Silver Member Username: AraknidBOCA , FL U.S. Post Number: 623 Registered: Nov-04 | You know those questions you have that your to imbarrased to ask. well heres your chance to just let out. Its ok we've all been there we werent born with this knowledge you must learn it somewhere. |
Gold Member Username: InsearchofbassPost Number: 2577 Registered: Jun-04 | ok this is from another post ..marshal has a 15 re sx and hes hitting 145 db and he put a clamp meter on it and hes peaking at 6.5 to 7 ohms and as a result only getting about 450 rms to the speaker and mix in effect remeinded me of this idea i had as well a while back....anyway what do theil large parameters mean and would this idea truely change the impedance to the desired 1 ohm i imagine hes tring to achieve Consider using a passive crossover and build an impedence correction across the terminals (capacitor & resistor). The values do matter. Check your thiel small and large parameters. |
Silver Member Username: AraknidBOCA , FL U.S. Post Number: 625 Registered: Nov-04 | I dont think there is such a thing. I read this earlier and I was very confused. The size of the enclosure changes the impendance of the speaker??? |
Gold Member Username: InsearchofbassPost Number: 2578 Registered: Jun-04 | if your asking if the box size can change the impedance seen at the amp the answer is yes typically from what ive read the larger size boxes do this with subwoofers...i do think there is such a thing cuz i no mix in effect is a smart individual from what ive seen before from him...i imagine theil large is just dervived in some other manner other than the way thiel small is |
Gold Member Username: InsearchofbassPost Number: 2579 Registered: Jun-04 | the imapedances vary depending on the frequency played ...all boxes do this...but ive read the speck sheet for powered for sounds 6. 5 inch subs they did in that snailshell and their resistance was like 4 ohm and 5 ohm across the board i believe maybe an occasional have to look again |
Gold Member Username: InsearchofbassPost Number: 2581 Registered: Jun-04 | i meant larger size boxes typically lower the impedance seen at the amplifier but with that comes a change in musical sound (from an sq point of view i mean) least as i think about it |
Gold Member Username: InsearchofbassPost Number: 2582 Registered: Jun-04 | read this editors review and youll see a case of varing impedances on a jl 12w3 for example the part labeled objective |
Silver Member Username: AraknidBOCA , FL U.S. Post Number: 629 Registered: Nov-04 | wow thats awesome and confusing and alot of other things at the same time. just for the hell of it i have a little multi function meter thing the has resistence on it im gonna check out the subs in my room. |
Gold Member Username: InsearchofbassPost Number: 2583 Registered: Jun-04 | lol see theres alot more than meets the eye to the spl game |
Gold Member Username: InsearchofbassPost Number: 2584 Registered: Jun-04 | this is part of the reason i wanted to build my triple chamber abc box |
Silver Member Username: AraknidBOCA , FL U.S. Post Number: 630 Registered: Nov-04 | ok im very confused. NO power my subs are supposed to be 4 ohms I got a reading of 3.6 ok now powered ........ 32-36!!?!!?!?!?! and thats not a typo 32 - 36 but thats at very low volume. now im gonna go try it at a higher volume. |
Gold Member Username: InsearchofbassPost Number: 2585 Registered: Jun-04 | i believe that 3.6 is correct non powered as well as the results of your powered assume as you apply more power it will stay the same until the coil gets hot and the resistance will rise but well see |
Silver Member Username: AraknidBOCA , FL U.S. Post Number: 631 Registered: Nov-04 | ok volume at a moderate level I got a reading from negative something all the way to 100+ |
Silver Member Username: AraknidBOCA , FL U.S. Post Number: 632 Registered: Nov-04 | No It didnt have enough time to heat up its still kinda early and I really dont want to piss off the neighbors yet. |
Gold Member Username: InsearchofbassPost Number: 2586 Registered: Jun-04 | lol well id assume distortion will make things heat up the quickest and change the impedance |
Gold Member Username: InsearchofbassPost Number: 2587 Registered: Jun-04 | were you using the same song both times cuz different frequencies give different results even a different part of the smaae song will change the outcome.. the best way to test would be with test tones one at a time ...that would be consistant |
Silver Member Username: AraknidBOCA , FL U.S. Post Number: 633 Registered: Nov-04 | I have a new theory- The enclosure changes the impendance but only slightly, A free airing sub will fuctuate just as much but either 0.5-1 ohms higher or lower of that of the enclosed woofer. |
