i wanted to upgrade my oldsmobile alero's speakers, but i noticed they are 8ohm. I already bought new infinity ref. 4ohm speakers for it. will these work? if so will the sound be as good? what should i do, maybe i could wire them a certain way.
hey glasswolf i was wondering if i could make my 4ohm infinity reference speakers work at all in my alero, all the stereo stuff is 8ohm including the built-in amp. i noticed above you mentioned a LOC and amplifier. this means i need to replace the amp, what is a LOC. what is the price on them?? thank you
LOC is a line out converter. What it does is takes the radio signals from speakers )generally the rear speakers) and converts them to RCA outs. This makes it possible to hook up and amplifier. I would get an deck before I got anything else, like the Atlas subs.
What you need is home stereo speakers. They're all 8ohms. You could also double up on the speakers. For example, car speakers are 4ohms, so get 2 and wire them in series. Any manufacturer that tries to pull something like that, using 8ohms in car without warning should be taken to the back and shot with paintball gun.
home stereo speakers. im not familiar with the sizes. are you sayin hook up 4x6 home stereo speakers to my car and this would work. is there such thing as 4x6 for home speakers? if i did get them would there be any converters or anything else i would need to hook them up? what brands are recommended?
I don't think you'll find any 4x6" size for home. They're terrible with power and SQ. You should replace them with 6.5". All it takes is some time and manual labour cutting out the hole. All if not most, home stereo speakers are 8 ohms.