Hey Aaron, sorry about the delay. I'm currently in the middle of a dispute with the seller of the CDT's I purchased. The guy still hasn't sent me the speakers after almost four weeks and I filed a claim with Paypal. Thankfully I used Paypal and didn't send a money order, so I should be able to get my money refunded. Anyway, I don't really know how long this might take, my guess is maybe a couple weeks and then I'll obviously have to order new components. I definitely want to sell the Perfects, but I have to be honest that it may take another three to four weeks before I could ship them. If you can hold off that long, then let me know and I'll keep you posted on what's happening with my situation. If you can't wait that long then I certainly understand and apologize for not being able to sell them sooner. Just let me know buddy.
Hey Justin, I would wait for them but I think I am too anxious for some quality sound to wait more than another week or so. It sucks that you had a problem like that, there are too many idiots out there online, sometimes it makes the whole online experiance lousy. I wish you luck on ordering your new components and selling your infinities when you get the new ones in. Peace,
Hey Aaron, thanks for the message. Yeah, I hate the fact that you have to worry about making purchases online and whether or not someone will be honest and have integrity. It really sucks, but I've had good experiences too, so I won't let this get me down. If some miracle happens here within the next couple days or so I'll let you know, but otherwise I wish you luck on finding a set of components elsewhere. Take care bro.
Hey Justin , thanks man, I appreciate it. Hey by the way do you have any experiance with A/D/S speakers? If so , would you mind replying to my other thread titled "Hey jonathan one more comp question"? I would appreciate anyone's opinion on this. It sounds like I will be going with the perfects but hearing you talk about how bright they are, I just want the best possible sound with the money i have to work with and these A/D/S 236is's are even cheaper then the infinities now.I heard they used to retail for about $400??. I listen to mostly hard rock but i do like alot of other music too and finding that "all in one speaker" is tough . Anyways, before I talk your ear off, thanks man.
Aaron, I personally have never listened to A/D/S components myself and had questions of my own about the 346 set. Jonathan's brief description of their overall sound is posted on my other thread. I also had someone else comment about the 346's before saying they were very nice and had a very smooth, natural sound. For my personal music tastes, the Perfects are just too bright and clinical sounding. In my opinion, they have great detail and can definitely play loud, but the tweeter is a posterchild for how a metal dome can sound overly bright and harsh and cause listening fatigue. They don't have the more laid back sound that I want that really engages the listener. The Perfects are a bit more "in your face." The fact that I have the tweets mounted in the factory location (sail panel) doesn't really help matters either since the tweeter plays at ear level. Overall, the Perfects are good components, they just aren't for me. If you have the option to listen to them, I urge you to do so. I am sure the A/D/S's would be a great set of speakers as well and I'm sure you wouldn't be disappointed with them. Jonathan will be a lot more help with your questions, but I hope I was able to help a little. Good luck shopping.