Silver Member Username: AraknidBOCA , FL U.S. Post Number: 634 Registered: Nov-04 | hmmm I really dont have test tones but I can at least make sure I use the same song. |
Gold Member Username: InsearchofbassPost Number: 2588 Registered: Jun-04 | do you have a cd burner cuz if you do you can make a test tone cd off of realmofexcursion |
Silver Member Username: AraknidBOCA , FL U.S. Post Number: 635 Registered: Nov-04 | no... my computer is crap. I can download it then stick my converted wire I use for a signal into the computer. but not right now im really tired ive been up since yesterday, gonna take like a 2 hour nap then go for it. |
Silver Member Username: AraknidBOCA , FL U.S. Post Number: 636 Registered: Nov-04 | Ok before i do that let me get this straight. I noticed that when the bass hit the impendance droped and when there was nothin goin on it went up again. So the resistence drops so that the power can come out and when theres no bass the impendance goes up to hold any bass from coming out or somethin like that. thats why at higher volumes the impendance has to go up so high (100+) to hold anything from comin out? what? |
Silver Member Username: AraknidBOCA , FL U.S. Post Number: 637 Registered: Nov-04 | no that cant be correct cuz theres not always a bass signal to come out? |
Gold Member Username: InsearchofbassPost Number: 2589 Registered: Jun-04 | id have to think on that for a bit to give you an answer but go ahead and get that nap in the mean time...ive enjoyed learning with you here |
Gold Member Username: InsearchofbassPost Number: 2590 Registered: Jun-04 | thanks for doing that test and this post to start all this |
Bronze Member Username: ThrushdtdNew York Post Number: 40 Registered: May-05 | It makes absolutely no sence to me that the box size would change the reisitance or impedancy seen by the amp could somewone who actually knows about resistance v=IR tell me why this is with some real facts? Or is it just bull shitt like i think |
Silver Member Username: 54danny54Post Number: 386 Registered: Nov-04 | How do u tune a port lol...and hgow do u maximize a ports performance |
Silver Member Username: AlpineuserWinchester, TN Post Number: 436 Registered: Mar-05 | you can not measure resistance with the power on |
Silver Member Username: 54danny54Post Number: 393 Registered: Nov-04 | ok then im not here alpine? lol |
Gold Member Username: InsearchofbassPost Number: 2592 Registered: Jun-04 | before you go critisizing read the article i posted and the results bass man mike got and marshall too ...cant measure it huh...maybe its not called impedance nut you get the picture use your head before you speak |
Gold Member Username: InsearchofbassPost Number: 2593 Registered: Jun-04 | "nut" should be but |
Silver Member Username: AlpineuserWinchester, TN Post Number: 437 Registered: Mar-05 | the ports tune is the length of the port use this program it will show u what to do and make it so you dont have any port noise either |
Gold Member Username: InsearchofbassPost Number: 2594 Registered: Jun-04 | as you can tell i really appreciate the insult ryan "bull shitt" hmm so respectfull |
Gold Member Username: HdubbFarmington, Nm Usa Post Number: 1720 Registered: Nov-04 | this is very interesting. so let me see if my recap is correct. the size of the box and the tuning of the box can drop/raise the impedence of your sub, which translate into lost power from the amp due to the change, meaning the sub doesnt get the watts that you want it to and should. equaling lower spl numbers because its not getting enough power. is this correct sean? |
Silver Member Username: Tdeaton1021Near Tampa, Florida USA Post Number: 595 Registered: Sep-04 | i think sean does know what hes talkin about ryan... whenever he doesnt knwo he always admits to it and asks... so if he says hes telling you the truth he is... and all of his guesses seems to be pretty acurate too lol... damn these smart ppl ;-) |
Silver Member Username: Tdeaton1021Near Tampa, Florida USA Post Number: 596 Registered: Sep-04 | yeah hunter i think thats the gist of it... and i think what hes getting at in his ABC box maybe be to lower the impedence too and therefore create high spl numbers.... and on top of that the abc boc limits the woofers excursion so you can put more power to the sub as long as u dont extend the thermal capabilities of the VC ... i think lol |
Gold Member Username: InsearchofbassPost Number: 2596 Registered: Jun-04 | exactly hunter check this link out on the dual chamber and look toward the bottom at his impedance graph and youll see what i mean...notice he was getting 41 ohms at his best hit if i remember right that was a whole 22 rms split to both speakers ...i designed my triple chamber based on his graph and on a half ratio insead of 2 to 1 expecting the impedance to drop more than his accross a wider band |
