I know everyone probably has their own dedicated company they buy their subs from. It may be Kicker, Orion, Memphis, JL Audio etc. Mine is Audiobahn. I'm dedicated to Audiobahn for 2 reasons. 1) Audiobahn isn't as expensive as some of the other popular brands. 2) Audiobahn is always coming out with a line of products. It's hard to keep up to date with Audiobahn products. 3) They have good quality hardware. I like my Audiobahn subs. So, what's everyone elses dedicated brand? And why is it your dedicated brand.
first: audiobahn is ineffecient flashy crap second: its crap third: JL, kicker, orion, cerwin-vega, adire audio, MMats, ED, ID, diamond all make much better equipment fourth: audiobahn updated items are the old ones with new finish/flame design fifth: audiobahn is expensive considering its all crap sixth: they do not have good quality hardware, its all ONLY for show
my brand is JL... they kick all azz with a 13w7 and 1000/1
You like JL I would love to have a 13W7 with an Xtant 1001 rather than a JL1000/1
Posted on
hey bacon butt you didnt say why you like JL audio
i dont have a favorit brand i just look for what ever speakers suit me best like if it has the right freq. response and the right type of material stuff like that i havent ever realy looked at audiobahn so i dont know any thing about them but i like this thread
ok i like JL because they have superior sound quality subs and amps, made to near perfection, without going all out on Zapco or Mcintosh or stuff like that
JL just makes all around awesome stuff, hell theyre low end subs like 12w0 even are awesome