0-1000 ProStock. I feel this class to be one of the most competitive classes. In any/all "stock" class you must have all the equipment within the cargo area/trunk of the vehicle. So nothing, not even an amp screwed to the seat folded forward is still considered out of the cargo area. In addition all equipment (woofer/box/amps/caps) MUST stay below the bottom of the lowest window line.
With all that aside, the "pro" stock class is intended for company sponsored vehicles. So be prepared to go against guys who've had equipment "given" to them.
There is 3 Pro Stock divisions,
0-1000 watts 1001-5000watts 5001+ watts
I feel 0-1000 to be the hardest. With the lowest available wattage you must rely on building the most efficient system. Take 5001+ for instance, say your score is a little off the leaders, just add more power to gain. In 0-1000 you've only got so much power to work with so you must rebuild to gain or find little things that help you gain.
At any rate i'm not sponsored so that bites. I do own a small stereo shop though, this help's since I get my equipment at discount (although not much cheaper than E-Bay lol). All the money comes out of my pocket, but heck, I dont mind goin against the "big dogs" (as they call themselves). So here it goes, I'll let you guys know how baddly I crush the World Record tomarrow. (or give a really lame excuse why I failed, lol)
1001-5000 sucks. would be hard for someone with 1001 watts to compete with someone with 5000 if the guy with 5000 knows how to build boxes and is getting a true 5000
The number's for world records dont sound all that impressive for a couple reasons. #1 all records are set in the legal position (vehicle sealed up with the mic on the dash) All UACSI cars are built for outlaw in the kick, so legal on the dash proposes the first disadvantage.
Secondly, all USACI World Records are set with the infamous B&K microphone. This mic is one of the hardest. Sort of like T/L being harder than the A/C.
But to answer your question, the record is 153.4. That particular number translates to near a 160 outlaw in the on a T/L mic. So dont let the 153 fool ya, in reallity thats really loud on the B&K. The world record for 5000+ Pro is 157 by a DB Drive sponsored car. His number is 164 outlaw on the T/L.