Silver Member Username: Alias747Post Number: 139 Registered: Apr-05 | I just bought a Xtant A6001T Titanium edition on ebay for $200. Is that a pretty good price for it? It was brand new still in box and comes with a 4 year warranty. This amp should have very good SQ from what I hear, and it puts out 600W RMS at 2 ohms. I was wondering if this amp is under rated? Cuz I have 3 10" subs that are 250 rms a piece, so I think I may be under running them a bit. FINALLY GOT AN AMP! YAAAAY! ![]() |
Gold Member Username: FishyTamarac Ft.Laud, FL USA Post Number: 1382 Registered: Sep-04 | ummmm..... unless those 10's are 6 ohm subs(highly unlikey) they won't match well with that amp. Need specs or a model number for those subs to help you out. Oh, good amp, good price btw. -Fishy |
Silver Member Username: Langless28Post Number: 209 Registered: Dec-04 | issac w. what dude did u get you xtant from? |
Silver Member Username: Alias747Post Number: 140 Registered: Apr-05 | Fishy, why won't it match with my subs? They are Xtant dual 4-ohm subs, older A1044 subs. I know they are not the best, but that's all I have right now. Let me know thanks man. |
Silver Member Username: Alias747Post Number: 141 Registered: Apr-05 | Fishy, or anyone? |
Gold Member Username: FishyTamarac Ft.Laud, FL USA Post Number: 1393 Registered: Sep-04 | Well thats not too bad. You'd wire the vice coils in series for three 8 ohm subs then wire these in parallel for an 8/3 ohm mono load. That Xtant would then provide about 150 watts to each of those subs(450w total). I was given a pair of those guys(one 1244 and one 1240). They should sound great and get plenty loud, especially if you have enough room to go with a ported enclosure(6-9 ft^3). Here's the specs and box recommendations: -Fishy |
Silver Member Username: Alias747Post Number: 143 Registered: Apr-05 | I'm actually going to be putting them in a triple sealed box. Each sub will have it's own .63 cubic feet of airspace. Do you think that they will sound pretty good? So the A6001T will only put out 450w RMS @ 2.67 ohms? Thanks again Fishy ![]() |
Gold Member Username: FishyTamarac Ft.Laud, FL USA Post Number: 1395 Registered: Sep-04 | Oh I'm sorry I was thinking 12's. It'll be ok with that much airpsace, but you'd get more low end going .8-1.0 ft^3. Is that .63 ft^3 after sub displacement? Here are the specs/box recommendations for the those 10's, hehe. If you already have the box go ahead and drop them in. You can always go bigger or ported later. And yes that amp produces 300 watts @ 4 0hms, 450 watts @ 2.67, and 600 @ 2. If its is anything like the X series it should be underated so you may actually get a bit more than 450. Regardless, you're set if you ever want to upgrade to a pair of 4 ohm, dual 2 ohm or dual 8 ohms subs, even though those three 10's with 450 watts might be just as loud as two "better" 10's @ 600 watts in the same type of enclosure. -Fishy |
Silver Member Username: Alias747Post Number: 144 Registered: Apr-05 | Yeah I wish I could get a bigger box for them, but there are 2 things stopping me. One, I don't have a lot of money. Two, My trunk only is so wide. I have only like 36-38 inches to work with. This is the box I am looking at getting: /SFV/30046 Ooopps... I guess it has .65ft³ per chamber, not a big difference though. But thats not factoring the volume of the sub like you brought out. Do you know where I could get a CHEAP box kinda like this, but bigger, like you suggested? Thanks Fishy!! ![]() |
Gold Member Username: FishyTamarac Ft.Laud, FL USA Post Number: 1397 Registered: Sep-04 | I've always built my own boxes, but I guess you aren't big on carpentry. ![]() If these subs are going in a trunk you really ought to go ported. Trunk mounted subs need all the help output-wise they can get. Would this fit? %26 Because if it would, 1.33 ft^3 is enough to port. If you know someone with a jigsaw and you could get hold of some 3" i.d. pvc and drop a 12" length in each chamber from the top. This would tune the box to around 33 Hz which is real close to the 1.25 ft^3 alignment Xtant recommends. I'd think you'd be much happier with the results this way, but since you're only running 150w to each sub those Xtants might do ok in that enclosure sealed. Lemme plug a few numbers into WinISD to see if they'll work well in that much volume. If things look ok then you can always try em sealed and if you aren't happy with the output go ported later. If need be you could even velcro some 2x4's or something inside to reduce the volume. brb -Fishy |
Silver Member Username: Alias747Post Number: 145 Registered: Apr-05 | Yeah, your right I am not big on carpentry! LOL. Do you build a lot of boxes? Would you consider building me one? Just thought I'd ask LOL. |
Gold Member Username: FishyTamarac Ft.Laud, FL USA Post Number: 1398 Registered: Sep-04 | I would except I'm heading to Colorado in a couple days and won't be back for at least a month. I'll be out in the boonies and won't even have access to the internet w/o paying long distance fees. Sean might build you one, but I'm not sure what it would cost. If you're not comfortable with putting ports in that 1.33 ft^3 box or if its too big to fit just get the one you were originally looking at. I ran things through winISD and although you'd get significantly less output with that smaller box it looks to play pretty flat when you account for cabin gain. Those subs may be better for sealed apps. The ported design looks pretty peaky and really didn't have that much more output than the 1.33 ft^3 box sealed. Although the 1.33 ft^3 sealed enclosure spanked the smaller one in output I'm a bit worried that things might get sloppy with that much airspace. Just get the smaller enclosure. Its cheap. Heck, shipping is more than the box, lol. You can always add polyfill if your not getting enough low end extension. When you get some more money maybe look at getting a good pair of 10's or maybe one really good 12 and then spend some money on a custom ported box for em. You'll then be able to take full advantage of your amp's power potential if you choose subs with the right impedance. When you do get your box make sure you find some way to couple the airspace in your trunk to the cabin. In other words you need to provide a decent size opening(s) in your rear deck or if you have one of those fold down armrests that opens for putting skis or other long objects in your trunk you could open that. Folding the rear seats down is another option although I think its a bit tacky. If you have a pair of speakers in the rear deck you could take them out as well. If you've got a good set of amplified front components you don't really need those rear ones anyways. They just screw up your front stage. Well anyways if I ain't around there's plenty of other peeps here who could provide help if you need it. good luck ![]() -Fishy |
Silver Member Username: Langless28Post Number: 212 Registered: Dec-04 | what person did you get you xtant from off ebay |
Silver Member Username: Alias747MN Post Number: 146 Registered: Apr-05 | Thanks for all your help Fishy, I really appreciate it. Bass, I got it from a guy with a screen name of customacoustics. He is authorized Xtant dealer in Iowa. I don't think he has anymore of those amps though. What were you looking for? |
Silver Member Username: Alias747MN Post Number: 147 Registered: Apr-05 | BTW, where can I get polyfill and how much should I put in each chamber? This will make it act like a bigger box, right? By low end extension you mean lower frequencies? |
Silver Member Username: TdbdrummerPost Number: 364 Registered: Feb-05 | Hahahaha, polyfill, I'll tell you what works JUST AS WELL. Go to your local dollar store and pick up a foam matress pad. Cut it to fit insides, and pack the subs in. I did it and it gives plenty of dampening. Trust me. |
Silver Member Username: Alias747MN Post Number: 148 Registered: Apr-05 | What does putting dampening material of any kind in my box do for me? |