Gold Member Username: InsearchofbassPost Number: 2597 Registered: Jun-04 | right on all counts trevor plus it should have even better sq |
Silver Member Username: AlpineuserWinchester, TN Post Number: 440 Registered: Mar-05 | well for starters impedance and resistance are 2 different things. resistance is the opposition of flow of electrical current, and impedance is the resistance of a component at a given frequency. When a speaker is measured at 4/2 ohms, it is measured using a device that puts out DC current to do the measuring. The only other time the subwoofer will have anything near 4/2 ohms is when it is at resonance. The rest of the time, the voice coils impedance is very high |
Gold Member Username: InsearchofbassPost Number: 2598 Registered: Jun-04 | thanks for the compliment as well and i am by no means claiming i know it all. I have alot more id like to learn and i try my best to admit when i dont know something. My design for the triple chamber is based on theory anyway. I wish glasswolf or jon or both would give me their insite i know they know alot more than me on my ideas outcome even fishy id like to hear from as well. |
Gold Member Username: InsearchofbassPost Number: 2599 Registered: Jun-04 | so alpine by resonance do you mean the tuned frequency of the enclosure? |
Silver Member Username: AlpineuserWinchester, TN Post Number: 442 Registered: Mar-05 | no the resonant frequency of the speaker |
Silver Member Username: AlpineuserWinchester, TN Post Number: 443 Registered: Mar-05 | the enclosure itself has nothing to do with the impedance |
Gold Member Username: HdubbFarmington, Nm Usa Post Number: 1721 Registered: Nov-04 | yesh i looked at that guy a few times. very nice box, i think he should have set the lexxan in the box instead of on top. but i know thats not the point. its very interesting, i never thought of the box doin that. d o you think that is marshalls problem is that when he plays a test tone the tuning of his box and that certain test tone raise the impedence of his sub making him get less power? does it have to do more with the tunig of the box or the size? i would say tuning but im not sure. |
Gold Member Username: InsearchofbassPost Number: 2600 Registered: Jun-04 | ok i follow your explanation of impedance verses resistance and basically what im aiming to lower im my design would be resistance....thanks for the clearification on both counts |
Gold Member Username: HdubbFarmington, Nm Usa Post Number: 1722 Registered: Nov-04 | ok now im behind. so its not the tuning of the box its the resonanting frequency of the subwoofer itself? right. |
Gold Member Username: InsearchofbassPost Number: 2601 Registered: Jun-04 | but if you had the specs i do youll see p4s hit the mark across the board in their box with the 6.5's resistance wise which is part of their success i believe among other things but i wont get into that |
Gold Member Username: InsearchofbassPost Number: 2602 Registered: Jun-04 | yes and the other frequencies as well if your looking at it from a musical point of view |
Gold Member Username: InsearchofbassPost Number: 2603 Registered: Jun-04 | well i answered to quickly lemme think on it |
Silver Member Username: AlpineuserWinchester, TN Post Number: 444 Registered: Mar-05 | im fairly sure that the power of the amp has little to do with impedance. if so and you can check you can see 45ohms across the coil and even higher and if this was so a 1000wrms amp at 2 ohms would produce about 50wrms at 45 ohms if u half it everytime u double the load. i could be wrong on this part though |
Gold Member Username: InsearchofbassPost Number: 2604 Registered: Jun-04 | ok look at it this way the resonant frequency of the driver is the point of least resistance in free air right....ok if thats the case when placed in the box things change but to keep it simple lets just say part of our aim is to create the least resistance across the entire bandwidth determined to be used and yet use the resosnat frequency of the driver to our advantage at the same time |
Silver Member Username: AlpineuserWinchester, TN Post Number: 445 Registered: Mar-05 | lol my head is starting to hurt now |
Gold Member Username: InsearchofbassPost Number: 2605 Registered: Jun-04 | i believe that the fs of the driver is actually not the limit for how low you can actually go with the driver your using. I theorize you could go lower and still retain good sound but things have to be right but thats just a guess. |
