Clifford help :-(


New member
Username: Mrvf

Post Number: 7
Registered: Nov-04
My Clifford Avantguard 5 brain its damage, the proximity sensor doesn't work and the omnisensor don't work very well.

The store how sell me the alarm at the momento don't sell Clifford anymore and i have a can i have a nem brain?

I have it from 9's possible to talk with Clifford USA?? i have the warranty.

I too have a problem with my Clifford Alarm.

its an Eagle 2 ( i think, thats what the garage told me, and we all know how much that is worth)

it seems to be stuck in valet mode.
Remotely unlocking doesnt seem to be working

and I can not find a Valet switch anywhere on the Car. ive found the "brain" behind the glovebox.

But there is no valet switch.

any ideas?

New member
Username: Mrvf

Post Number: 8
Registered: Nov-04
You must have the valet switch. Without switch you can do nothing...

JeremyC, help me...i just talk with the seller and im waiting, but seems dificult

Does anyone have a picture or a diagram of one of these switches?

cos ive never seen one. might help me find it (though i doubt it cos its not there)

The Red LED light is on all the time, meaning its in Valet mode. (however the RED LED light has always been on, and the alarm system worked just fine before, then i had to replace the battery, now just auto lock when the ingition starts works)

Have Clifford ever made an alarm without a Valet switch?

Silver Member
Username: Jeremyc


Post Number: 723
Registered: Jun-04
Marco, call cliford and see what they say. Hopefully they will help you out. I know the story I dealk with stoped selling clifford for a few months, but they still did repair work if someone had a problem. They could still get new brains and such if they needed it.

Anon, all clifford alarms have a valet switch, most have the switch out in the open, but since the eagle 2 isn't coded its probably hidden. Depending on the model they used it could be a simple black switch, (kinda a flush mount) or a small silver one. The silver switch part will stick out about a 1/2 inch.

Well just in case, make sure you are hitting the shift key twice (side of the remote) and then the lock unlock switch (big one top center). If the alarm is still locking and unlocking the doors when you press the arm / disarm button, then that should take it out of vallet.

Here is the guide if you have any other questions.


Unregistered guest
Well I certianly cant find it, could it be placed anywhere along the wiring? is it likely to be near the brain?

Remotely trying to turn the valet off isnt working.

It has to be a dodgy install.. cos when it was working before, the LED still showed it to be in valet mode. Which clearly it shouldn't have been.

New member
Username: Mrvf

Post Number: 9
Registered: Nov-04
Exactly Jeremy.

"...story I dealk with stoped selling clifford..." -» That's is the problem.

Do you have direct phone number and e-mail to talk with Clifford?

Thanks one more time.


FOUND THE VALET SWITCH! JUST UNDER THE STEERING WHEEL.. never thought of looking in such an easy place.

Had to reenter my remotes onto the system.

now its working better than ever.. god knows how it worked in set in valet mode for all those years.

thanks for all your help.

New member
Username: Mrvf

Post Number: 10
Registered: Nov-04
Good news ;)...Change the password!

Silver Member
Username: Jeremyc


Post Number: 730
Registered: Jun-04
No I don't MArco, but you should be able to find all that info on the clifford web site.
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