Does size REALLY matter?


Unregistered guest
haha thought that might be a good subject line...
anyways, i have quite the problem on my hands. i am downsizing from 2 12's in a ported box to either 3 10's, 3 8's, or 2 10's all in a sealed box. see the problem is is that i only have 33" of width allowed for my box. now if i build it out of 3/4 MDF that would only leave me 31.5 inches for my subs. that would be cutting it really close for 3 10's... or would it? my question is, am i really going to notice that big of a difference between the 2 12's and either of my other choices? the subs are going to be behing the seat of my jeep wrangler

Unregistered guest
never mind i dont give a f#ck anymore you guys are all azzholes dont even answer my f*cking questions!!!!!

Silver Member
Username: Tdbdrummer

Post Number: 508
Registered: Feb-05
Even though you are jack@$$ to me most of the time, I can suggest a box. I was thinking of building something for myself that looks a little like this. This was done in Paint, so don't go making fun of it. Black is the box, and blue circles are subs obviously. This would be a sealed box as well.

Silver Member
Username: Tdbdrummer

Post Number: 509
Registered: Feb-05
Hey genius, give someone a chance to answer them.

Unregistered guest
HAHA!! that's a piece of sh!t box you should burn that sh!t screw you and this forum!!!

Unregistered guest
thanks TB for immitating me at the top post. oh any that box is sh!t but thanks anyways. the subs are either going to be downfiring, or firing towards the back of my seat to try and keep the sound in as muhc as possible.

Bronze Member
Username: Dozyproductions

San Diego, California United States

Post Number: 37
Registered: Jun-05
to much hate in this forum, why the hell not its a freaking sweet box. and yes you will notice a difference. stick with two 12's

Unregistered guest
i wanna put my backseat in and the 12's are way too big. i only have enough room for the sizes specified above.

Silver Member
Username: Dankman

South Bend, Indiana United States

Post Number: 210
Registered: Jan-05
If ya can the 3 10's will be louder than the 2 12's if they are the same subs, and haha i thought it was funny you posted like 20 minutes later all angry that no one answered your question, sometimes it takes a lil to get answers.

Unregistered guest
that wasnt me. that was TB beein a douschebag and using my name. but thanx for the imput

Gold Member
Username: Carguy

Post Number: 3331
Registered: Nov-04
Hey quit knocking douschebags, they were designed for a purpose! :-)

Unregistered guest
k i was looking around and i think im gonna go with either 3 10" kicker l7s or 3 8" kicker l7s. with a total or 1800watts RMX, would i need an alt upgrade? if so, i may just stick with the 8's....

Unregistered guest
haha! that wasnt TB that was me an unregisterd guest who has nothing better to do but i said it so you can get an aswer faster cause nobody answer around here any more. sorry. oh and register that way people will take you more seriously

thumpin wrangler
Unregistered guest
anybody? whattdoya thin k

Silver Member
Username: 54danny54

Post Number: 480
Registered: Nov-04
hey tb...thats a sweet!n box dude...i swear they have no idea what a sweet box is, i bet they that that enclosure made out of a tree trunk is awsome
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