My system from my car dosent seem like it hits like it used to. I was watching the idle when the sub hits my idle would keep going down and fnally the idle went all the way down and the car turn off and it didnt wanna turn on any more i had to turn off the stereo and wait like two minutes and the car turn back on WTF? I dont think is the alternator because my alterator had went out before and it said it on the dash. but this time it dosent. Could it be tthe battery. im only running 350 watts rms 90 amp alt Can someone please help me
well your alternator prob isn't providing a suffecient amount of power, could be going bad. therefore your battery was drained by all your accessories and they started using the alternator power, not letting it recharge your battery, which didn't let your car start right up. not sure if my discription is totally correct, i'm not an expert on charging systems.