Ti box! its under construction


Gold Member
Username: Subfanatic

Walton, Ky

Post Number: 3273
Registered: Dec-04
Ok guys, first off I finally got everythign cut PERFECT, i did it while iw as sober to make sure lol. Wow i love my Ti just that much!, but well here are the boxes dimensions, on the outside.

33 Wide 18 tall and 14.5 deep. So first off, how many cubic feet is that lol. And its for the Ti, i dont know whats its displacement is though lol.
And now i want to tune it using 2 Ports, or 4 ports, one of the 2 choices, and iw ant to tune it to 45-48 hrtz, and i only have 2 inch pvc pipe to work with, its like 2 inches in diameter including the actual material. not the just hole inside. WEll guys, i can either do that, or slot port it, its up to you, but i would most def prefer using pvc pipe. and if i do, would it affect it if i stuck the pvc pipe like sticking out the top of the box, like how semis have the tall mufflers if u know what i mean, if it stuck out 4 or 5 inches would that be alright or affect it?

Gold Member
Username: Insearchofbass

Post Number: 1687
Registered: Jun-04
3.91 cf before displacements(if those dementions you gave are external) minus about .30 for sub and port displacement assuming the internal port diameter is 1.75 inches internal diameter youll need 6 ports 4.75 inches long which will tune you to 42 hz and should peak out at about 48 hz right where you said your resonant frequency is this should help you gain up to 5 db from your previous box you had the subwoofer in on your seat (i think you said your seat) but if this is going in your trunk instead of the seat youll probably loose some spl....so a potential to go from 146. something you hit to 151 something if its in the same location as before.....youll be good port wise for 1200 watts if you choose to use it as far as port whistle goes

Silver Member
Username: Southernrebel

Monroe, Louisiana USA

Post Number: 713
Registered: Mar-04
subfan sober...OMG!

Gold Member
Username: Fishy

Tamarac Ft.Laud, FL USA

Post Number: 1136
Registered: Sep-04
2" pvc is 2" i.d. I believe.

Get some 4" or slot port it. 6 ports is gonna be a big PITA.

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