are xtant good sq amps for subs? also my a6001t does 300 at 4 ohm and 600 at 2 ohm. it says it needs a 80 AMP FUSE. im gonna be running it at 4 ohms and 13.5v do i really need a fuse that big. i hear that fuse sizes that big are for competitions and stuff only.
it was my first time buyin something on ebay and idk it just seemed odd that two exact same amps just got purchased almost the same time. thought i was scammed. idk being paranoid i guess. my was used for 150. everyone says that they are good amps so i hope we will enjoy.
Oh I see. LOL. Yeah, I hope we enjoy too What kind of subs are you hooking up to this baby?
BTW, how much did your seller charge you for shipping, some of these guys on ebay rack up the shipping to get more money. I say that because the seller I got mine from made me pay $35 bucks for shipping and insurance, and he would not go down for anything. He told me he was breaking even cuz he was selling the amp for so low. That made me kinda upset, cuz that is REALLY high for shipping.
OH, as for the fuse. Never put a smaller or larger fuse in something. If it says to use a 80 amp fuse, use an 80 amp fuse. That's important. I doesn't necissarily mean it will be drawing 80 amps all the time or anything. Just to let you know!
im hooking it up to my polk momo 12 inch. its 400 rms to leave room if the amp is underrated. its hooked up to my alpine mrd m301 that puts out 160 now so im hoping the sub would sound a hell of alot better with the new xtant. shipping was 14. yeah i wanted a jl 300/4 and they wanted 50 for shipping F THAT.
I think that Momo will sound ALOT better with the Xtant. Not only are you going to be giving it like twice the power, I think that Xtant amps have better SQ than Alpine amps. BTW, the A6001T is underated a bit. Good luck with your system man, I hope it turns out good! I hope mine does too! LOL. My amp is coming from UPS tomorrow, can't wait! LOL.
Guys $35 for shipping is still a fair deal. If you think about it, an amp could weigh as much as 20lbs. UPS or USPS charge extra for weight and size and location. The only part that doesn't make sense is the insurance. USPS and other deliver service give you X amount of free insurace. Then whatever the amount that goes over, they charge $1 per say $100. So it's not much. The scamming comes when a seller ships a product that is 1lb or less and in credit card sized box wants $25 for shipping. I've seen it many times. Sometimes they charge more for shipping than the actual product. Those crooks try every trick in the book to rip off naive eBayers. If you do a search on "Apple Newton", you still might even see the seller. He had 8 or 16mb flash card for around $30-$40. Under the shipping, he charges $25. The item will cost no more than $3 to ship anywhere cause it's so small and light. That to me is scamming. I even emailed the guy to double check, and he insists it's a fair deal. What a crook.
Thanks Sub, I have not personally heard an Xtant amp before. But I have heard from people on this site and other places that they are really good for SQ. So I can't wait to see what it sounds like!
Btw, I have a Pioneer DEH-P3600 HU. I know that this is kinda of a sucky HU, but its all I have. I was wondering if my HU will make my Xtant amp sound bad? Since Xtant has such good SQ and my HU might have bad SQ. My HU has so many different frickin settings I don't even know what half of them mean! And it doesn't help that the manual for this thing absolutely blows, it's rediculous. I need to figure out what to set them all at to get the best SQ. If anyone knows let me know.
Bass, Conneticut to Illinois via UPS ground should be 2 days. 3 days max.