Question for the experts. What would be a better choice to put in a truck of a car, 2 10" L7 kickers, or 1 15" L7 solo baric kicker?? Thanks in advance, and what type of box would work the best of either option?
The 10's just don't seem to have the power to go through the car, I have them hooked up to a hifonics 1500 wired at 1 ohm. It moves my mirror, but that's about it. I don't feel them in the seat at all!! I have a vented box now, any suggestions? Thanks
Yep! Ohm tested them and it's a 1ohm where it should be! Now I have the subs pointed toward the rear lights, would it be better to face them toward the back seat, and how close would I go? I can tip them up, as the box is to long that way!!