I have a 2 channel Amp hooked up to my Pioneer Head unit that has 1 preouts for left and right , Im wondering is there any way I can hook up another 4 channel amp ? I have No Idea how to do this anyone knows any links or can offer advice if this is possible?
You can do it one of two ways. The first, and most preferable, is if your 2 channel amp, or your 4 channel has RCA audio outputs as well as RCA audio inputs, you can run the set of RCA's from the back of your deck to your amp that has both inputs and outputs. From there you can run a short jumper set of RCA's from that amp the other amp.
The other way to do it, it will work but not well, is to run the set of RCA's from your deck to you amps. Now go to a stereo shop, ciriut city, best buy, etc. and buy 2 RCA splitters that have two female inputs and four male outputs. Connect the first splitter to the RCA's from your deck and connect the second spitter to 2 of the first splitter's outputs. From there you can figure it out
However, there is one thing you might have to be in order to make sure that the install is safe. If you are running two decent amps I would recommend running at least a 4GA power wire to a three way distribution block. From there run two separate 8GA wires to each amp. as long as the total number of watts of the two amps do not exceed 1200 watts.
Yeah, 1500watts is the limit, but why push it to the limit. I like to play it conservative, especially considering the amount car audio equipment costs. Playing it safe is the best way to go.