Hey, does anyone have any experience with the new PG Xenon series amps? I have a Xenon X200.4 with the rear channels running a ID Max 12 at 8ohms and the sub sounds very muted or underpowered. The amp is supposed to deliver max power regardless of the load being driven, just like the JL slash series, so it shouldn't matter that the sub is at 8ohms rather than 2ohms, but I don't know what else could be wrong. It doesn't sound like the sub is damaged at all and all the wiring is correct, so what else is there? Could it be that the amp isn't giving the sub full power at 8ohms even though it should? Any ideas would be appreciated and will help me troubleshoot this weekend. Thanks.
Are you sure it gives the same power from 1 - 8 ohms? I highly doubt it really gives what you think at 8. I'm thinking it should give the same power in the 1 - 4 ohms range.