Alright guys, I know my amps and subs, but I really don't know much about regular speakers and tweeters. My friend just got an Alpine CDA 9851, and he needs some new speakers now. I've got him talked into buying an amp, and getting 4 good speakers. The holes in his doors are 6.5 inches, so those shouldn't be a problem, but his dash speakers are 4x6's. He also has stuid 4 x 9's, or 3 x 9's, whatever those really long skinny ones are. I convinced him to scrap the speakers in the back, (it's an S-10). I'm thinking maybe some 6.5 inch midbass speaks, and then putting coaxils for the full range in the 4 x 6 spots? Need some help.
4x6 speakers are as bad as 6x9s. You can easily replace them with 4" components for better sound quality. 4x6 hole can easily be converted for 4" speaker. You can even use the same 4x6 cover on top of it afterwards. Infinity has 4" component sets. If your friend is after SQ, then skip the coaxial.
Well, I kinda thought the same thing. If the 4's will fit in there fine then we'll do that. He's not super fussy, and he wouldn't know if it sounded awsome or not, but I still want to hook him up correctly.