Stiffening Cap vs. BatCap


New member
Username: C0dewarr10r

Post Number: 1
Registered: May-05
I am gathering all of my sub components for my '97 Ford Mustang. My question is whether to buy a stiffening Cap or a BatCap ( to power the amp?

Thanks in advance for your advise.

Gold Member
Username: Fishy

Tamarac Ft.Laud, FL USA

Post Number: 1380
Registered: Sep-04
Umm... I'd upgrade my alternator before I'd spend money on a cap.

And with regards to batcaps, I don't have any personal experience with the things, but I have heard that although they can sometimes be a simple solution they really don't have enough reserve capacity/cca to make a good battery and too high of an internal resistance(ESR) to serve well as a cap.

Not positive this is actually the case(hearsay) and I'm sure there are some batcap owners here that will disagree.


Gold Member
Username: Carguy

Post Number: 3096
Registered: Nov-04
Do what Fishy said, upgrade your alternator. It is quite easy changing alternator on older Mustangs. Plenty of room under the hood for your hands.

Gold Member
Username: Suleman36

Post Number: 1375
Registered: Feb-05
If you are running more then like 800 watts rms then i whould upgrade to a bigger alternator and then keep the batcap.

I personally have the model 800. Dont use the batcap's with capacitors or isolators. You dont need them.

If you dont use a batcap then go with a yellowtop optima and a isolator with the upgraded HO alternator.

Gold Member
Username: Suleman36

Post Number: 1376
Registered: Feb-05
then you can use the capacitors with the yellowtop and isolator
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