I have 2 12" sony xplod's 900max/300rms (and don't say they suck, they might not be the best but they have a decent sound and get really loud.) and an Alpine MRP-350 amp powering them. I assume that the subs are running 4 ohms because I doubt they would be stable at 2 ohms... the amp IS bridged and according to the box puts out 200rmsX1 at 4ohms and 350rmsX1 at 2ohms. Do you think it is running at 4 ohms or 2 ohms? I have also heard that this amp is underrated and is pushing more like 400+rms at 2 ohms... Would my subs get much louder if say, I replaced them with 2 Kicker CVR12's running at 2ohms? Thanks!
louder probably not but it would sound better. i'm fairly sure but not positive that the sony's are SVC 4 ohm so that would put u at 2 ohms if u wired it in parallel, and no this will not damage your subs unless u are severly clipping with that amp (i.e. u have the gains and bass boost turned up on the amp all the way). My advice is get the kickers
Why wouldn't they get louder if I boosted them from 200x1 to 350 or even 400x1? I might get the kickers later. I have to get my Kenwood 589 HU first and then 2 6.5's for the front. Another random question, I have 4 factory 6.5's... I am thinking of just buying 1 pair of speakers for the front and ripping the backs out... (at least for a while until I put 4 speakers in). Would I notice much of a difference? And how good are like Pioneer 3 way's? I don't have much money so... I am hoping for 35 or so for the pair on ebay. Looks like the subs will have to wait. I have the amp running with the bass boost all the way up and the gain 2/3 the way up... I love my heavy chest hammering bass but is that stuff too high?
Posted on
really dude u dont no what hammering bass is when u have sony's. but whatever tickles ur fancy
Jeremy l. Soundz.
Unregistered guest
Posted on
Really try to go for the Kickers.. They will give you alot better performance than the Sonys ever will. I have personally gone from two 12" CVRs, and am now running 6 CVRs. These will hit insanely hard, and still sound great. Esp. in a professionally designed and EQ'ed Sealed box. Also, the pioneer 3 ways will give a great performance for the price. They are the first speakers I ever started with, and they did great, and still hold admiration for how cheap they are. When ever you decide to go with something that is a tad more expensive, but a great investment, go with Eclipse Component systems. These sets of speakers will make anything else seem sub-par.
I'm new to car audio and I'm trying to learn a few things, so I hope you don't mind if I ask a few questions.
Is that a 4 channel amp you have? From what (I think) I know so far, the only way you can be bridging anything is if you had a 4 channel and you bridged it to get 2 channels, 1 for each sub. I think.
Also, how would you know if a sub/amp was running 4 ohms or 2 ohms? Is there a setting on the amp for it, or does it depends on the speaker?
Thanks to anyone who can answer these questions in an easy to undertand way.
My amplifier is mono (1) channel. And Jeremy... what difference will I notice between the kickers and the sony's? WIll the kickers make my chest pound or what? Thanks!
forget the kickers cvr...get some audiobahn special edition....you could wire them @2 ohmns in a ported box!!!...they sound louder than the xpol'ds and cvr....they run for the same price..