I have two rockford fosgate punch three tens. I have a .65 cu.in. box for them. My question, though they sound great, and have decent spl, would putting them in a ported box make it just plain drill? Granted, I don't listen to rap. But I do listen to a lot of music that'd sound nice with a little thicker bass. Any suggestions? One more, what does running the subs in a series do? I have a power acoustic 960 amp, running the subs which rms at 400, and peak at 800... If I ran them in a series, would they both get 960 watts? (i'd lower the level of course, or what would happen? I don't get the electronics of that) sorry so many questions in one post... Hope to see some answers by ppl know what they're doin, I don't know sh*t really. peace
Well, I have 2 RF HX2's, and they would slam so much harder in a ported box... If I were you I would go ported. That should make them pound. Series usually isn't a good wireing option. What is the spec's of the amp, and you're sub's? Like the voice coil configuration, and what you're amp put's out at what ohm?
putting them in a ported box would affect how loud they get but may sacrifice sound quality. given that they were in a box built to there recommended size for ported.
wiring in series is not recomended due to slight differences even in the same sub brand and model. It could be the same sub but will perform differently due to those differences.
and no they wouldnt get 960 they would each get 200 at 4 ohms. I think the best way would to wire them in parallel for highest performance. but your amp may not be stable at lower impendances.