Gold Member Username: InsearchofbassPost Number: 2606 Registered: Jun-04 | sorry alpine lol |
Gold Member Username: HdubbFarmington, Nm Usa Post Number: 1723 Registered: Nov-04 | mine too alpine. so playing tones higher then the fs(which is where the nominal impedence is created) will raise the impedence. correct? but why would the enclosure change things? if it does. so am i on the right page here? |
Silver Member Username: AlpineuserWinchester, TN Post Number: 446 Registered: Mar-05 | you can go below the fs but anything lower will start to damage the speaker |
Silver Member Username: AlpineuserWinchester, TN Post Number: 447 Registered: Mar-05 | lol hunter i think u need to start back at the first post and read slowly :P |
Gold Member Username: HdubbFarmington, Nm Usa Post Number: 1724 Registered: Nov-04 | lol. hey alpine shut up! jk. yeah the sad part is i did. well the topic has taken a twist. |
Gold Member Username: InsearchofbassPost Number: 2608 Registered: Jun-04 | sorry hunter i missed your question marshalls direct aim is spl so in this case hunter yes his resistance is too high he could get another 4 db if i figured it right...but as far as the tuning goes people say go for the resonant frequency of your vehicle but i have other ideas on that too |
Gold Member Username: HdubbFarmington, Nm Usa Post Number: 1726 Registered: Nov-04 | its sean confusing me, first ill read one of his posts and it will makes some sense then the next post hell change something he has said then the next post hell add more and change another thing he said about the second post. mauhhhhhhhhhhh |
Gold Member Username: InsearchofbassPost Number: 2609 Registered: Jun-04 | tuning can be anywhere from 10 hz to 3 hz from the desired peak and that depends on the box |
Gold Member Username: InsearchofbassPost Number: 2610 Registered: Jun-04 | sorry il let you catch up hunter. I confused you beacuse i miss read what i thought you were asking about. |
Gold Member Username: InsearchofbassPost Number: 2611 Registered: Jun-04 | my mind works from one concept joining with the next alot and i go too far in explanation alot |
Gold Member Username: HdubbFarmington, Nm Usa Post Number: 1727 Registered: Nov-04 | hey alpine yeah i know if you go below the fs youll damage it. so basically the zmax of the sub changes when playing a freq thats not the fs. hah i got it. and in spl comps they want you to tune it to the cars res. freq. so what do they do to make up the impedence drop? do they use resistors and what not in comp vehicles? this is very interesting and yet confusing at the same time.(im still pretty green to a lot of the super technical stuff so bare with me guys) |
Silver Member Username: AlpineuserWinchester, TN Post Number: 449 Registered: Mar-05 | i think sean confuses himself most the time anyways lol. when he posts he usually follows up with 2 - 3 correction posts about his 1st post. lol |
Gold Member Username: InsearchofbassPost Number: 2613 Registered: Jun-04 | lol its that i realize that there is more that can be understood if i add to my connecting ideas |
Silver Member Username: AlpineuserWinchester, TN Post Number: 450 Registered: Mar-05 | does this help any? lol any site with "hyperphsycis" in the title means for me to stay away |
Silver Member Username: AlpineuserWinchester, TN Post Number: 452 Registered: Mar-05 | i still think that resistance and impedance are different. i believe your amp still sees a 2 ohm load or whatever even with a high impedance |
Gold Member Username: InsearchofbassPost Number: 2614 Registered: Jun-04 | i guess my statement about going lower than fs wasnt by looking at it from maximal xmax limits only to state the if thats controlled you can use frequencies below fs from a musical stand point |
Gold Member Username: InsearchofbassPost Number: 2615 Registered: Jun-04 | i agree apline but realize you amp delivers the power but your subwoofer decides what comes out speaking from a power delivery and reaction point of view |
Gold Member Username: HdubbFarmington, Nm Usa Post Number: 1728 Registered: Nov-04 | ok i open up that link and i see the last thing i want to see an equation, and the you read through and in the explantion there are llinks to explain the expalnation mi os cunfosed$ jk. that makes some more sense kinda..... |
Gold Member Username: InsearchofbassPost Number: 2616 Registered: Jun-04 | hence the reason for the difference between resistance and impedance |
Gold Member Username: InsearchofbassPost Number: 2617 Registered: Jun-04 | what did you read and where hunter? |
Gold Member Username: InsearchofbassPost Number: 2618 Registered: Jun-04 | oh i missed the link ill read it |
