lol you can get a "stinger" distributer for liek 40$ or go to walmart and get a 1400 watt wireing kit for 20$ that you can run 2 amps off becaue it comes with one... also comes with 4gage 8gage power and ground wires and rca's
if your power wire is large enouh to support both amps then buy a distributor and another amp kit..then just run both power wires into the distributor from both amps
By "Distributor" they mean a distribution block. A lot of companies sell them. When you install it, one thing you need to make sure of is that the gauge wire you're running is going to run both/all of the amps you've got on the block. More then likely, you're going to need to get some 0 gauge and a 0 gauge block. Unless you're running really small amps.