I want to install a used Clarion RAX341D cassette player into my boat as a replacement for a unit that has 'bit the salt'. Problem: I only have, and plan to use, two speakers in my boat. The Clarion has wires for four speakers. Is there a preferred method of only using and wiring for two channels vs. four channels? Do I only connect wires to the two speakers (either the 'fronts' or the 'rears) and ignore the other set of wires or would I combine the two positive front and rear right positives, then negatives, and same for the front and rear lefts, connecting these combined four sets of wires to the four wires existing from the two speakers?
Me personoly in your situation would only wire the 2 speaker as either the fron 2 or the rear 2 and buy 2 wire nuts to cap of the ends or the other 2 sets of wires
Yeah, in many installation manuals the manufacturer suggests you only wire the front two speakers and cap off the rears when you only have two speakers.