Rainbow Comps??


Bronze Member
Username: Masse1369

Post Number: 32
Registered: Apr-05
how much you compare the prof-vanadium line with say morel elate, dynaudio 240 and cdt es-07 lines? Has anyone actually listened to these speakers?

Gold Member
Username: Jonathan_f


Post Number: 3984
Registered: May-04
I'd put them right up there. Fantastic components, one of the best sets you'll get. Haven't heard the es-07 yet, but I'd def put them on par with the Dyn 240 and Morel Elates.

New member
Username: Mark788

Post Number: 3
Registered: Oct-04
I heard the prof-vanadium line when I was in Chicago and stopped by Haute Auto downtown. They sound great! The also had the opportunity to listen to the Platinum Line CS 275.28... Great looking and sounded perfect... Too bad both are out of my price range!!!


Gold Member
Username: Jonathan_f


Post Number: 4105
Registered: May-04
If you want a less expensive alternative to Rainbow, look at SEAS Lotus drivers. SEAS is who makes Rainbows drivers, and they are VERY good speakers. Go to http://www.mobilesq.com to check them out, or http://www.seaslotus.com/


Bronze Member
Username: Justintoxicated

Post Number: 77
Registered: Jan-05
Jonathan how much difference is there betweenthe refrence and performance series? WOuld the Performance series still blow away most components? Just curious since they are about the same price for a set as the CDT's
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