3.30 15 inch deep ports 4 of them 2.0 id ports 15 inches long 25.008 hz .12 1.10 15 inch deep ports 4 of them 2.0 id ports 15 inches long 43.315 hz .07 find the displacement for the sub (space taken up) and add that to chamber 1's gross volume .14 roughly for 4 2 inch ports .42 roughly for 12 2 inch ports
chamber 1 15.5 x 18.5 x 25= 4.14858217592 chamber 2 15.5 x 5.875 x 25 x=1.31745515046296
if the boxes demensions were along these lines how would it fit
okay a few questions... your dimensions for the box go as follows... height, width, depth... correct??? and as for the other info.... "3.30 15 inch deep ports 4 of them 2.0 id ports 15 inches long 25.008 hz .12 1.10 15 inch deep ports 4 of them 2.0 id ports 15 inches long 43.315 hz .07 " what are the 3.30 and 1.10?? and then im guessing ur saying that i use 4 ports in each chamber and 4 ports connecting the chamber... and have the ports 2 inch diameter.
".14 roughly for 4 2 inch ports .42 roughly for 12 2 inch ports" ur telling me the displacement of the ports right?
and what is gross volume... net volume is the volume subtracting the port volume and wood volume as well as speaker volume... right? so what is gross... with all of that stuff?
how do you find out the tuning of the chambers? what program are u using or do you do all of it whit pen and paper.... because i try to see if it works on some program and the tuning is different than what you have.. but thats because of the ports combining the chambers change the tune over just one chamber with 4 2 in dia. ports right?
the port connecting the chambers doesnt change the tuning... example... the tune of the first chamber with only the port to the outisde will be the same as the tune of the first chambrer with ports to the outside and to the other chamber???
ok as i posted those measurements are rough demensions not exact but if you make the first chamber 3.30 cf for instance 15.5 x 15.5 x 25 you get 3.47.5839120370 cf. and your target volume was 3.10 but lets say the sub takes up .17cf then your back to 3.10 cf then if you take four two inch id pvc ports 15 inches long on winisd online version youll get my port tunes ....the extra cf in chamber one was because i didnt want to refigure at that moment so i added 3 inches to the width to give me room for the 4 ports to fit on the front board which 15.5 x 18.5 x 25 is 4.14858217592 cf so with that design id have to use internal bracing or something to take up some room or redesign to different demensions
okay... so i know your not guarenteeing me this will work good but say for instance if i was going to give it a try... make the box to those specs and i will get those tunes? thats the most important thing to me.. to get those tunes because i dont want to accidently get a higher tune... and sean... about what u said about adding bracing to take up some room... if i didnt put bracing i would obviously have a larger volume... that would lower the tuning frequency right? because iom okay with that... or would it screw everything up?
i was not saying this is a done box im just asking if it was 15.5 h x 24.5 w x 25 deep internal and 17 h 26 wide and 26.5 deep external would it be too big for you