I'm very new to the car audio scene, and I have a question. I just called a guy at a car audio place and asked him a question, and his response brought up this question.
Alright, let's say I have two 4 ohm subs (50-200 rms). I also have a 2 channel amp. Here are the specs:
200 watts RMS x 2 at 4 ohms 300 watts RMS x 2 at 2 ohms 600 watts RMS x 1 bridged output at 4 ohms 4-ohm stable in bridged mode
Now, I asked the guy if I could run one sub per channel, seeing as I have 2 subs and a 2 channel amp. Well, he said I would have to run it in bridged mode.
This is where I get confused. He said that since the subs were 4 ohms, it would be running 300 watts to each sub at 2 ohms.
So, does this mean when you bridge an amp with 2 subs you take the ohm rating of the subs and half it to know how many ohms the amp will encounter?
Also, How come he said I could bridge the 2 subs on the amp, and when I look at the specs on the amp the only time it mentions bridging is when it says 600 watts RMS x 1 bridged output at 4 ohms. So, what's up?
And the lowest number of ohms the amp can handle bridged (according to the specs) is 4, so how could I do what he told me to do?
I would really appreciate some help with this. I'm trying to learn as much as I can.
I realize the equipment is cheap, but please bear in mind that I'm a novice.
ok man here ya go. if you bridge 2-single 4 ohm subs you can wire them two ways. 1) parellell/parellell and you will get a 2ohm load, or 2) series/parellell which will give you a 8 ohm load. the 2 ohm load is to low of a resistence for your amp so that is out of the question so that leaves us with a 8ohm load which you will get 300 watts 150/sub or you can wire them in stereo and get 200x2
Parallel = the + wires for both subs going into the same connector thing, same for - wires.
Series = that complex setting where the - of one speaker and the + of another go into the amp, and another wire connects the 2 speakers with the remaining - and + connectors.
Is that right?
Now, since the series set up would be 8 ohms, how did you figure out how many watts the amp will push to the subs?