Gold Member Username: HdubbFarmington, Nm Usa Post Number: 1729 Registered: Nov-04 | ok my question is why does the speaker change its impedence. |
Gold Member Username: SubfanaticWalton, Ky Post Number: 4242 Registered: Dec-04 | hmmm, sorry guys but either stop typing for 5 mins and ill go back and reread everything, lol cuase i cant keep up |
Gold Member Username: InsearchofbassPost Number: 2619 Registered: Jun-04 | ok im gonna be totally honest here. I have technical mind that understands things from a deductive reasoning kinda level. So I know that not all things can be understood that way because some things defy logic and in this case i dont know that math but i understand the concept shared by you alpine. |
Gold Member Username: InsearchofbassPost Number: 2620 Registered: Jun-04 | lol ok sub |
Gold Member Username: HdubbFarmington, Nm Usa Post Number: 1731 Registered: Nov-04 | so do you not know why the speaker will changes its impedence. or are you just ssaying you better then me? jk. ![]() |
Gold Member Username: InsearchofbassPost Number: 2621 Registered: Jun-04 | i wa swaiting for alpine to answer but in my opinion the answer lies in his explanation of resistance and impedance ... impedance and resistance are 2 different things. resistance is the opposition of flow of electrical current, and impedance is the resistance of a component at a given frequency. (resistance ..oposition of flow of electrical current) the resistance of a component at a given frequency so if resitance is high impedance raises but your stating point at the amp doesnt change |
Gold Member Username: InsearchofbassPost Number: 2622 Registered: Jun-04 | well i didnt say that right but you get what i mean |
Gold Member Username: InsearchofbassPost Number: 2624 Registered: Jun-04 | its a loss in delivery pure and simple |
Gold Member Username: HdubbFarmington, Nm Usa Post Number: 1735 Registered: Nov-04 | lol. let me see if i get it. the impedence drops at freq because of the resistance given ? does that make sense? |
Gold Member Username: HdubbFarmington, Nm Usa Post Number: 1736 Registered: Nov-04 | so a simple way to fix the impedence fluxuation would be to upgrade to thicker wire? correct? would that help? |
Gold Member Username: InsearchofbassPost Number: 2625 Registered: Jun-04 | basically yes but i think you have it backwards |
Gold Member Username: InsearchofbassPost Number: 2626 Registered: Jun-04 | no no it doesnt have to do with that were assuming all that is up to spec |
Gold Member Username: InsearchofbassPost Number: 2627 Registered: Jun-04 | read that post on the jl 12 w 3 hunter and youll see read the area under the title objective |
Gold Member Username: HdubbFarmington, Nm Usa Post Number: 1739 Registered: Nov-04 | it would go both ways i guess sean if imp. flux then wont resistance and if res flux wont imp.? ill read it again. |
Gold Member Username: InsearchofbassPost Number: 2628 Registered: Jun-04 | flux i have no clue on bro. I need a lesson from you on that. |
Gold Member Username: HdubbFarmington, Nm Usa Post Number: 1740 Registered: Nov-04 | fluxaution |
Gold Member Username: HdubbFarmington, Nm Usa Post Number: 1741 Registered: Nov-04 | fluxuation. |
Gold Member Username: HdubbFarmington, Nm Usa Post Number: 1742 Registered: Nov-04 | Objective The impedance curve for this unit shows a maximum of 26.7 ohms and a minimum of 4.9 ohms over its usable range. the voice coils of the 12W3-D2 are wired in series for a nominal 4-ohm load in this application. These values occur at 48 Hz and 90 Hz, respectively. Average impedance measured 10.4 ohms. Out-of-car measurements show a slight rise in response below 100 Hz, followed by a smooth 12 dB-per-octave roll-off below system resonance. In-car measurements show a 1-watt sensitivity of 91.5 dB at 10 Hz and a relatively smooth overall response. About 5 dB of power compression was observed in the lowest frequencies on the 300-watt in-car sweep. ok kinda go over this and give me an explanation. ive never used anything that plots impedence or anything. oh and sean thanks for you patience and willingness to teach |
Gold Member Username: HdubbFarmington, Nm Usa Post Number: 1744 Registered: Nov-04 | ok so this sub had a max imped. of 26.7 and then 4.9 as a min. but what do they mean when they say in its "usable range?" |
