My sub is a Premier TS-W2504SPL, 2500 Watts Peak, 800 RMS. I use a vented box (the ventilation hole is on the top of the box) and its diameter is about 2 and a half inches. When i make my system play loud, i hear a lot of air going in and out by the ventilation hole. Too much air. I can even hear it!
That makes my sub to distord sounds, a lot! And its not my amp fault, working at the half of its maximum capacity (the quarter of my sub max).
Does it mean that the hole is too small for the sub?? Would i get better performance if my box was sealed? Its, at a few cubic inches close, 1 cubic feet, for a 10" sub.
Actually, there is a tube with the hole, about 4 inches long. But, with or without the tube, same thing!! Weird bass is coming out from that sub! :|
But, I did a test tonight!! I sealed my box with a piece of clothes (no air was getting in and out the box by the hole, maybe only a very little flow, so small that i did feel any air flow, even on the strongest punches). It was better, a lot better for the quality of the sound. No more air flow sound! But, again, I still hear the sub doing "sound". I mean, normally, the sub only "shake" and "rumble" everything! It doesn't really make noise, at least, not a noise which can be easily heard. But, its kinda weird!! Mine is just getting crazy when i push him a little bit more than the usual! I think I hear the sub displacement, the cone movement. I shouldn't be suppose to hear that.
By sealing my enclosure, I noticed that my sub was more efficient (I have more BOOM feelings, more "shaking"), but the sub itself moves not as much as he did in the vented box.
If I do a bigger hole in my box, can it sound better?? Can it makes my distortion disappear? Do you think my distortion comes from the type of sub I have (its a pure SPL sub: maybe im just not familiar with that type of sub's sound)? Or can it be the amp which is working too hard, and it is causng distortion (by the way, my amp gets pretty hot when playing hard)?? Is the fact of setting my S/W output of my head unit to its max level can cause this distortion at high volume? Can it be the cause of the high temperature of my amp?
Sorry for the lots of questions i'm asking! But, I always wanna know more! Thx for your responses!
I've heard it can distord sound when amp is not as much powerful as it should be to correctly drive the sub, when the amp is playing hard! Is that true?
The measurement of the sub box are correct!! 12"H x 12"W x 12"D (approximately, because the angle of the back of my box isn't vertical. The top of the box is smaller than the bottom. But, overall, its about 1 cubic feet.
And yes, my port is about 2 and a half inches wide and the tube is about 4 inches long!! Sure not more than that!
I didn't pay much for that box!!
Think its the problem!
What are my options?? Change my amp? my box? my sub??
Custom build a box, read the manual for your woofer and it will tell ya everything for the measurements and ports, also go with slot ported if your gonna go ported
lol 4 inches long.. id imagine its tuned to about 100 hz.. whatever it is its a high tune .. and im sure u dont have a subsonic filter on that high .. so get it outa that box and build a good one for it as playing a ported box below the tuned frequency can damage the sub
To be honest, I know absolutely nothing about tuning a sub box!! I know the different types of boxes, i know there is different type of ported box, but i dunno how to build one. Moreover, no precise indication came with my sub concerning the box requirement. And I looked over the net for hours, and, because its a rare and brand new model, not much information is available concerning it!!
What I could most likely do is to seal my present box, with a rubber disk, or a thick plastic piece. I think that by blocking this hole, it will BOOM a lot more, with less distortion. At least, thats how im using it right now. I've sealed the hole with a piece of clothes, and the sound is a lot better!! It still do some kinda weird "noise" when playing at a little bit above a medium volume. So, the sound is still not perfect, but its way better! There are still a lot of amelioration I'll have to bring to this sub and that box!!
The first thing I want to do is to seal my box once in for all. No more air flow problem! Only the cleanest BOOM and most percutant bass. Then, ill consider changing my amp!! My 2 channel 1200 Watts (400 Watts RMS in bridged mode) is way too weak. I am looking at a mono amp which can drive the 2500 Watts (in peak) and 800 Watts (RMS) of my sub without ruining me!! I mean, no more than $250. That should be pretty ... unavailable!! :|
Well, ill continue to look for it!!
Im even considering a kicker comp vr 10" at the place of my subwoofer. Ive tried one (with a huge box, designed especially for that kicker) and it was almost dangerous!!! Everything was shaking! My heart almost stopped due to all the vibration that were in my car!! Those kickers are something, trust me!
My sub hits hard, maybe too much. Hes kinda too "dry". Not enough rumbling (is that called roloff, i dunno how to call that)! Nothing is shaking in my car, even at higher volume! Lots of punches, hard and deep punches, but no vibration in my car. A small kicker is shaking everything around a lot more than my SPL sub is doing right now!
So, if someone have a suggestion for me on how to build my "custom" box, or have detailled characteristics about my sub (Premier TS-W2504SPL), please let me know!!! That would be really appreciate!!
Thx guys!!
PS.: Sorry to be that long!! I just want to be clear!
Posted on
go to or call a local car audio shop and tell them u need a custom box for ure subs and tell them u want it ported this will make it hit harder it will cost u around 80-100$ but it is worth it it will make a huge difference