I am thinking about doing what James said to do and hook up just one sub and then 2 just to see how they sound. They have got to be more efficient then those TDX's, so i am expecting big results.

Silver Member
Username: Ffxdevilarms

Dubuque, Iowa United States

Post Number: 378
Registered: Jul-04
Another though would be, if it does sound really good with one hooked up i could just get another 500.1 for like 250-275 shipped. I was allready getting slight dimming with my previous setup, altough before i even had an audio system if you pressed the power window button down it would cause my Headlights to dim.

New member
Username: Iowahawks19

Post Number: 9
Registered: Jun-05
could work... see how it sounds with one, if you like it and it sounds good get another

Gold Member
Username: Insearchofbass

Post Number: 2907
Registered: Jun-04
sounds like the one amp is the winner to me too. And i understand your reasonings on amplifier choices and i agree if you want to go full tilt. (with the zapcos) Going with any more amplifier would be asking for problems an upgrade would definately be my choice before any more power but keep in mind an alternator is only so effiecient at idle.

Silver Member
Username: Ffxdevilarms

Dubuque, Iowa United States

Post Number: 379
Registered: Jul-04
Thanks for you all of you help guys. I just wanted to make sure i made a good choice and not waste my money. Does anyone know how much it would cost to upgrade my electrical (big 3 and alt)????

Gold Member
Username: Insearchofbass

Post Number: 2908
Registered: Jun-04
This is why im looking for a good compromise in a daily user system good sq and good spl because replacing alternators and such is expesive plus how loud do i need it to be for a daily driver ill save the big three for my competition days when im not in the car and do the most i can within those limits. My ears are important to me so it will do me no harm there either. Im not knocking anyone I just wanted to throw out some food for thought.

Silver Member
Username: Ffxdevilarms

Dubuque, Iowa United States

Post Number: 380
Registered: Jul-04
The only reason why i will be giving up the Ava's is because i was underpowering the TDX's because i got a good deal on them and was told they were efficient. That was a crock. I was looking to sell them but was offered a trade for new Ava's and some cash so i took the deal. If i dont use both i will atleast have an extra one left over just in case. I Also dont wanna upgrade my electrical if i dont have to because i dont wanna change anything on my car.

Silver Member
Username: Ffxdevilarms

Dubuque, Iowa United States

Post Number: 381
Registered: Jul-04
Doesnt look like i will be getting the Ava's after all. There was a problem with the shipping so i am getting my TDX's returned. Does anyone wanna buy them from me????

Silver Member
Username: Ffxdevilarms

Dubuque, Iowa United States

Post Number: 382
Registered: Jul-04
Or maybe i should just get a different amp for the TDX's what would you do????

Silver Member
Username: Ffxdevilarms

Dubuque, Iowa United States

Post Number: 383
Registered: Jul-04
Anyone got any ideas???
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