Gold Member Username: InsearchofbassPost Number: 2629 Registered: Jun-04 | ok a couple things come to mind when i look at this portion of the article. One the speaker is designed to play from a 24 hz fs i believe to basically whatever they crossed it over at high pass filter wise (90hz). I know the 90 hz comment is not that cut and dry but lets just call it that. ok now to me the comments "The impedance curve for this unit shows a maximum of 26.7 ohms and "a minimum of 4.9 ohms over its usable range." and These values occur at 48 Hz and 90 Hz, respectively." and "Average impedance measured 10.4 ohms." means that each frequency gets a said amount of power depeding on the frequency played even though the amp is say at 4 ohms bridged saud to deliver 300 rms at that load. Now do the math and youll see the varied amouns of power actually delivered. See the amps power promised didnt change is the transfer because of other factors unrelated to it specifically. Then you have the coment of the average ohms that means we have peaks and valleys just like the tangband chart but dont forget we also have cabin gain helping us out or in some cases the car hurts us in areas but well focus on the helps not the hurts. So as you can see if we have a certain frequency or frequencies that we want to help then we want to cut the ohms in half thereby doubling the power delivered and so on and so forth. I also believe this apraoch can help and amp run cooler if this is achieved in balance. |
Gold Member Username: InsearchofbassPost Number: 2630 Registered: Jun-04 | opps i should have said low pass above |
Gold Member Username: HdubbFarmington, Nm Usa Post Number: 1745 Registered: Nov-04 | oh ok its basically saying that between 48 and 90 hertz the the impedence of the woofer "peaked and valleyed if you would" from 26.7 to 4.9ohms correct. so basically if the box is tuned around the fs of the woofer, the the impedence will be closer to the zmax of the sub, which keeps the imp. low, keeping the power to the sub as close to the stated amount. correct. so if marshall would tune he box lower to the fs then he would recieve more power, but if he tuned it to the cars fs how would this help him. |
Gold Member Username: HdubbFarmington, Nm Usa Post Number: 1746 Registered: Nov-04 | wouldnt it be just like playing a test tone to the tuning of the box? but if you have them all very close it would be louder correct? the best way to win(for spl comps) is to find a sub with a really high fs that can handle power and has low impedence as well as xmax. right? |
Gold Member Username: HdubbFarmington, Nm Usa Post Number: 1748 Registered: Nov-04 | this is fun. ![]() |
Gold Member Username: InsearchofbassPost Number: 2631 Registered: Jun-04 | yes and id imagine the lower frequencies from the tune of the box start low and rise the farther you get from there till you hit 48 hz and it declines again till you get to 90 hz. to your second question yes starting from the fs would be ideal esp i reguards to the zmax but realize that cabin boost may not help much in the right areas with that approach and as far as marshalls delima hes built an spl burp box which means hes aiming for one frequency which is his car resonant frequency so i believe what is needed is a larger box from what ive read so that it lowers the resistance seen but this would require building many boxes to aim for that smae frequency and taking measurements with a clamp meter. Which is why i suggested an idea like my adjustable box volume emthod with adjustable ports box in car with a spl meter and take clamp readings and spl readings |
Gold Member Username: InsearchofbassPost Number: 2632 Registered: Jun-04 | then you could build your comp box around those results it you wanted it to look pretty |
Gold Member Username: HdubbFarmington, Nm Usa Post Number: 1750 Registered: Nov-04 | yes that s good idea.a biiger box to lower the air resistanse or electrical resistance? |
Gold Member Username: InsearchofbassPost Number: 2633 Registered: Jun-04 | electrical |
Silver Member Username: Tdeaton1021Near Tampa, Florida USA Post Number: 599 Registered: Sep-04 | okay the aprt that i dont get... well besaides evrything... is that this was a thread for embarassing questions... these are all really technical complicated making urself look really smart questions while other ppl TRY to follow whats going on but mostly dont succeed in doing so lol... but keep going someday i;ll get it lol |
Gold Member Username: HdubbFarmington, Nm Usa Post Number: 1751 Registered: Nov-04 | ok sean if he upgraded wiring to his sub and the terminals would this help him much, that would cut resistance by a lil bit, get a bigger box, and maybe a bat fir a bigger power reserve so the voltage rails wont drop as bad(if he hasnt done this already) and give me a dollar? |
Gold Member Username: InsearchofbassPost Number: 2634 Registered: Jun-04 | trevor just remember just because one person says something smart and itelligent doesnt mean the guy next to you doesnt have one too. I say speak it if you have an idea and ask or educate yourself if you dont after all thats how we all learn here |
