does neone know with what and how they build those clear sub boxes? i thought they were built with plexiglass, but never knew how to bond the plexiglass. then i heard they were built with this stuff called acrylic...does neone know what im talking about?
My stepdad owns a plexiglass shop, plexiglass and acrlic is the same sh!t. No difference between the two and just to make sure next time i see him ill ask him but im almost 100% sure its the same thing. as for bonding he uses this special clear liquid chemical. Im not sure the name of it but I can find that out to but as for sub boxes I dont know if the bonding chemical would be enough, I think you would also have to use screws. And plexiglass isnt always so shiny when its unpreped the way it is shiped Its more of a cloudy tint. You need to lightly torch it to get that see through clearness.