Yes you can, lets say you have 2 four ohm svc subs, you could wire them in series, which is an eight ohm load, connect them bridged to the amp, which since this is a two channel bridged, it will see a eight ohm load, which will only give you rated power of two channels at four ohms (bridged), no gain. However, If you have two four ohm dvc subs, you could wire each coil per sub in series, and then parrallel them, which is four ohms, bridgeing the amp then 1/2's the amp impendence, so you would give four ohm load to the amp, which is giving two ohm power bridged, and you would give each sub more power. Of course, with two four ohm dvc you could just wire each sub in parrallel (2 coils per sub) which would give the amp a two ohm load, the same power with simpler wiring than bridging the amp. What subs do have, how many, and how many coils, and what ohm coils?