Gold Member Username: InsearchofbassPost Number: 2635 Registered: Jun-04 | assuming all thats up to spec and im sure that is concerning marshall then this is all a box thing pretty much |
Gold Member Username: InsearchofbassPost Number: 2636 Registered: Jun-04 | although approaching that level of spl there could also be factors reguarding the car too but his focus is the resistance he saw at his desired frequency |
Gold Member Username: InsearchofbassPost Number: 2637 Registered: Jun-04 | my yes further above was not to your test tone question |
Gold Member Username: InsearchofbassPost Number: 2638 Registered: Jun-04 | ok im outta here guys later |
Gold Member Username: HdubbFarmington, Nm Usa Post Number: 1753 Registered: Nov-04 | ok well i think it could be a vehicle thing also. not just electrical but his truck might be at its peak already, so no matter what he does it wont get much louder ![]() |
Silver Member Username: AraknidBOCA , FL U.S. Post Number: 638 Registered: Nov-04 | Im awake after I fell asleep for like 9 hours or so. Before I went to sleep I checked the power off impendance and im guessing because it was warmed up it went from 3.6 before to 3.8 warmed up. Im guessing that if It was playing at somewhere near full volume the reading would of been 4.0 which is why keeping the sub cooler is so important cuz it keeps the impendance from raising to high. Im assuming all companies have a cool rating of about 0.4 under what they say. and when it does heat up it then reaches what they say it is. |
Gold Member Username: HdubbFarmington, Nm Usa Post Number: 1754 Registered: Nov-04 | yeah thats probably right. because i think they have to meet certain standards and let it run for at least 2 hours so they can get the nominal readings, i think tats not a fact though. |
Silver Member Username: AraknidBOCA , FL U.S. Post Number: 645 Registered: Nov-04 | Also how can you say resistence and impendance are 2 different things when there both measured in ohms. Basically when referring to resistence of a speaker its called impendance. |
Gold Member Username: InsearchofbassPost Number: 2639 Registered: Jun-04 | so bassmanmike im back did you do the test tone sweeps? |
Silver Member Username: AraknidBOCA , FL U.S. Post Number: 650 Registered: Nov-04 | No, unfortunately my cousin came today and took his amp back. |
Gold Member Username: InsearchofbassPost Number: 2640 Registered: Jun-04 | ok well it was a begining of an intresting test ...what type of meter did you use im curious |
Silver Member Username: AraknidBOCA , FL U.S. Post Number: 651 Registered: Nov-04 | This is basically what I have except the I have a slightly different model. products/p35761.htm |
Gold Member Username: InsearchofbassPost Number: 2641 Registered: Jun-04 | the link isnt working |
Silver Member Username: AraknidBOCA , FL U.S. Post Number: 652 Registered: Nov-04 | sorry its being g@y just copy paste. I noticed a comment by Ryan what ever his last name is. "It makes absolutely no sence to me that the box size would change the reisitance or impedancy seen by the amp could somewone who actually knows about resistance v=IR tell me why this is with some real facts? Or is it just bull shitt like i think" There he stated that the formula for Resistence = V=IR when the formula is R=V/I? Im sure he knows what hes talkin about lol. |
Gold Member Username: InsearchofbassPost Number: 2642 Registered: Jun-04 | yeah he ticked me off |
Gold Member Username: InsearchofbassPost Number: 2643 Registered: Jun-04 | i copied and pasted it prviously and no dice |
Silver Member Username: AraknidBOCA , FL U.S. Post Number: 653 Registered: Nov-04 | try that, mine is the one with the all yellow front item # 30756-3VGA |
Silver Member Username: AraknidBOCA , FL U.S. Post Number: 654 Registered: Nov-04 | did you see what I wrote Im awake after I fell asleep for like 9 hours or so. Before I went to sleep I checked the power off impendance and im guessing because it was warmed up it went from 3.6 before to 3.8 warmed up. Im guessing that if It was playing at somewhere near full volume the reading would of been 4.0 which is why keeping the sub cooler is so important cuz it keeps the impendance from raising to high. Im assuming all companies have a cool rating of about 0.4 under what they say. and when it does heat up it then reaches what they say it is. |
Gold Member Username: InsearchofbassPost Number: 2644 Registered: Jun-04 | yeah i saw that thanks for the repost on the meter |
Gold Member Username: InsearchofbassPost Number: 2645 Registered: Jun-04 | thats what i expected to hear after it had some power through it by the way |