what does anybody know about the Audiobahn AWT12X? A car audio place gave me that as his choice for best sub for my amp (Digital Audio DAD9004 - 900w @ 1ohm). I was just curious to know if anybody has owned one or whatever... sorry to interupt your thread - just wondering.
Audiobahns higher end subs, in my opinion, are nice crisp clean sounding subs when you hook them up right. They look good, and are expensive, a little more expensive than they should be, but i like em. If you want a nice sub from audiobahn, go with the AW1208T or the AW1206T and the Eternals arent that bad either, and they sound good in a small sealed box, and if you like the inverted look, you get to see the nice flame basket of the Eternals or immortals. Immortals need a big flippin ported box and wouldnt recommend them unless you feel like buying a custom box, new alt, big amp, big wire, maybe a cap, and have lots a trunk space.
There good for sq... yes sq. I know thats something audiobahn doesn't usually have, but there you go. They also have funny voice coils. wich could be good, or bad depending on the amp. They are 6 ohm dvc.